Cincy is one and TCU is another. I don’t consider them blue chip. They were out in the wilderness for quite awhile after the SWC vanished. They almost made it twice and missed by a hair.If so it's not by much. Only one team that's not blue chip managed to get to the playoffs in a decade. And the fact that they didn't do well won't put momentum behind the idea of more such invites. The sport is just very fossilized.
BCS bowl access was the first step which teams like that never had before and now playoff access and expansion is another step. Not just for G5s but also for lower status P5 schools as well. I’ve listed in the past teams that would have made a 12 team playoff since the CFPs inception. If it’s contending for a playoff spot and just falling short the list is a little longer. That helps keep more of the season interesting too. It all makes for a stronger sport.
It’s never going to be equal (parity) or perfect but it’s much better than it has been.