With the caveat that I never played lacrosse, so I’m just speaking from a naked eye test standpoint, but am I the only one who thinks that our offense did NOT get many good looks last night?
From my “layman’s” point of view, I thought the bigger problem than simply “poor shooting” was that the shots we were taking were just bad looks, lots of shots from distance or bad angles with defenders right on us (so rarely hands free), which were easy for their GK to gobble up. Hence the 23 saves.
Yes, there were a few open looks that our guys should’ve drilled, but for the most part it was the same offense we’ve seen all year, i.e., starting from way up top, setting one pick and then trying to carry and shoot around the pick. But after Aiello’s first goal off of this set, Princeton sent a slide and hedged the screen and mostly took away the run down the middle. And after that play was taken away, it was just a series of iso plays from the top/wing, with our guy trying to dodge and re-dodge to get free, but it rarely worked.
I didn’t see much ball movement to get our guys clean looks. Yes, Princeton is a top five team, so that has to be taken into account. But the offensive style didn’t seem much different than the first six games. All that changed was that Colin was moved to attack, and Kulas was taken out of the starting lineup. But this took Colin basically out of the game - he seemed invisible and took several of those low percentage shots because he was pressing and trying to make things happen.
If we’re not going to change what we do in settled offense, then we need to see more of Richman and Austin-Johnstone, who seem to have more wiggle and sudden quickness than some of the other guys. Need to try something to jump start this offense.
I would be happy to be wrong, and that our struggles yesterday were simply that we were playing the #4 team in the country, and maybe the offense is coming together even if we couldn’t see the results yesterday.