Looks like Chris Clarke has no interest in RU

Banning feels so good!

Was Andre Boggs a good recruit?

Was Ruhann Peele a good recruit?

How 'bout Nadir Barnwell. He was a 4 star athlete - was HE a good recruit?

You should spend less time correcting grammar and instead spend less time being stupid.
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Banning feels so good!
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Winters in Syracuse vs winters in LA. And then there is the California girls vs Syracuse girls. Have fun in that barren wasteland


Meh. UCLA one has bad posture (possibly scoliosis?) and looks too tan at at risk for melanoma. Beauty is skin deep and in the eye of the beholder.
Meh. UCLA one has bad posture (possibly scoliosis?) and looks too tan at at risk for melanoma. Beauty is skin deep and in the eye of the beholder.

I could insert a rod that would, at first, arch that back but ultimately straighten it right out.
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Meh. UCLA one has bad posture (possibly scoliosis?) and looks too tan at at risk for melanoma. Beauty is skin deep and in the eye of the beholder.

...or the beerholder and, if choosing any of those frumpy young ladies, from 'Cuse, I would imagine ANY human had way too many!