OT: Aretha franklin national anthem

The real question is why is the national anthem sung at professional sporting events at all? .
Because it's simply the right thing to do. Think about it if it wasn't done, no one would ever honor our men and women who fought and those who died for our freedom. You would have veteran's day and that's it. I think their sacrifice deserves a little more attention than just one day a year. Some on here may disagree, but the National Anthem is solely sung to honor their sacrifice.
Because it's simply the right thing to do. Think about it if it wasn't done, no one would ever honor our men and women who fought and those who died for our freedom. You would have veteran's day and that's it. I think their sacrifice deserves a little more attention than just one day a year. Some on here may disagree, but the National Anthem is solely sung to honor their sacrifice.

Is this even true that it about veterans ? If so, I never realized it. I thought they played the National Anthem to show patriotism and respect to the country and flag. If it all about veterans, I never realized it after attending sports events for many many years. I always stand with hand over heart, but I notice only about 1/3 of fans do the hand over heart thing now.
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Is this even true that it about veterans ? If so, I never realized it. I thought they played the National Anthem to show patriotism and respect to the country and flag. If it all about veterans, I never realized it after attending sports events for many many years. I always stand with hand over heart, but I notice only about 1/3 of fans do the hand over heart thing now.

Regardless of what it is for - people should pay their respects to our country (veterans, patriotism, etc.). It is generally not as long as Aretha's rendition and it is not a lot to ask. Without turning this into a political agenda - like any country we have our problems, but we also have a lot of great things too like the freedom to leave if you're not happy. Sorry having the national anthem and standing for it should be a no brainer!
The real question is why is the national anthem sung at professional sporting events at all? . . .
Right question. And the answer as to why professional leagues play it or have it sung is pretty obvious: marketing.

I went to one of those monster truck shows at the Meadowlands with my son years ago and before it started there was some announcer getting all service men and women to stand and asking for applause and then the National Anthem. Boy, did they know how to market to their audience.
We're Americans;

We are the most charitable people on the planet
We have created more wealth than all other countries combined
We have liberated more countries and left more men in the ground on foreign soil for freedom than anyone
We like trucks, sports, talk shows and chewing gum
We own guns
We take our hats off for Old Glory
We open doors for women and respect manners
We will cross a frozen river to kill you in your sleep on Christmas

if you don't like it, tough $hit
There are less and less opportunities in our society to show our patriotism. Worldwide a country's national anthem is played before games (soccer matches for example). Why would anyone not want this? Without things like this how would we know we are even a country anymore.
Generally I don't like renditions that have been modified by the artist's own idea of how it should have been written but this one wasn't bad.
In contrast when I see this one I always get mad.

Awful . You saw players laughing

Incredible version. God forbid she's also 80+ and it was probably 10 degree out.

I saw ONE (maybe one player and one flag holder smirk-I think the latter was because he was worried they couldn't control the flag for too long). If anyone laughed it was due to the fact that it was much longer than the standard version. You cloud tell many were into it (a few were nodding their heads and getting into it.
I thought it was brilliant.

And the players I saw were cheering and pumping their fists at its conclusion.

Long? Yep. A whole three minutes longer than the standard rendition, which is fundamentally soulless. This was terrific.

The National Anthem isn't supposed to have "soul," IMHO, it's a march. I can't stand all these performers who insist on singing however the they'd feel and take forever to finish. Ever watch a U.S. international soccer match? The proper version is always played but our fans, because they're use to these elongated versions, are always 3-4 seconds behind while singing and we sound like morons. You don't hear the national anthem of other nations drawn out as such when played.

Love Aretha, didn't hear it so I'm can't judge, just hate when this is done.
The real question is why is the national anthem sung at professional sporting events at all? This was a practice that started during WW2 to drum up support for a war that was predominantly being fought 10,000 miles away in Asia and the South Pacific as well as ground campaigns in Europe and Northern Africa. So, while you were being entertained by a sporting event, you were also forced to think about the war effort (also, the most productive time in our nation's history, economically-speaking). It disappeared for some time but has re-appeared and is now commonplace at all pro sporting events and many college or amateur games, too.

Actually the continuous playing of the National Anthem before sporting events got its start in the 1930s, in the years leading up to WWII, partly to remind everyone that while others were volunteering to go into the service, the sports teams and their players who kept playing were patriotic too.
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Changing/Interpreting a song is an art and takes a lot of effort. few can do well. Springsteen is great at it. Also two of my favorites were at a Springsteen tribute/benefit show at Carnegie
Hall a few years ago Odetta Holmes- a well known black gospel singer from Birmingham Alabama (passed a few years before R bowl game-wanted to go to her grave to pay respect I was so impressed) took Bruces half painful "57 Channels-and Nothing On"-and from a wheelchair-made it a sexual song. Better than the original.

During the same show "The Hold Steady" closed the show with a great reworked version of "Atlantic City". Then incredibly Bruce...
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I still ask... what was good about this version? she didn't sound was choppy AF...what exactly was there to like? I see people post a lot abut soul and feel g and I don't understand.... that sounded as bad as I would if I got up there and tried hard to sing. I'd just do it faster.
Do we have to change the Scarlet Credo to account for individual interpretation of whatever is played at HPSS ?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, but next it will be OK to change a few words because someone thinks it's better than intended.
But God Bless her nevertheless.
It is an event before an event. It was a live version of an interpretation of the national anthem by one of the most epic soul singers of our time. It was just a raw live performance in a football stadium. No frills, no overdubs, etc. Sometimes the acquired & developed sense of music appreciation recognizes that less can sometimes be more.
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Is this even true that it about veterans ? If so, I never realized it. I thought they played the National Anthem to show patriotism and respect to the country and flag. If it all about veterans, I never realized it after attending sports events for many many years. I always stand with hand over heart, but I notice only about 1/3 of fans do the hand over heart thing now.
The songs lyrics are about the defense of Fort McHenry. It became the official song for when all military personnel raise the flag back in 1889. Then in 1916 President Wilson ordered it be played at all military occasions. Then in 1930 the Veterans of foreign wars led a successful petition to have the "Star Spangled-Banner" become our national anthem. If that's not a song honoring our military personnel, then I don't know what it's about.

I could careless how it's sung, as long as people respect it's true purpose. That's why you see older folks get so mad when somebody doesn't take off their hats or stand. Apparently the younger generation has lost it's true intention and have made up their own meaning for the song.
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It was very diva like and made it about herself rather than the National Anthem.

Also too cool for school with her not so subtle repeating of perilous.

The National Anthem isn't supposed to have "soul," IMHO, it's a march. I can't stand all these performers who insist on singing however the they'd feel and take forever to finish. Ever watch a U.S. international soccer match? The proper version is always played but our fans, because they're use to these elongated versions, are always 3-4 seconds behind while singing and we sound like morons. You don't hear the national anthem of other nations drawn out as such when played.

Love Aretha, didn't hear it so I'm can't judge, just hate when this is done.
It's written in 3/4 time. It's not a march. It's actually a waltz (or closest to that). Tap it out and you'll see. It's properly played quickly at international soccer matches to prevent a riot in the stands from football hooligans who cannot wait for the start of the next nil-nil outcome. What we saw in this game, as in the Marvin Gaye rendition at the NBA all-star game, is that anything can have soul in the hands of a creative genius like Marvin or Aretha, or Jimi for that matter.
I still ask... what was good about this version? she didn't sound was choppy AF...what exactly was there to like? I see people post a lot abut soul and feel g and I don't understand.... that sounded as bad as I would if I got up there and tried hard to sing. I'd just do it faster.
Let me give this a try: It's Thanksgiving. There is a flag the size of the football field unfurled. It's being waved by players in addition to fans. It's Detroit. Motown. We are coming off the most divisive election in memory. And it's Aretha Franklin, not only singing, but accompanying herself on the piano (I'm a fan and did not know she could still play that well). She's 74 years old and the undisputed Queen of Soul. We aren't looking for the usual 54 second run through (could have played an old Kate Smith recording for that). We are looking for something for that moment. And Aretha gave us a version of the anthem that was soulful, and at the same time, I would argue, somewhat deconstructed so that we might focus more on the lyrics. Her delivery of the final line (which is what makes the poem great) was incredibly heartfelt and moving. Now, at one or two spots, she had to move down an octave because the vocal chords wouldn't go where she wanted them to. It wasn't perfect because she is no longer the woman in the Blues Brothers (how great was that number). She is no longer the sassy chanteuse of soul, but more a national treasure spanning several generations. She was there near the origins of soul, and now, in maybe her last big stage, bringing patriotism and unity in a way that others only talk about.

As to the music itself, in a soul and blues type rendition, you can't just sing along. Instead, you should just let it hit you as it comes. Be willing to be surprised. Expect twists and turns. Tension and resolution. And then look for the song to bring all the unloosed horses back into the corral as Aretha beautifully does with "o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." I agree it wasn't perfect. I don't expect that from a 74-year old. But it was brilliant, and thrilling -- to me.

Or maybe you just had to grow up loving Motown. No harm in us disagreeing on the merits of the song! It's now one of my top three versions. The other two are Marvin's and Mo Cheeks'. Not a super big fan of Jimi's or Whitney's, although I understand why people like them.
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I'm actually surprised no one else has posted this, but that had to be the worst rendition I have ever heard.
Dude are you tone deaf? Don't you ever disrespect this woman on her vocal skills. She sang the anthem beautifully.
It's written in 3/4 time. It's not a march. It's actually a waltz (or closest to that). Tap it out and you'll see. It's properly played quickly at international soccer matches to prevent a riot in the stands from football hooligans who cannot wait for the start of the next nil-nil outcome. What we saw in this game, as in the Marvin Gaye rendition at the NBA all-star game, is that anything can have soul in the hands of a creative genius like Marvin or Aretha, or Jimi for that matter.

Let me give this a try: It's Thanksgiving. There is a flag the size of the football field unfurled. It's being waved by players in addition to fans. It's Detroit. Motown. We are coming off the most divisive election in memory. And it's Aretha Franklin, not only singing, but accompanying herself on the piano (I'm a fan and did not know she could still play that well). She's 74 years old and the undisputed Queen of Soul. We aren't looking for the usual 54 second run through (could have played an old Kate Smith recording for that). We are looking for something for that moment. And Aretha gave us a version of the anthem that was soulful, and at the same time, I would argue, somewhat deconstructed so that we might focus more on the lyrics. Her delivery of the final line (which is what makes the poem great) was incredibly heartfelt and moving. Now, at one or two spots, she had to move down an octave because the vocal chords wouldn't go where she wanted them to. It wasn't perfect because she is no longer the woman in the Blues Brothers (how great was that number). She is no longer the sassy chanteuse of soul, but more a national treasure spanning several generations. She was there near the origins of soul, and now, in maybe her last big stage, bringing patriotism and unity in a way that others only talk about.

As to the music itself, in a soul and blues type rendition, you can't just sing along. Instead, you should just let it hit you as it comes. Be willing to be surprised. Expect twists and turns. Tension and resolution. And then look for the song to bring all the unloosed horses back into the corral as Aretha beautifully does with "o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." I agree it wasn't perfect. I don't expect that from a 74-year old. But it was brilliant, and thrilling -- to me.

Or maybe you just had to grow up loving Motown. No harm in us disagreeing on the merits of the song! It's now one of my top three versions. The other two are Marvin's and Mo Cheeks'. Not a super big fan of Jimi's or Whitney's, although I understand why people like them.

Well thought out and written-(surprisingly forgot about the last few weeks or political board-or was TRYING). Maybe a tad technical with the notes.. For Gods sake
even here it's 3 or so minutes. At least be respectful for that short period. Hope Kapernick permanently tears his ACL or MCL getting up from kneeling. He tries that in 5-10 years he will. Had to be helped up myself doing similar kissing the cross
attending Good Friday service for the first time in many years this past year.
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Well those who agree with you must be tone deaf. That is the Queen of Soul and she sang beautifully. Especially at the end of the song.
Amazing how a group of people see the singing of the nat anthem totally from opposite sides.
I thought it was good but wayyyy too long. Felt bad for the people on the field holding their salutes and the flag. Must have been saying, when is she going to stfu?
Amazing how a group of people see the singing of the nat anthem totally from opposite sides.
Yes because we are from different ethnicities. Just like you may think Metallica or Garth Brooks can sing, I think they sound like wounded animals.