But that's the mystery. It's always been the mystery. "What's in it for us?"
The $750k "rental fee" is fact. Well established. You can listen to Politi wax pathetic about it, if you have time that isn't valuable to you.
Beyond that, we would get a cut of the gate. How much? No idea. But I doubt it would have much exceeded the $750k we were paying the Yankees given that we're down to about 16,000 season tickets (seats) and I highly doubt sales for the YS game outside of that demographic were very brisk. So worst case, the gate to rental ratio is break even, best case we pull in maybe another half a mil. We don't get any of the concession money from the Yankees. We don't get any parking revenue. There's no math that you can contrive, even with your Santa hat on, that brings the total revenue for that game to break-even, which would be $1.9M + $750k = $2.65M. So what was the point, other than "we're playing a game in Yankee Stadium", which nobody really wanted to do..?