Maryland Writer says RU cancelled Yankee Stadium to save Money.


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Dec 28, 2015
also states Barchi not supporting RU athletics,says RU cancelled game because RU needs the money badly.'pinching pennies",'struggling in bank account"
Rutgers football on Friday announced it's relocating the upcoming football game against Maryland, scheduled for Yankee Stadium, to High Point Solutions Stadium in Piscataway, N.J. What was to be a showcase event featuring a wrestling-football doubleheader sold as "The Big Ten Battle in the Bronx," will now be played on campus at Rutgers.

But why? The Yankees are one win away from reaching the World Series, but even if they do advance, they'll be done playing games at the Stadium by Oct. 29. According to, it would take a full week to prepare the field for football and the Yankees' staff might not have been available to help Rutgers prepare.

"We were looking forward to staging this historic event at Yankee Stadium," Rutgers athletics director Pat Hobbs said in a press release. "With two weeks until the date, it was important for us to finalize details that help ensure our fans and our student-athletes have a one-of-a-kind experience."

But the more important answer might be the same thing that often prompts these decisions: money.


Rutgers is struggling on the field and in the bank account. (Photo: Jesse Johnson, USA TODAY Sports)

By moving the game from Yankee Stadium, Rutgers gets its full $750,000 rental fee back from the Yankees, per That might sound like a relatively small amount for a Big Ten football program, but it's big money when you consider the state of the Scarlet Knights athletic program. It had to borrow $6.1 million from the university to help ease a $39 million shortfall -- in part because of money owed to fired football coach Kyle Flood, fired basketball coach Eddie Jordan and fired A.D. Julie Hermann -- in 2016, and the school's president is gradually withdrawing all university subsidies for athletics.

Rutgers president Robert Barchi recently announced a "financial roadmap" to ensure its sports teams will be financially independent by 2020-2021, the year Rutgers and Maryland finally receive full $40-50 million shares of Big Ten revenue. By then, Rutgers is expected to owe more than $24 million on loans, and Barchi appears steadfast in removing support of athletics. The Scarlet Knights, like Maryland, are also struggling to fill the stands on Saturdays. But unlike the Terps, they don't have a brand new football facility or top-25 recruiting classes to hint at future success.

So not only is Rutgers continuing to struggle in the main revenue sports -- see: a 5-23 record in Big Ten football games and no NCAA Tournaments since 1991 -- but its administration also appears to be kneecapping its sports teams. And you thought Maryland fans were long-suffering.

Sure, the TV money from that New York market's great for the Big Ten, but do you think Jim Delany winces every time he sees that red "R" on the conference roster? Which brings us back to the decision to move that game from Yankee Stadium, which has angered fans of both teams who've already made arrangements for New York City that weekend. It might be more about pinching pennies than any logistical problems.
"but do you think Jim Delany winces every time he sees that red "R" on the conference roster"

What a joke of an article. We've been excelling in wrestling, lacrosse, women's soccer, field hockey, with men and women's basketball about to break out, followed by football a year or two later. We bring strong academics, the New York market and lots of $$$$ to the B1G. Sure, Jim Delany is "wincing."

-Scarlet Jerry
I am sick and tired of nearly every school and random non-affiliated fans continually insinuating Rutgers should be kicked out or is an embarrassment.

We been in the league 3 years.
Our first season we finished middle of road in the conference.
Last year was probably our worst across all sports but look at Northwestern , Purdue , etc for years and years have been winless and awful.
LOL I’ve never understood people who peruse other team sites. Never.
its being put out there on 24/7 and on social media and shared on other B10 sites. Hard to think that other schools fans share the articles,or twitter feeds,isnt it? :eyes:
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This is why I don't like other teams. Just too many haters out there to feel good about other teams. I can't understand why some of you guys have this love for all the schools.:boxing::uzi::chairshot:[poop]
I didn't have a huge problem with the article, except that $750k is a lot of money, not just for Rutgers but for many athletics programs. And when you throw in the fact that we were giving away home-field advantage by having it at Yankee Stadium, moving it back to RU was a win-win. Attendance will be up and the fanbase is thrilled by the move back to campus.

As far as the knocks on Barchi, I agree with the writer. As far as the speculation about Delany, my guess is that if he does wince when he sees the block R, he does so due to his realization that financially handicapping us to such an extent was a mistake.
I didn't have a huge problem with the article, except that $750k is a lot of money, not just for Rutgers but for many athletics programs. And when you throw in the fact that we were giving away home-field advantage by having it at Yankee Stadium, moving it back to RU was a win-win. Attendance will be up and the fanbase is thrilled by the move back to campus.

As far as the knocks on Barchi, I agree with the writer. As far as the speculation about Delany, my guess is that if he does wince when he sees the block R, he does so due to his realization that financially handicapping us to such an extent was a mistake.

Everyone should have a problem with an "article" based on rampant speculation, as opposed to actual facts. The speculation doesn't even make sense - like the NYY just let us renege on a signed contract because we needed the $$ back?

The funniest part is how it's "angered fans of both teams" RU fans hold the biggest celebration since Louisville '06.

What a bad blog post that guy wrote. Let's destroy MD special for him.
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We're smart for righting an original wrong. Let the excuse be what it is. Bottom line we're doing what's financially responsible and taking back the home field advantage we need. Let the talkers talk and haters hate. Just win baby...
"but do you think Jim Delany winces every time he sees that red "R" on the conference roster"

What a joke of an article. We've been excelling in wrestling, lacrosse, women's soccer, field hockey, with men and women's basketball about to break out, followed by football a year or two later. We bring strong academics, the New York market and lots of $$$$ to the B1G. Sure, Jim Delany is "wincing."

-Scarlet Jerry
That craptastic article aside, I'm sure money was part of it. Not only saving the $0.75M and the additional costs to transport the team/equipment/etc for a de facto road game, but also adding approx. $0.25M in programs/novelty/concessions, plus whatever they'd make in ticket sales beyond the season ticket revenue they already pulled in. So, the decision brings in north of $1M while also regaining an actual home field advantage and very likely boosting overall attendance (and good will among the fanbase).

And they got all the marketing optics all year of tying the name "Rutgers" with "Yankee Stadium/NYC" without having to actual play the game there.

It's all win.
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That craptastic article aside, I'm sure money was part of it. Not only saving the $0.75M and the additional costs to transport the team/equipment/etc for a de facto road game, but also adding approx. $0.25M in programs/novelty/concessions, plus whatever they'd make in ticket sales beyond the season ticket revenue they already pulled in. So, the decision brings in north of $1M while also regaining an actual home field advantage and very likely boosting overall attendance (and good will among the fanbase).

And they got all the marketing optics all year of tying the name "Rutgers" with "Yankee Stadium/NYC" without having to actual play the game there.

It's all win.

I already did the math on this in a thread yesterday. Average game day revenue (2016 numbers) is $1.9M. So we get that, minus a few hundred grand in lost game day parking revenue. Add to that the $750k we won't be paying the Yankees and it's about a $2.2M swing.
I wouldn't mind reading a fact based article on this subject someday regarding:

1) What was the REAL reason this game was ever scheduled for Yankee stadium in the first place. Did Delaney really want it? Or was it Julie? The Yankees? Some combination of the above?

2) What was the REAL financial calculus behind the decision? Was Rutgers really going to pay the Yankees for use of the stadium? If so, why? What's the point of speding $750,000 when you already have a stadium available free of charge? How would that financially benefit Rutgers? Or were the Yankees paying Rutgers to come to the stadium in exchange for parking and concession or some other rights to the game?

3) What was the REAL reason the game was changed and brought back to Rutgers Stadium?

Seems to me there's a lot of speculation from sports "writers" and fans alike, but I'm not convinced anyone has yet to get all of the facts straight.
And they got all the marketing optics all year of tying the name "Rutgers" with "Yankee Stadium/NYC" without having to actual play the game there.

It's all win.
Never even thought of that angle.

You’re right, this is all win.
We are now 5th from the bottom of the Big Ten. There are 4 other teams in the Big Ten with only 1 more win than us which means we are close to being fifth in a conference of 14.
If Barchi is doing this, I only hope that once the money train arrives he isn't thinking he can dip into it for other projects not related to athletics.
There is going to be hardly any Maryland fans at this game, why do they care? Their fanbase is more apathetic than ours are. The only atmosphere worse for a college game than Yankee's Stadium is Byrd Stadium.
I already did the math on this in a thread yesterday. Average game day revenue (2016 numbers) is $1.9M. So we get that, minus a few hundred grand in lost game day parking revenue. Add to that the $750k we won't be paying the Yankees and it's about a $2.2M swing.
4Real - didn't see the post and I'm sure you can do math accurately, but none of this has ever passed the sniff test for me. Surely, if the math were that simple, RU would've known that, so why would we ever have inked such a financially disadvantageous agreement? Unless there are elements of the contract we're unaware of that made it potentially more attractive.
4Real - didn't see the post and I'm sure you can do math accurately, but none of this has ever passed the sniff test for me. Surely, if the math were that simple, RU would've known that, so why would we ever have inked such a financially disadvantageous agreement? Unless there are elements of the contract we're unaware of that made it potentially more attractive.

But that's the mystery. It's always been the mystery. "What's in it for us?"

The $750k "rental fee" is fact. Well established. You can listen to Politi wax pathetic about it, if you have time that isn't valuable to you.

Beyond that, we would get a cut of the gate. How much? No idea. But I doubt it would have much exceeded the $750k we were paying the Yankees given that we're down to about 16,000 season tickets (seats) and I highly doubt sales for the YS game outside of that demographic were very brisk. So worst case, the gate to rental ratio is break even, best case we pull in maybe another half a mil. We don't get any of the concession money from the Yankees. We don't get any parking revenue. There's no math that you can contrive, even with your Santa hat on, that brings the total revenue for that game to break-even, which would be $1.9M + $750k = $2.65M. So what was the point, other than "we're playing a game in Yankee Stadium", which nobody really wanted to do..?
4Real - didn't see the post and I'm sure you can do math accurately, but none of this has ever passed the sniff test for me. Surely, if the math were that simple, RU would've known that, so why would we ever have inked such a financially disadvantageous agreement? Unless there are elements of the contract we're unaware of that made it potentially more attractive.
yes,if its that simple of an equation,RU would have NEVER done the deal the first should be easy to research,in 2015 Army pulled a game from Yankee stadium vrs Rutgers,moved it to Michie stadium..the $ from that game pre and post move should be available.
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There is going to be hardly any Maryland fans at this game, why do they care? Their fanbase is more apathetic than ours are. The only atmosphere worse for a college game than Yankee's Stadium is Byrd Stadium.
I went to the game there last year. You would have thought they were the 2-9 team and we were the one fighting for a bowl game. Our attendance is nothing to crow about, but their attendance that day was abysmal. I'm not sure football is as big a draw down there as much as B1GTerp likes to proclaim.