Wolverheel-Not here to argue politics-if you want to do that we have an active political board for that. And with the name "Wouverheel" I'm thinking you're from some "country" portion of Michigan or North Carolina (as a Carolina grad thnink "Trolls" in Chapel Hill if there. However I feel if one is from New Jersey (where Trump lives part time and has and has had businesses: 1) including 3 botched casinos (great businessman JimmyBuffett wanted to buy the Marina but his conglomeratec took one just at the physical shape of that property and withdrew their lowball bid-late Buffett licensed Margaritaville at Resorts). in dirty AC (Trump and the casinos promised to "fix" the town-not only failed to do that we now lost much of our casino revenue to PA) 2)Trump "University" (where admittedly stupid people paid Trump as such as $40,000 K for essentially worthless classes and other promises=FRAUD 3) basically failed in real estate-until he licensed his name to others for Trump tower, yada and his success as a TV star (by the way despite trump loved the how but 8+ Apprentice winners sans likely "plant" Omarosa-came out AGAINST TRUMP for President 6 MONTHS AGO. So have many Republicans and papers that have recommended Republicans 100% of the time in the past.4) Lied about donations made-very little evidence he gives or has given to charity. 5) Once was rated the 2nd worst person/company to work for (Steve Wynn was near the top) in a magazine I saw pre-Apprentice I believe. 6) Out today if you watched anything besides football-Trump many not have had to pay taxes for a few years-BACAUSE HE LOST SO MUCH WITH HIS BUSINESSES. 7) Of course.not just being mean but so thin skinned (what a p*ssy).
If you don't like the Clintons don't vote for them. There are two other choices or don't vote. However at least if one s from NJ they should know the above. If not they frankly don't have the genetic material to live. It's not my fault the Republican party is such a mess and that voters turned down better candidates (Carly Fiorina had plenty of business experience, was a CE\O and did quite well-at least here in Basking Ridge NJ AT&T).