Michigan Pokes Fun at RU and Others About "Recruit Stealing" in Halftime Show


Gold Member
May 11, 2016
This was the halftime show for the Hawaii game. I thought it'd get you guys riled up for Michigan week. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yes it is cheesy. Please contain your salt.

Points of interest: 3:20 and 4:45

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Written, produced and acted by Jim Harbaraugh!

Sincerely, if you don't want to count the bowl type laser shows I fell in love with (i.e. Orange Bowls), ths was probably the BEST halftime show I've even seen. Extremely creative and can definitely be used to recruit both players, band members and even students and season ticketholders. Rutgers and else should take notice. Much to like here.

1) Intentional or not kind of sarcastic re Harbaraugh's recruiting tactics.
2) Shows off the talented band-actually 3/4 of the way through before final formations I was going to say "Look RU marching band-you can do this-and they can-with basic creativity-you don't need to use advanced formations".
3) Serves as a recruiting tool for whatever
4 ) Gets the fans worked up
5) Keeps interest in the halftime show
6) Uses social media
7) Mocks current events (ie Carpool Karaoke)
8) Mocks/honors past TV (ie Brady Bunch)
9) Promotes former football talent for recruits and donors/ticketholders
(like R "Knights in the NFL"
10) If I'm not mistaken references the comments'/opinions of others (i.e. stealing recruits from NJ- "~we only have a few football players from NJ".
11)Demonstrates the talent of the Michigan band
12) Honors band members/recruits (Sincerely, if you really landed a band recruit named "Jordan" from North Carolina at a minimum UNC should have received a copy and should have been mocked in the video.
13) Utilizes campus "landmarks"

1) Maybe it was the sound but I think the video could have referenced/mocked the other schools a tad better. Minor complaint. IE New Jersey-could have done a "Jersey Shore" thing and was that a poor attempt at Christie (and for Gods sake was a good chance to mock Trump with such-oh yeah the Midwest if full of yee-has who will vote for a crazy, narcisstic, rude, thin-skinned, uncharitable, fraudster and pretty poor businessman (who stole bondholders money and ruined AC) for President.

2) When Do I take a P*ss with such a performance? Maybe not now with Rutgers but fgive us 3-5 years and I'm not leaving my seat during the game. Barely do such now.

Thanks for sharing. Send the blonde for my seat cushion assuming I'll be there Saturday Knight!

***In my opinion an award winner if used in competition.. Maybe Ash would prefer this type of thing to the horse video.
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(and for Gods sake was a good chance to mock Trump with such-oh yeah the Midwest if full of yee-has who will vote for a crazy, narcisstic, rude, thin-skinned, uncharitable, fraudster and pretty poor businessman (who stole bondholders money and ruined AC) for President.

Good lord dude, give us a warning before you go into a poorly written political rant about guy you don't like because he's mean.


On another note, a quick question for the Rutgers fans. Some of your fan base seems to have an intense hatred for Harbaugh because of his recruiting of NJ. Is that just the very vocal minority or is the fan base in general not a fan of him? Always interesting to hear what the opposition thinks of our....interesting coach.
Good lord dude, give us a warning before you go into a poorly written political rant about guy you don't like because he's mean.


On another note, a quick question for the Rutgers fans. Some of your fan base seems to have an intense hatred for Harbaugh because of his recruiting of NJ. Is that just the very vocal minority or is the fan base in general not a fan of him? Always interesting to hear what the opposition thinks of our....interesting coach.
Sadly, we're used to other coaches recruiting NJ. Harbaugh is hardly the first. We do think he's a pretty weird dude (like, really creepy) and his hiring of Partridge and getting in bed with Paramus Catholic is effing annoying. We know what Michigan is. We know what Rutgers is. Personally, I hope we get to see Ash kick the crap out of Harbaugh someday.
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On another note, a quick question for the Rutgers fans. Some of your fan base seems to have an intense hatred for Harbaugh because of his recruiting of NJ. Is that just the very vocal minority or is the fan base in general not a fan of him? Always interesting to hear what the opposition thinks of our....interesting coach.

People in this forum hate their own coaches so hating yours will come easy lol (though not as easy as hating PSU and ND coaches/team).
Good lord dude, give us a warning before you go into a poorly written political rant about guy you don't like because he's mean.


On another note, a quick question for the Rutgers fans. Some of your fan base seems to have an intense hatred for Harbaugh because of his recruiting of NJ. Is that just the very vocal minority or is the fan base in general not a fan of him? Always interesting to hear what the opposition thinks of our....interesting coach.

Wolverheel-Not here to argue politics-if you want to do that we have an active political board for that. And with the name "Wouverheel" I'm thinking you're from some "country" portion of Michigan or North Carolina (as a Carolina grad thnink "Trolls" in Chapel Hill if there. However I feel if one is from New Jersey (where Trump lives part time and has and has had businesses: 1) including 3 botched casinos (great businessman JimmyBuffett wanted to buy the Marina but his conglomeratec took one just at the physical shape of that property and withdrew their lowball bid-late Buffett licensed Margaritaville at Resorts). in dirty AC (Trump and the casinos promised to "fix" the town-not only failed to do that we now lost much of our casino revenue to PA) 2)Trump "University" (where admittedly stupid people paid Trump as such as $40,000 K for essentially worthless classes and other promises=FRAUD 3) basically failed in real estate-until he licensed his name to others for Trump tower, yada and his success as a TV star (by the way tolerated Trump's ego and loved the show- HOWEVER notice how but 6+ Apprentice winners sans likely "plant" Omarosa-came out AGAINST TRUMP for President 6 MONTHS AGO (included RU grad Randal Pinkett). So have many Republicans and papers that have recommended Republicans 100% of the time in the past.4) Lied about donations made-very little evidence he gives or has given to charity. 5) Once was rated the 2nd worst person/company to work for (Steve Wynn was near the top) in a magazine I saw pre-Apprentice I believe. 6) Out today if you watched anything besides football-Trump many not have had to pay taxes for a few years-BECAUSE HE LOST SO MUCH WITH HIS BUSINESSES. 7) Of course.not just being mean but so thin skinned (what a p*ssy).

Also at least two Republicans who were Presidential material (McCain and Former NJ Governor Christie Whitman-just publically apologized for her stupid false 9/11 reports) RUINED there careers and likely chances of being President (esp McCain) becoming Bush cronies. Theoretically Republican Gary Johnson (could ruin the election ether way) could have ran on the Republican ticket.

If you don't like the Clintons don't vote for them. There are two other choices or don't vote. However at least if one is from NJ they should know the above. If not they frankly don't have the genetic material to live. It's not my fault the Republican party is such a mess and that voters turned down better candidates (Carly Fiorina had plenty of business experience, was a CEO and did quite well-at least here in Basking Ridge NJ AT&T).
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Wolverheel-Not here to argue politics-if you want to do that we have an active political board for that. And with the name "Wouverheel" I'm thinking you're from some "country" portion of Michigan or North Carolina (as a Carolina grad thnink "Trolls" in Chapel Hill if there. However I feel if one is from New Jersey (where Trump lives part time and has and has had businesses: 1) including 3 botched casinos (great businessman JimmyBuffett wanted to buy the Marina but his conglomeratec took one just at the physical shape of that property and withdrew their lowball bid-late Buffett licensed Margaritaville at Resorts). in dirty AC (Trump and the casinos promised to "fix" the town-not only failed to do that we now lost much of our casino revenue to PA) 2)Trump "University" (where admittedly stupid people paid Trump as such as $40,000 K for essentially worthless classes and other promises=FRAUD 3) basically failed in real estate-until he licensed his name to others for Trump tower, yada and his success as a TV star (by the way despite trump loved the how but 8+ Apprentice winners sans likely "plant" Omarosa-came out AGAINST TRUMP for President 6 MONTHS AGO. So have many Republicans and papers that have recommended Republicans 100% of the time in the past.4) Lied about donations made-very little evidence he gives or has given to charity. 5) Once was rated the 2nd worst person/company to work for (Steve Wynn was near the top) in a magazine I saw pre-Apprentice I believe. 6) Out today if you watched anything besides football-Trump many not have had to pay taxes for a few years-BACAUSE HE LOST SO MUCH WITH HIS BUSINESSES. 7) Of course.not just being mean but so thin skinned (what a p*ssy).

If you don't like the Clintons don't vote for them. There are two other choices or don't vote. However at least if one s from NJ they should know the above. If not they frankly don't have the genetic material to live. It's not my fault the Republican party is such a mess and that voters turned down better candidates (Carly Fiorina had plenty of business experience, was a CE\O and did quite well-at least here in Basking Ridge NJ AT&T).
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Re Harbaugh-I know about as much about him as you do Trump. However (I try to forget idiot behavior) with him there have been (over time) instances of dirty play, over aggressiveness and comments.

However if you reread my post I LAVISHED praise on the U Michigan band, marketing dept and even Harbaugh n my post. ***This isn't the Michigan messageboard and few here like Michigan. Suggest you take the praise-you don't see it here often for other schools.