Michigan Game to Be a Stripe-Out

Ummmmmm.......yeah, sure. Would rather have it as a black out.
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Pretty cool idea. I have some suggestions to help make this a success. Someone should find out from the Athletics department which section numbers they want to be red/black. Then if anyone is more tech savvy create a webpage that shows fans their section and color. Send an email to APP and to write an article about this and provide the link to reach maximum fans
Pretty cool idea. I have some suggestions to help make this a success. Someone should find out from the Athletics department which section numbers they want to be red/black. Then if anyone is more tech savvy create a webpage that shows fans their section and color. Send an email to APP and to write an article about this and provide the link to reach maximum fans

Odd sections will wear black, while even sections will wear red...(per the press release)..
Pretty cool idea. I have some suggestions to help make this a success. Someone should find out from the Athletics department which section numbers they want to be red/black. Then if anyone is more tech savvy create a webpage that shows fans their section and color. Send an email to APP and to write an article about this and provide the link to reach maximum fans

You can plug in your seats and it gives you an option for what shirt to buy
Pretty cool idea. I have some suggestions to help make this a success. Someone should find out from the Athletics department which section numbers they want to be red/black. Then if anyone is more tech savvy create a webpage that shows fans their section and color. Send an email to APP and to write an article about this and provide the link to reach maximum fans

Type in section to see what to wear:
I just emailed Geoff Brown about this. His reply was that they spoke to 5 schools that have successfully pulled this off and feel that everyone will know what color to wear. The interactive website posted above is step #1. I would assume step #2 will be to print it on the ticket. Hopefully step #3 will be to do what PSU did before their game: blast email every ticket purchaser every day to remind them what color to wear (we purchased 80 tickets thru PSU and I almost wore blue because they told me so many times). Step #4 should be to have kiosks selling shirts & sweatshirts outside where you can walk up check to see what color you are supposed to be in and buy a shirt if you screwed up.
I'm mixed on this. Could be cool, but I just have a feeling that like 50% of the people are going to be completely clueless about the whole thing and it's going to look a mess.
This. It took years for Wear Scarlet to catch on, same with blackouts. Now this. And its a just a scam to make money selling shirts
You're gonna need to have shirts waiting on every seat if you want this to work out.
I just emailed Geoff Brown about this. His reply was that they spoke to 5 schools that have successfully pulled this off and feel that everyone will know what color to wear.
This is New Jersey: I would bet we're a completely different beast from the states/environments those schools are in.
I thought the black out looked very cool, however... I saw a lot of people in all black, at night, crossing mid street in the Easton area before and after the game. Its not a great idea to have 25-50k people playing dodge car at night in black, regardless of how sober they are.
This will look bad if even only 20% don't participate. If there are Free T-shirts (get a corporate sponsor on the back--Pepsi,Modells,Prudential,etc.) at each seat,then you run into the problem of people "acquiring" extras for their family,friends,neighbors,co-workers,the milkman,mailman,etc. who didn't even go to the game. If you leave a Free XL shirt on each seat ,you also end up with five year-olds looking like walking flags and some of our "plus-sized" fans looking like sausages. We might have to open the stadium earlier than usual,but maybe try what we used to do with the Spring Games--show your ticket at a Free T-shirt area,get one shirt of the size you need, and then they mark your hand. Yes,52,000 is a lot more than 12,000 but if there are enough stands and the stadium opens early,this would be the way I would do it. Just my two cents.
I'm mixed on this. Could be cool, but I just have a feeling that like 50% of the people are going to be completely clueless about the whole thing and it's going to look a mess.

Yep.. Its a great idea in theory... but this is pretty bold for us to try. I dunno if we're ready. I would just stick to blackouts for now to be safe.

- COLD???? The game is October 8th. Odds are it's a pretty nice evening (barring rain...)

- gotta imagine the student section will be provided t-shirts on the seats? As it's GA ya' gotta think that's the only way to get it done properly there, right?

- that being said IMHO this still might be difficult to pull off properly outside of the student section, just because our "fans" as some have mentioned

- odds are the Michigan contingent is a lot bigger than 2 years ago. Different program right now. The previous couple of weeks could make even more tickets available to Michigan fans. Hopefully that's not the case though!

...I LOVE the concept, I really do, I just don't know if this is the right season to do it.
I understand some skepticism about this, but the people who post here should be the ones spreading the word to everyone they know who goes to games. People here are so negative about everything, its 5 months away and everyone is already coming up with excuses why it won't work. I already sent an email to the 27 people i know in 11 different sections who have season tix but don't actively read or post here and every single one of them thinks its an amazing idea and is on board. You don't have to buy the shirt if you don't want to, everyone i know owns at least one red and one black shirt.
Would have gone black-out to drown out the Navy.

This is gonna be interesting.

- COLD???? The game is October 8th. Odds are it's a pretty nice evening (barring rain...)

- gotta imagine the student section will be provided t-shirts on the seats? As it's GA ya' gotta think that's the only way to get it done properly there, right?

- that being said IMHO this still might be difficult to pull off properly outside of the student section, just because our "fans" as some have mentioned

- odds are the Michigan contingent is a lot bigger than 2 years ago. Different program right now. The previous couple of weeks could make even more tickets available to Michigan fans. Hopefully that's not the case though!

...I LOVE the concept, I really do, I just don't know if this is the right season to do it.

The entire student section is supposed to wear black, so there is no issue there.