New Transfer transfer Asa Garcia -- 133 pounds

Next Year Lineup would look nice
I worry about Alvarez being all the way up at 149. He obviously wouldn’t be cutting a ton, but I feel like he’d be giving up a ton of weight/strength to some of the top guys.
Between Shawver, Peterson, Olivieri, Raimo, Garcia, Alvarez, and White, a few guys are going to have to take a backseat. It’s a good problem from an overall team perspective.
Hopefully someone breaks through from this group… I’m not a big fan of having a bunch of qualifiers on a bench tbh… eventually someone ends up transferring etc..
Hopefully someone breaks through from this group… I’m not a big fan of having a bunch of qualifiers on a bench tbh… eventually someone ends up transferring etc..
You’d rather have a bunch non qualifiers on the bench?
Next Year Lineup would look nice
Kanniard isn't strong at 157. If White can maintain 149, he'll be stronger there and Kanniard hopefully better in another year. 165 is still in question and I wish I could be confident that Turley will be there at 174. If Garcia can beat any of Peterson, Alvarez, or White, I'll be surprised. I'm still worried he might have a nagging injury from last year. No, I have no information, just suspicious. Shawver is earning 125.
You’d rather have a bunch non qualifiers on the bench?
Well… rather have at least qualifiers at every other weight before some are on the bench.. ideally, a stud at every weight like PSU’s model would be nice… some weights they don’t even have backups….
Anyways, just saying I hope someone breaks through bc, I noticed, when we have bunch of qualifier lvl guys fighting for same spots ppl end up just transferring out.. Jojo/lipari/Paetzell/Aguilar etc
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