let's turn College Gameday Scarlet

Got my sign ready (not really going)
I want nothing to do with ESPiN in Times Square, sorry guys, it's going be packed with tourists and posers and it's nowhere near a college stadium. No thanks!
Agree. They need to be here on campus for the anniversary of the 1st game.
lol, NYC and Rutgers have little in common. ESPN is being ridiculed because the bottom line is NYC does not care all that much for college football
Our fanbase has to stand up when given the opportunity. To me this is a good opportunity. The narrative can be no Rutgers fans in NYC or it can be crap, did you see all those rutgers fans in NYC. Not saying anyone of you are obligated but it sure would be nice to have Rutgers be the dominant fanbase on college Gameday.
It'd be funny to have a few hundred Rutgers fans in red standing with arms crossed and stone-faced. You would mock their usual production and show our fandom in the city all at once.
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Our fanbase has to stand up when given the opportunity. To me this is a good opportunity. The narrative can be no Rutgers fans in NYC or it can be crap, did you see all those rutgers fans in NYC. Not saying anyone of you are obligated but it sure would be nice to have Rutgers be the dominant fanbase on college Gameday.
Well we wiffed when the BTN did their version of College Gameday, against Penn State for our first Big Ten game, at home. Not thinking more than a handful show up
This is a great opportunity to get a Rutgers presence on college gameday. Anyone up for organizing an effort? @AreYouNUTS maybe? Sorry for the volunteer request but don't know anyone better.

We have a bunch of whiny ass fans who don't even want to go to the city to see our team play and you think you're going to get a group together to go the Gameday in Times Square? Sorry, too inconvenient and scary for this fan base. Nice thought though.
lol, NYC and Rutgers have little in common. ESPN is being ridiculed because the bottom line is NYC does not care all that much for college football

Then you know very little about NYC. This is the one place where virtually every Power 5 School has representation here due to its job market. All you have to do is go to the bars, on a Saturday, and you'll see alumni watching college football. From the Big Ten, which has the most representation to the ACC to the Big XII to even the Pac12, nearly everyone is represented.
Our fanbase has to stand up when given the opportunity. To me this is a good opportunity. The narrative can be no Rutgers fans in NYC or it can be crap, did you see all those rutgers fans in NYC. Not saying anyone of you are obligated but it sure would be nice to have Rutgers be the dominant fanbase on college Gameday.

You are absolutely right. Every opportunity we have to make a statement, we need to take it.
lol, NYC and Rutgers have little in common. ESPN is being ridiculed because the bottom line is NYC does not care all that much for college football
In Manhattan they do...most come from somewhere else and many many from Jersey...on any fall Saturday afternoon loads of FB on in any bar....I lived there for 21 years and grew up 15 minutes away in Essex County ,NJ..don't buy that myth..
It'd be funny to have a few hundred Rutgers fans in red standing with arms crossed and stone-faced. You would mock their usual production and show our fandom in the city all at once.
Hmmm... perhaps one of those Improv Everywhere stunts like Best Buy would be really funny to watch..

In this one these guys organize a group of people wearing Best Buy employee colors to slowly invade a Best Buy and fill the store. It is pretty funny to imagine the Times Square College Gameday crowd becoming more and more and more and more red as the show went on. Maybe one Rutgers flag becomes 2. then 3.. then the whole background is filled with Rutgers flags.

Well we wiffed when the BTN did their version of College Gameday, against Penn State for our first Big Ten game, at home. Not thinking more than a handful show up

Dude. I was there, and it was great! I waited in the rain with my boys and we got in TV, but it was packed. Not sure what you are talking about!
In Manhattan they do...most come from somewhere else and many many from Jersey...on any fall Saturday afternoon loads of FB on in any bar....I lived there for 21 years and grew up 15 minutes away in Essex County ,NJ..don't buy that myth..

yes simply because there are tons more people in NYC than a city you might find in the south...percentage wise no. NYC is made up of fragmented college football fan markets and people really do not care about a Rutgers team with a losing record. College football does not take over NYC like some parts of the country yes or no