OT: 3 Clicks to help my sister win a recipe contest

keep the vote going got mine in again
The Great Chicken has a slight lead with 1755 votes
over the 1710 potty pig has
Just voted but the pig has the lead
Our Chicken delight is at 2184
to the swine's 2430
These votes seem to come in bunches from both sides. When I woke up this morning, it was dead even. Now the pig is up by 285 votes. Thanks for the continued support. Only two more days.
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Thanks for keeping the votes coming. Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote.
Actually the voting ended yesterday. Yeah, she got clobbered by the Bacon Blondie. All 3 recipes sounded really good.

My sister enjoys participating in these contests. She's won her fair share. You guys were fantastic. I'm grateful for the support.
Actually the voting ended yesterday. Yeah, she got clobbered by the Bacon Blondie. All 3 recipes sounded really good.

My sister enjoys participating in these contests. She's won her fair share. You guys were fantastic. I'm grateful for the support.
Thanks your recognition of those of us that voted , and sorry that your sister didn't come out on top , but wishing her the best in her next contest entry.
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