OT: Anybody wanna be Prime Minister of New Zealand?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Sep 30, 2005
New Zealand
Job is open.

Huge surprise announcement an hour ago from John Key, PM, that he is stepping down next week. He's been PM for eight years, and would be a shoe-in to win again in next year's election.

This is a shocker in NZ. We are gobsmacked! (Your "gob" is your mouth -- gobsmacked means putting your hand up to your mouth in surprise. Same root as "gobble").

Key is a member of the National Party, which would be the pre-Donald Republican Party (not a shot here, I just don't know quite what the Republicans are these days). To the left of US Republicans, more like the old "good government" Republican Party of Dick Ogilvie, Ev Dirksen, Chuck Percy.

I'm not a Republican (Lord knows), but I like Key. Solid, no nonsense, represents the country well. Not enough to vote for him, mind you, but I like him. He's too much of a tax-cutter versus social services guy for my tastes, but he's done the country well. I've never met him but I have met the guy who is likely to succeed him, and he's a reasonable guy as well. Moms Skillethead actually has had a number of conversations with the likely new guy and likes him a lot.

I don't think either of them tweet much.
Weed legal?
No, but prostitution is. Weed is pretty low key thing down here. The big drug that is trouble is meth, which is called "p" down here for some reason.

Handguns are illegal, too, which will keep many from relocating down here. Rifles and shotguns are legal, but controlled pretty strictly -- have to be locked, small clips -- people mostly use them to shoot rabbits and possums. Hunting isn't too big down here as we don't have the game. The only indigenous mammal is the bat!
Abro I have already volunteered my services to care for their 4 legged critters in exchange for a thatch hut and a wool blanket.
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Job is open.

Huge surprise announcement an hour ago from John Key, PM, that he is stepping down next week. He's been PM for eight years, and would be a shoe-in to win again in next year's election.

This is a shocker in NZ. We are gobsmacked! (Your "gob" is your mouth -- gobsmacked means putting your hand up to your mouth in surprise. Same root as "gobble").

Key is a member of the National Party, which would be the pre-Donald Republican Party (not a shot here, I just don't know quite what the Republicans are these days). To the left of US Republicans, more like the old "good government" Republican Party of Dick Ogilvie, Ev Dirksen, Chuck Percy.

I'm not a Republican (Lord knows), but I like Key. Solid, no nonsense, represents the country well. Not enough to vote for him, mind you, but I like him. He's too much of a tax-cutter versus social services guy for my tastes, but he's done the country well. I've never met him but I have met the guy who is likely to succeed him, and he's a reasonable guy as well. Moms Skillethead actually has had a number of conversations with the likely new guy and likes him a lot.

I don't think either of them tweet much.
Has anyone asked Frodo Baggins or Gandalf?
Abro I know that but I have to work my way up to prove my myself to the Kiwis . They are a very pragmatic and demanding people.. :)
Abro I know that but I have to work my way up to prove my myself to the Kiwis . They are a very pragmatic and demanding people.. :)
Mostly, kiwis are unpretentious. On the day of the big Christchurch quake, Moms Skillethead and I were in the car listening to the radio. Imagine this exchange with kiwi accents:

Radio announcer: So, Seamus, how are you getting on there in Christchurch?
Seamus: Oh, it's a beautiful day, you know. Be a great day to go skiing. I can see the snow on the mountains from here in my dining room.
Radio announcer: And how is your house? Did you get any damage?
Seamus: Me house? Oh, it's destroyed.
Radio announcer: But you said you were in your dining room looking at the mountains.
Seamus: (Chuckling). Yeah, no. I don't have any windows in me dining room. Can look straight out through where the walls were.
Radio announcer: Oh no! What are you going to do?
Seamus: Well, I was thinking of going out back and digging a long drop (toilet). Mine's pretty much crushed. Not sure I will though.
Radio announcer: Why not?
Seamus: Well, me leg's broken pretty badly.
Radio announcer: How did that happen?
Seamus: Pretty sure it was when the chimney collapsed on it.
Radio announcer: Well then don't be talking to us, mate, call 1-1-1 and get to the hospital.
Seamus: Oh, I couldn't do that.
Radio announcer: Why not?
Seamus: They're busy with people with real injuries. This can wait til next week.

Not making it up! Moms Skillethead and I were laughing so hard I almost had to pull over and stop.
I never realized that dual citizens can vote in both countries national elections. It seems a bit unfair.
Skillet, can you adopt me? I'm only 52 so I can still get in right. Will work the farm and wash dishes. Did I mention the four grandchildren? :)
Skillet, can you adopt me? I'm only 52 so I can still get in right. Will work the farm and wash dishes. Did I mention the four grandchildren? :)
Hey LC! At 52, you can still get in! I just got in under the wire (55) when we moved here in 2005.

Did I mention that in the next bay over from ours, you can walk out into the bay at low tide and just scoop up as many little neck clams as you'd like. Takes about 15 minutes to get your limit of 50 per person per day. Steamed in wine with rosemary (which grows everywhere down here), and lunch is set.
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Job is open.

Huge surprise announcement an hour ago from John Key, PM, that he is stepping down next week. He's been PM for eight years, and would be a shoe-in to win again in next year's election.

This is a shocker in NZ. We are gobsmacked! (Your "gob" is your mouth -- gobsmacked means putting your hand up to your mouth in surprise. Same root as "gobble").

Key is a member of the National Party, which would be the pre-Donald Republican Party (not a shot here, I just don't know quite what the Republicans are these days). To the left of US Republicans, more like the old "good government" Republican Party of Dick Ogilvie, Ev Dirksen, Chuck Percy.

I'm not a Republican (Lord knows), but I like Key. Solid, no nonsense, represents the country well. Not enough to vote for him, mind you, but I like him. He's too much of a tax-cutter versus social services guy for my tastes, but he's done the country well. I've never met him but I have met the guy who is likely to succeed him, and he's a reasonable guy as well. Moms Skillethead actually has had a number of conversations with the likely new guy and likes him a lot.

I don't think either of them tweet much.

shoo-in, not shoe-in.
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No, but prostitution is. Weed is pretty low key thing down here. The big drug that is trouble is meth, which is called "p" down here for some reason.

Handguns are illegal, too, which will keep many from relocating down here. Rifles and shotguns are legal, but controlled pretty strictly -- have to be locked, small clips -- people mostly use them to shoot rabbits and possums. Hunting isn't too big down here as we don't have the game. The only indigenous mammal is the bat!

Interesting factoid. Thanks.
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Interesting factoid. Thanks.
Apparently there was some sort of major mammal reunion in Australia when Godwana broke up and so NZ's mammals were all out of town. Aussie got some really weird ones. Tasmania as well!

No snakes here, either. Basically, if you go walking in a field or forest, there is nothing there that will get you, unless you are way out in the wop wops in wild boar country, and even they will run away.
What have we learned today?

Well, hookers and possibly even blow are legal in NZ.
NZ likes Ike. He'd be a shoe-in for PM if he were still alive.
Bats are the only indigenous mammals in NZ. Apparently God don't wanna any other mammals there.
The dingo ate my baby.
What have we learned today?

Well, hookers and possibly even blow are legal in NZ.
NZ likes Ike. He'd be a shoe-in for PM if he were still alive.
Bats are the only indigenous mammals in NZ. Apparently God don't wanna any other mammals there.
The dingo ate my baby.

Skillet - couldn't tell if you got my subtle joke on mammals and your spelling...