Although pushing the ball will play better to Mathis and Harper’s skill set and Mulcahy’s next year, we cannot allow what happened in the last10 minutes of that tight Minnesota game and most of the Purdue game, I. E. Fail to play transition defense and find our men while running back. We got caught with three guys running to the ball handling leaving guys open for wide open threes and layups. That has to be corrected before you can just get out and run. I truly believe in the Minnesota game if we continued to pound it down low, where we were having great success, that we would have won that game, if we did not let Coffey go nuts for 5-6 minutes. Instead, we pushed to fast and the deficit went from 5 to 15 and game was over. Very disappointing . We then followed that up with even worse transition defense against Purdue. This aspect of of our game has to be corrected because it is clear that Harper and Mathis can grab a rebound and go coast to coast.