OT: Baseball Trivia

Doctor Worm

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 8, 2002
What's the record for most base hits by one player in one game?

It's not what you probably think it is.
Nope. 9 for 11. Johnny Bartlett of the Cleveland Indians did it on July 10, 1932, in a wild 18 inning game that ended 18-17. After nine innings the game was tied 15-15, then the pitchers took over.

The winning pitcher for Cleveland was Eddie Rommel, who entered the game in the 2nd inning and pitched the last 17. Back then, long relief meant long relief.
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Nope. 9 for 11. Johnny Bartlett of the Cleveland Indians did it on July 10, 1932, in a wild 18 inning game that ended 18-17. After nine innings the game was tied 15-15, then the pitchers took over.

The winning pitcher for Cleveland was Eddie Rommel, who entered the game in the 2nd inning and pitched the last 17. Back then, long relief meant long relief.
Reminds me of this lol…
One last thought about Eddie Rommel, the 17 inning long reliever. In 1922 he won 27 games, pitched 294 innings (unheard of by today's standards), and struck out 54.

Think of that for a moment. 294 innings and 54 strikeouts. That's a K/9 ratio of 1.7. The game has changed a little bit, wouldn't you say?
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During Randy Jones' Cy Young year in 1976 he had some incredible numbers

Wins - 22
Starts - 40
Complete Games - 25
IP - 315.1
WHIP 1.27
Jim Palmer had almost identical numbers that same year - and won the AL Cy Young.

The 40 starts were not all that unusual back then, as some teams were still on a four man rotation. IIRC (I was but a youth then) the 1969 Mets were the first team to go to a five man rotation.

25 CG's for a NL team in the pre-DH days is impressive indeed. Not only did you have to be a workhorse, but you had to be good enough so that there was a disincentive to pinch hit for you, even if behind.
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