No, the Big Ten isn’t going to kick Rutgers to the curb (we think) | Politi

That’s inaccurate. It was written as a follow up to the article in the Athletic. They had actually interviewed him but did not use his input in their article, which he thought was too positive for their take. It’s a well written and informative article and he brings up valid points. It doesn’t make things better by ignoring articles because you think you might disagree or by assuming what the context of the article might be.
I agree with a lot of what you said. Politi is not an idiot by any means. He’s eloquent and his stuff is usually well informed. Not surprised at all that this would be decently written.

Secondly, I agree that you shouldn’t avoid information just because you don’t like it or agree with it. A lot of people do just that, and it makes our society worse off for it.

With all of that said, I still won’t read this and give it a click. I’ve read A LOT of Politi’s stuff over the last decade. I usually know most of the information he’s written (from places like Rivals), and he almost always throws unneccessary jabs in his writing IMO. He’s an editorial writer, so attention is what he needs and seeks. But he also has a lot of power, as do all journalists. In my opinion, the overriding negativity from his publication towards Rutgers is one of the reasons why NJ residents loathe their own flagship university.

The headline for me says it all: “The B1G is keeping you, but you suck at football, so unless you stop being terrible, they might get rid of you eventually!”
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If a super conference is formed, would we want to even play in that league ?
You bet your ass you would. It would be like owning an NFL franchise. You know who loves owning an NFL franchise? The least valuable NFL franchise owner (and every other NFL franchise owner). Also, nobody intentionally reads Politi.
Politi heard a bunch of talking heads on ESPN and SiriusXM talking about Rutgers and Vanderbilt getting kicked out of their conferences. He then wrote this article hoping to be quoted by them on a national broadcast.

That’s the purpose of this, and I won’t click on it to help him realize it. At best, this is Politi looking for attention. At worst, it’s a poorly disguised way to once again remind NJ residents that we currently suck at football.

Either way, not worth the time.
Maybe he wants to write a book and get national attention... logrolling.
You bet your ass you would. It would be like owning an NFL franchise. You know who loves owning an NFL franchise? The least valuable NFL franchise owner (and every other NFL franchise owner). Also, nobody intentionally reads Politi.
Lol. The least valuable franchise doesn’t lose money and get their ass kicked for years
He should have left the (we think) nonsense out of it. Then I would have read it. By putting it in the title(which most people will only look at) he sows doubt. Write the article about all the reason why Rutgers is in there because we aren’t getting kicked out. It’s ludicrous.
He should have left the (we think) nonsense out of it. Then I would have read it. By putting it in the title(which most people will only look at) he sows doubt. Write the article about all the reason why Rutgers is in there because we aren’t getting kicked out. It’s ludicrous.

I was at the B1G tourney this year. There’s little other than love and begrudging respect from our peers (except Purdue…they rightfully despise us). Like many of our alums can attest to, we’ve gone out in the world and done kicked some ass.
Yeah so not a good comparison . Just like I said . There is a chance there. Here the stinky teams get rolled
The instant SuperConferenceUSA is created, there will be revenue sharing, a players union and salary caps. Maybe even a draft or players partially assigned by where they played high school. It will be a whole new world. And being in that world will be infinitely better than not being in that world.
The instant SuperConferenceUSA is created, there will be revenue sharing, a players union and salary caps. Maybe even a draft or players partially assigned by where they played high school. It will be a whole new world. And being in that world will be infinitely better than not being in that world.
If that happens cool .
I agree with a lot of what you said. Politi is not an idiot by any means. He’s eloquent and his stuff is usually well informed. Not surprised at all that this would be decently written.

Secondly, I agree that you shouldn’t avoid information just because you don’t like it or agree with it. A lot of people do just that, and it makes our society worse off for it.

With all of that said, I still won’t read this and give it a click. I’ve read A LOT of Politi’s stuff over the last decade. I usually know most of the information he’s written (from places like Rivals), and he almost always throws unneccessary jabs in his writing IMO. He’s an editorial writer, so attention is what he needs and seeks. But he also has a lot of power, as do all journalists. In my opinion, the overriding negativity from his publication towards Rutgers is one of the reasons why NJ residents loathe their own flagship university.

The headline for me says it all: “The B1G is keeping you, but you suck at football, so unless you stop being terrible, they might get rid of you eventually!”

Attention and financially advantageous over accuracy and informative is exactly what’s wrecking our country and the world. **** him.

Every B1G alum knows we have work to do. They also know we (and Maryland) brought money bags with us. The only difference between us and UMD is a hire and a QB.
And this is why everyone should be opposed to the way things are run in college sports. Programs shouldn't have to worry about the rug being pulled out from under them. No other sports league operates this way. It's a joke.
Not a fan of soccer I guess.
I see what you attempted to do here. And it’s about time the mods banned your dumb ass for polluting every conversation with your political nonsense, for the benefit of the community of people who can get along civilly - both agreeably and disagreeably.

Everything you accuse me of you’ve done much worse. You are not a civil guy, it’s hysterical that you think you are.

We all knew you were against free speech and diversity of ideas.

Fascism is in your nature.

Stop derailing thread after thread please.

This is your dumbest post yet
You’re a hypocrite
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I think the B1G likes having some easy wins inside the conference.
Heaven forbid every team a boss fight.
Rutgers is an in-house breather for the playoff teams


"The fear is that conference expansion eventually will lead to conference contraction, and that the next logical step toward a NFL-like model .."

I do see that happening.
Schools and coaches chased dollars hard and then players had to chase the bag.
The chase won't end
NFL Jr could happen
Many CFB fans love their school's teams and players - and they hate the NFL HQ.
I could see SEC Pro and B!G Pro
Everything you accuse me of you’ve done much worse. You are not a civil guy, it’s hysterical that you think you are.

We all knew you were against free speech and diversity of ideas.

Fascism is in your nature.

Stop derailing thread after thread please.

This is your dumbest post yet

lol, ok. Reads like the post of drunk who has ducked accountability for his entire life and is scared of it.

Put it to a vote. Who wants you gone?
That’s inaccurate. It was written as a follow up to the article in the Athletic. They had actually interviewed him but did not use his input in their article, which he thought was too positive for their take. It’s a well written and informative article and he brings up valid points. It doesn’t make things better by ignoring articles because you think you might disagree or by assuming what the context of the article might be.
Very good points, and as usual, you provide a factual and rational perspective to many threads on these boards. Much appreciated. I normally don't like Politi's articles, but I remain open-minded, and every once in a while, he does write one that I enjoy and agree with. This is indeed a good one.
I agree with a lot of what you said. Politi is not an idiot by any means. He’s eloquent and his stuff is usually well informed. Not surprised at all that this would be decently written.

Secondly, I agree that you shouldn’t avoid information just because you don’t like it or agree with it. A lot of people do just that, and it makes our society worse off for it.

With all of that said, I still won’t read this and give it a click. I’ve read A LOT of Politi’s stuff over the last decade. I usually know most of the information he’s written (from places like Rivals), and he almost always throws unneccessary jabs in his writing IMO. He’s an editorial writer, so attention is what he needs and seeks. But he also has a lot of power, as do all journalists. In my opinion, the overriding negativity from his publication towards Rutgers is one of the reasons why NJ residents loathe their own flagship university.

The headline for me says it all: “The B1G is keeping you, but you suck at football, so unless you stop being terrible, they might get rid of you eventually!”
Idiot would be a strong and perhaps wrong way of characterizing Politi. IMHO, he is kind of like the class clown always vying for attention on a larger stage or trying to put his finger on pulse of Rutgers fans. In my view, he swings and misses quite a bit, but in this article I think he hit the nail on the head.

Totally agree about keeping an open mind to information you don't like or agree with. This is something I have discussed a lot with my two young adult kids with respect to media, social media and politicians. Often, I will frame a post or something of interest with, "While I disagree with much of what this person stands for and says, they make a lot of sense on this point. . . . "

Also agree that we Rutgers fans should not support and the Star Ledger.

As has been discussed here, the article writers rarely write the headlines- that's the job of the editors, and they usually use the most bombastic titles possible to grab attention, regardless of how negative they might be perceived (or actually be).
lol, ok. Reads like the post of drunk who has ducked accountability for his entire life and is scared of it.

Put it to a vote. Who wants you gone?

You must be jonsing for meth yet again.

The ONLY reason you’re trolling me here is because of your politics.

You NEVER call out your fellow Bidunce voters that spew politics all day long.

Ironically, Such as yourself.

You’re a fraud and a hypocrite bruh.
You went off the deep end last year.

Go to bed , you are high and you need to look for a job in the morning.
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You must be jonsing for meth yet again.

The ONLY reason you’re trolling me here is because of your politics.

You NEVER call out your fellow Bidunce voters that spew politics all day long.

Ironically, Such as yourself.

You’re a fraud and a hypocrite bruh.
You went off the deep end last year.

Go to bed , you are high and you need to look for a job in the morning.

This is about a Politi article. And you chimed in with an idiotic shot at me.

If you think you’re in the right… put it to a vote. One of us leaves the boards until November.
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I agree with a lot of what you said. Politi is not an idiot by any means. He’s eloquent and his stuff is usually well informed. Not surprised at all that this would be decently written.

Secondly, I agree that you shouldn’t avoid information just because you don’t like it or agree with it. A lot of people do just that, and it makes our society worse off for it.

With all of that said, I still won’t read this and give it a click. I’ve read A LOT of Politi’s stuff over the last decade. I usually know most of the information he’s written (from places like Rivals), and he almost always throws unneccessary jabs in his writing IMO. He’s an editorial writer, so attention is what he needs and seeks. But he also has a lot of power, as do all journalists. In my opinion, the overriding negativity from his publication towards Rutgers is one of the reasons why NJ residents loathe their own flagship university.

The headline for me says it all: “The B1G is keeping you, but you suck at football, so unless you stop being terrible, they might get rid of you eventually!”

"In my opinion, the overriding negativity from his publication towards Rutgers is one of the reasons why NJ residents loathe their own flagship university."

Spot on. If you've ever wondered why Rutgers isn't better or if anyone ever asks you that, this is the reason.
Dumb premise, in essences the two budding super conferences already exist, the Big and SEC. Why would the Big want to give up their east coast/NYC exposure. Quick answer they wouldn't.
But then IF you are looking at one future super conference (combo Big/ SEC then the Big options would be OSU, Michigan, PSU, USC, Oregon possibly Wisco, UCLA. The rest of the league joins the the bottom half of the SEC, you now have A& B leagues.
Maybe FSU and Clemson from the ACC. In the A group. The Big 12 and ACC leftovers kind of fits with in the "B" group. The reasoning is The A group commands bigger media dollars. The A group schools leave the NCAA and have their own governance structure. Then the whole thing implodes and the Pheonix arises from the ashes
In the past, I've mentioned I wonder if the SEC/B10 ever would sync up their tv deals and package them together to sell to the networks. Delany put a kibosh on that idea in an article mentioning the threat of collusion/anti trust to prevent it. Collusion is something I read about a lot in articles talking about the SEC/B10 ever working together too closely. So if it's such a threat just for tv deals, for sure it's a big threat to actually changing the structure of the entire sport to just 30-60 or whatever many teams in 1 superconference.

I always say the admins want more inclusion and access in the sport not less. It's good for the health of the sport and keeps away outside interference. People always seem to forget that second part. While there are always money grabs and money has become more stratified, on the other end of it there has been more participation than ever before. I say all the time opportunity for lower status teams has never been as good as its been....see Boise, WMU, Cincy, UCF, TCU. CFB has become more exclusive in terms of money but more inclusive in terms of participation.

Every time there has been realignment there has been some chaos at the top but there's another side of it too. There has been opportunity for teams to move from low mid major to high mid major to now the A5 (A4 in the future). That has given opportunity to programs that never had such opportunity (and money on a lesser scale) before. Playoffs are expanding for money but also to allow more participation and keep the season more interesting for longer.

Money has become more concentrated so that leads people to think that participation will too (as in 1 superconference) in the hunt for more money. But I don't think they notice that all along while money has become more concentrated participation has become more inclusive not less. Seeing that pattern, I don't expect any 1 superconference shutting out a large portion of the CFB landscape happening in the future. This is on top of the other reasons I mentioned above.
I really like being in the Big Ten, the bowl destinations, national attention, all games on TV, endless coverage on BTN after basketball games, etc. I will enjoy it while we have it.

If in 5 years, the top-40 split and make their own league, and we go back to playing Syracuse, UConn, BC, Va Tech, Army Navy, Virginia .. so be it!! The grass will still smell like fall in the tailgate lots, Saturday will still be fun, easier road trips, and we will see more winning. Still prefer current situation over this, but if that ever happens, it’ll be alright too
I wouldn’t trade two playoff appearances gained by competing against schools like UTSA and Tulane for one year going 7-5 in the B1G.
Exactly, I'd rather be a catfish in the shark tank, than a goldfish at Petco.
I wouldn’t trade two playoff appearances gained by competing against schools like UTSA and Tulane for one year going 7-5 in the B1G.

Point taken.

I think a lot of eyes are going to be opened in 2024 though.
12 team CFP combined with a watered down AAC (Cincy isn’t going to be the token G5 team that everyone is used to).

It’s going to be a “historically” also-ran that people aren’t going to be prepared to take seriously.
Point taken.

I think a lot of eyes are going to be opened in 2024 though.
12 team CFP combined with a watered down AAC (Cincy isn’t going to be the token G5 team that everyone is used to).

It’s going to be a “historically” also-ran that people aren’t going to be prepared to take seriously.
Cincy wasn't Cincy before they came to the BE from CUSA then made some BCS bowls and generally stayed steady as program through multiple coaches and then made a 4 team CFP. Now in an A5 conference.

TCU similar going up from conference to conference with mostly 1 coach, made a BCS bowl and then a 4 team CFP with another coach.

UCF has had some similar success with 2 coaches, where were they not that long ago.

Utah as well.

Give these smaller status schools some time, exposure and opportunity and they have a chance to build themselves up and who knows where the next one can come from....App State (took it A&M physically on their own home turf), Coastal Carolina has been ranked up at times and would have qualified for a 12 team playoff. That year would have had 2 G5s IIRC. Maybe Boise again, I don't know who but more access and opportunity can lead to programs you don't think of as anything special currently doing special things in the future.
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In the past, I've mentioned I wonder if the SEC/B10 ever would sync up their tv deals and package them together to sell to the networks. Delany put a kibosh on that idea in an article mentioning the threat of collusion/anti trust to prevent it. Collusion is something I read about a lot in articles talking about the SEC/B10 ever working together too closely. So if it's such a threat just for tv deals, for sure it's a big threat to actually changing the structure of the entire sport to just 30-60 or whatever many teams in 1 superconference.

I always say the admins want more inclusion and access in the sport not less. It's good for the health of the sport and keeps away outside interference. People always seem to forget that second part. While there are always money grabs and money has become more stratified, on the other end of it there has been more participation than ever before. I say all the time opportunity for lower status teams has never been as good as its been....see Boise, WMU, Cincy, UCF, TCU. CFB has become more exclusive in terms of money but more inclusive in terms of participation.

Every time there has been realignment there has been some chaos at the top but there's another side of it too. There has been opportunity for teams to move from low mid major to high mid major to now the A5 (A4 in the future). That has given opportunity to programs that never had such opportunity (and money on a lesser scale) before. Playoffs are expanding for money but also to allow more participation and keep the season more interesting for longer.

Money has become more concentrated so that leads people to think that participation will too (as in 1 superconference) in the hunt for more money. But I don't think they notice that all along while money has become more concentrated participation has become more inclusive not less. Seeing that pattern, I don't expect any 1 superconference shutting out a large portion of the CFB landscape happening in the future. This is on top of the other reasons I mentioned above.
I'm not sure participation has broadened, certainly not where it really matters. Once in a while a team from down below has a Cinderella season but the pecking order remains the same and the strata are the same. Boise State had a good run for a while but never rose as a result of it. And now long time big programs like Stanford and Cal, as well as most of the ACC and the Big 12, are in danger of permanent loss of status
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I'm not sure participation has broadened, certainly not where it really matters. Once in a while a team from down below has a Cinderella season but the pecking order remains the same and the strata are the same. Boise State had a good run for a while but never rose as a result of it. And now long time big programs like Stanford and Cal, as well as most of the ACC and the Big 12, are in danger of permanent loss of status
You're never gonna get parity that's just a fantasy but we have seen teams from lower status places do things we've never seen done before.

A CFB championship outside the usual suspects is near zero percent chance imo. However, getting to playoffs and advancing in the playoffs is very possible for teams outside the usual suspects. We've seen it in a 4 team playoff so we'll likely see it in a 12 team one.

It's hard for teams with many things going in their favor keep that level...see Texas, FSU, USC, Miami etc.. for a long time doing not much. So of course you're not likely to see Cincy, TCU or whomever maintain that level for a sustained period either but the fact that they were even given the opportunity to get to that level is more than we've ever had in the past.
I'm not sure participation has broadened, certainly not where it really matters. Once in a while a team from down below has a Cinderella season but the pecking order remains the same and the strata are the same. Boise State had a good run for a while but never rose as a result of it. And now long time big programs like Stanford and Cal, as well as most of the ACC and the Big 12, are in danger of permanent loss of status

I think too much has been made of cord cutting. I did, though I use Fubo or Sling during the season - and to be honest, kind of hate it. Now I have a to of apps and can barely find stuff. The tourney was a complete debacle last year - couldn’t get most of the games at home.
Point taken.

I think a lot of eyes are going to be opened in 2024 though.
12 team CFP combined with a watered down AAC (Cincy isn’t going to be the token G5 team that everyone is used to).

It’s going to be a “historically” also-ran that people aren’t going to be prepared to take seriously.
The playoff is a superficial add-on to me, so a playoff appearance doesn’t outweigh the experience of the whole season.

Playoff appearances will be important for G5 schools trying to separate themselves.

Rutgers doesn’t need to separate itself from anything but its losing image, so they would get more credit for a year they finish in the top third of the B1G, even if that didn’t result in quite as good a postseason game.
So of course you're not likely to see Cincy, TCU or whomever maintain that level for a sustained period either but the fact that they were even given the opportunity to get to that level is more than we've ever had in the past.
If so it's not by much. Only one team that's not blue chip managed to get to the playoffs in a decade. And the fact that they didn't do well won't put momentum behind the idea of more such invites. The sport is just very fossilized.