OT: Big Time Donors- Rutgers Needs One / Needs Us All


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
Seems like Bernard Marcus (CEO of Home Depot)/ Bill Rasmussen, the founder of ESPN have not taken on the mantel of being Rutgers , Phil Knight (Oregon).

Wondering if there's gold in the hills that we haven't tapped: e.g Mark Ecko - others?

And yes, I've made / kept my pledge for the building fund for this year / the next 4 ...we all should.

But it would be great to have a champion with $$ leading the way.

It all starts, likely with how one is treated upon entrance through graduation and then alumnus. I have discussed all of my bad experiences often only to a belittlerd, criticized and perhaps even banned at one point. Though it seems from posters here that much has improved (I was also in a weed put program) since I've graduated) since I've graduated. Thats all positive news. However Rutgers, as the state U in about the most expensive state there, also faces hurdles in that some wind up (some transferring back from other schools with great spprts programs-and even Ivy league schools) at RU due to finances-the R isn't their top choice.

The feedback I have received, re above, (once by a bad RAA employee) is that they did not feel they were treated well as undergrads/alumni.

The University also needs to hire (and traning if necessary) the right employees for the Rutgers Foundation. Meeting reps who were just recentv undergrads at the January 2016 RFU job fair (BTW most of the elements of that fair were recommended by yours truly to Richard White of former staff 5-10 years ago) was really annoying and upsetting. They knew nothing about much inc our top alumni, history, yada. (BTW had to inform career services staff thatv I parked wrong because "my" yellow lot (just outsde the Werblin Center here was) was not the one at therv RAC where tney wanted us to park!

I had an RAA exec in an MBA marketing class wsho thought her poop didn't stink. She had to things her way. She wanted to meet for our group project at Winnants Hall on a Saturday. Some guy walks into our room off the street-God knows who?-and shes real nasty to him. How did she know he wasn't some billionaire (on that note while at UNC waiting on the student line for tickets-I was told that one guy that wentv to the entrance was a oil tycoon-I think the NAFTA guy).

Nowadays still have qualms. From what u R describing Mo the person who #1` at what you are referring to coincidentally
was and is the boyfriend of RU's #3 or #4 I believe. He runs our tailgate and is the undergraduate and top friends with popular posters here.

He bleeds Scarlet (word was he didn't want the position unless he could keep tailgating though he was then out of work with kids. 1st tailgater ever at a home B1G game. He's smart, an attorney by trade (helps with the contract aspect) and a good guy. He, like others here, should be on staff-somewhere.

That said as of last year he seems utterly out of whack so to say, what needs to be done to land those big bucks. I've had a similar comment/complaint from another of the friends' friend in "the crew". I do know others who've applied to the Foundation only to be told to get a fundraising background/class. That was waived here.

I thnk the leaders here need a background as: 1)Rutgers alum; 2)season ticketholders; 3)fan club members (if am acquainted with 3) top donors from my former Court Club membership-one later as an adjunct prof).
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Wanted to add that it's nice to have big donors, but when they think they can play AD because they donated big bucks, it really P*sses me off-and frankly it's dangerous.
For instance when Flood was in trouble-the Courier-News kept printing stuff about Jeff Towers. I don't care what Towers thinks (perhaps if we was paying both the incomimng AND outgoing coaches salary every year-even then hes not our AD or BOG.

If you know me and my hobby well enough I did take a precaution in case he gets out of hand,..
It all starts, likely with how one is treated upon entrance through graduation and then alumnus. I have discussed all of my bad experiences often only to a belittlerd, criticized and perhaps even banned at one point. Though it seems from posters here that much has improved (I was also in a weed put program) since I've graduated) since I've graduated. Thats all positive news. However Rutgers, as the state U in about the most expensive state there, also faces hurdles in that some wind up (some transferring back from other schools with great spprts programs-and even Ivy league schools) at RU due to finances-the R isn't their top choice.

The feedback I have received, re above, (once by a bad RAA employee) is that they did not feel they were treated well as undergrads/alumni.

The University also needs to hire (and traning if necessary) the right employees for the Rutgers Foundation. Meeting reps who were just recentv undergrads at the January 2016 RFU job fair (BTW most of the elements of that fair were recommended by yours truly to Richard White of former staff 5-10 years ago) was really annoying and upsetting. They knew nothing about much inc our top alumni, history, yada. (BTW had to inform career services staff thatv I parked wrong because "my" yellow lot (just outsde the Werblin Center here was) was not the one at therv RAC where tney wanted us to park!

I had an RAA exec in an MBA marketing class wsho thought her poop didn't stink. She had to things her way. She wanted to meet for our group project at Winnants Hall on a Saturday. Some guy walks into our room off the street-God knows who?-and shes real nasty to him. How did she know he wasn't some billionaire (on that note while at UNC waiting on the student line for tickets-I was told that one guy that wentv to the entrance was a oil tycoon-I think the NAFTA guy).

Nowadays still have qualms. From what u R describing Mo the person who #1` at what you are referring to coincidentally
was and is the boyfriend of RU's #3 or #4 I believe. He runs our tailgate and is the undergraduate and top friends with popular posters here.

He bleeds Scarlet (word was he didn't want the position unless he could keep tailgating though he was then out of work with kids. 1st tailgater ever at a home B1G game. He's smart, an attorney by trade (helps with the contract aspect) and a good guy. He, like others here, should be on staff-somewhere.

That said as of last year he seems utterly out of whack so to say, what needs to be done to land those big bucks. I've had a similar comment/complaint from another of the friends' friend in "the crew". I do know others who've applied to the Foundation only to be told to get a fundraising background/class. That was waived here.

I thnk the leaders here need a background as: 1)Rutgers alum; 2)season ticketholders; 3)fan club members (if am acquainted with 3) top donors from my former Court Club membership-one later as an adjunct prof).

Please don't tell me that you took a writing class at Rutgers. I tried to read it 3 times but that actually hurt my brain.
It all starts, likely with how one is treated upon entrance through graduation and then alumnus. I have discussed all of my bad experiences often only to a belittlerd, criticized and perhaps even banned at one point. Though it seems from posters here that much has improved (I was also in a weed put program) since I've graduated) since I've graduated. Thats all positive news. However Rutgers, as the state U in about the most expensive state there, also faces hurdles in that some wind up (some transferring back from other schools with great spprts programs-and even Ivy league schools) at RU due to finances-the R isn't their top choice.

The feedback I have received, re above, (once by a bad RAA employee) is that they did not feel they were treated well as undergrads/alumni.

The University also needs to hire (and traning if necessary) the right employees for the Rutgers Foundation. Meeting reps who were just recentv undergrads at the January 2016 RFU job fair (BTW most of the elements of that fair were recommended by yours truly to Richard White of former staff 5-10 years ago) was really annoying and upsetting. They knew nothing about much inc our top alumni, history, yada. (BTW had to inform career services staff thatv I parked wrong because "my" yellow lot (just outsde the Werblin Center here was) was not the one at therv RAC where tney wanted us to park!

I had an RAA exec in an MBA marketing class wsho thought her poop didn't stink. She had to things her way. She wanted to meet for our group project at Winnants Hall on a Saturday. Some guy walks into our room off the street-God knows who?-and shes real nasty to him. How did she know he wasn't some billionaire (on that note while at UNC waiting on the student line for tickets-I was told that one guy that wentv to the entrance was a oil tycoon-I think the NAFTA guy).

Nowadays still have qualms. From what u R describing Mo the person who #1` at what you are referring to coincidentally
was and is the boyfriend of RU's #3 or #4 I believe. He runs our tailgate and is the undergraduate and top friends with popular posters here.

He bleeds Scarlet (word was he didn't want the position unless he could keep tailgating though he was then out of work with kids. 1st tailgater ever at a home B1G game. He's smart, an attorney by trade (helps with the contract aspect) and a good guy. He, like others here, should be on staff-somewhere.

That said as of last year he seems utterly out of whack so to say, what needs to be done to land those big bucks. I've had a similar comment/complaint from another of the friends' friend in "the crew". I do know others who've applied to the Foundation only to be told to get a fundraising background/class. That was waived here.

I thnk the leaders here need a background as: 1)Rutgers alum; 2)season ticketholders; 3)fan club members (if am acquainted with 3) top donors from my former Court Club membership-one later as an adjunct prof).

Dude, you need to proofread & post only when sober.

I'm sure there are some great points in there but they are lost in drunken ramblings & totally random thoughts. You can't type what pops into your head at every moment.
Dude, you need to proofread & post only when sober.

I'm sure there are some great points in there but they are lost in drunken ramblings & totally random thoughts. You can't type what pops into your head at every moment.

Sorry but I have enough on the plate for myself and taxpayers that typos are the least of my concern until I'm paid to worry about them. I'm using my laptop missing a key or two
on the of a bad hotel without AC. Flies often bite me here and there are possibly bedbugs. This is my 1st laptop and the screen is sensitive. I post oftern because comments get lost and the screen freezes. I have new bifocals (lasted 15 years above avg in needing them-horrible angle to type (on floor) can't see well.

In reply to your other STUPID INACCURATE comments: Go back to your "intro" class and arm wrestling matches. I appreciate your family's support but:

1) I have never been drunk. Pretty tipsy twice. Didn't drive those two nghts. I try to present myself well. You never know. The one night Is tipsy I met the futurecowner of the Devils.

2) "You cant type what pops in your head". Well I legally can if it meets the moderator's standards. If I feel they abuse their power I'll gladly create my own websitec witjh high profile Rutgers related domains that the high paid staff will eventually figure out they want. (I have been given free season tickets multiple years ( free FB parking, free clothing and now a 3 month extension to my account. I'm a an idiot?)

3) I don't think you read the thread-YOU ARE OVERREACTING INCORRECTLY HERE.

3A) The topic is major donations and why they lack. First imdirectly cited people who know KNOW how Bernard Marcus feels, yada. THATS EXACTLY WHAT THE ORIGINAL WRITER WROTE ABOUT.

4) I then proceed to give examples based on my own experience. THAT'S PROBABLY CLOSE TO A PERFECT STATISTICAL CORRELATION AS TO WHY PEOPLE DONATE IF YOU UNDERSTAND CORRELATION. If not the big donor prof I mentioned may be willing to help you (stats was an intro MBA class so I guess you aren't a Rutgers MBA grad.(like many posters and staff....).

4B) I cite an example of poor services orientation-how a then foundation staffer treated an unknown person who cold have been a major potential donor. (I took the first services marketing class offered in the state during my MBA-don't remember seeing you there-or any on staff-a background so many have sorryfully needed). Actually I forgot to mention being grabbed by the neck on the floor of the RAC by a former Scarletv R head (for suggesting something like if he wanted to be AD good novel ideas always help (he was obscessed that he was assocated with the the AD-and he'd never be AD because of that. Said that as he was grabbing me. Sorry I have to say but it happened (a ways back) and treating students and donors with disrespect or respect is large part of the Rutgers experience. Unfortunately for many the experience was similar (I can cite a donor rate of 16% when I was an MBA but the donor rate was both similar elsewhere and is a function of else-this according to a then Rutgers MBA student in the sports marketing department. Note FYI that study was the original study I was supposed to follow up for my 1997-8 MBA group project class but the results were controversial (in addition to the fact that a RU staffer on that project was a conflict of interest). As I predicted after shortly meeting with the student stafer (knew face from RU sports marketing/BB games-omce handed me a pair of sneakers I had won) on a September 1997 Friday our followup project the then RAA was cancelled[-3 days later! Our group wound up working for the NJSEA at the Meadowlands a week after Bob Mulcahy (who actually had worked in the past for the father of one of our group members. became AD at RU (therefore have a bit of background on Bob, NJSESA, Meadowlands, Devils and relasted politics!

***BY THE WAY it is now 2016 and realize things change-I often qualify my experiences with dates. However some themes such bad hirings have plagued the University fairly consistently.

4C) I then risked a relationship or two to say I personally know the person whose job it is to land the big fish. I gave my opinion based on my life and Rutgers experience saying (though I like him, he's a great father, wonderful cook, bleeds Scarlet, is a sizable donor) I don't think he's the best person suited for THAT job. My opinion and I cited one of our tailgate crew (he feeds both of our mouths) who has a similar opinion.
IT'S MY OPINION AND HIRING THE BEST PEOPLE FOR ANY ORGANIZATON IS cRUcial to that organization's success. HR 101 day one! Me saying the prior is "whatever comes into my head?". Rutgers has never made any bad personnel decisions? I guess if they taught you in your "intro football" class
that Henry Rutgers was a major in the "War In Iraq" you'd bELieve that too. Colonial Henry, based on your insensitive, accusory comments isn't the only one missing a bell (if you even get the joke).
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Sorry but I have enough on the plate for myself and taxpayers that typos are the least of my concern until I'm paid to worry about them. I'm using my laptop missing a key or two
on the of a bad hotel without AC. Flies often bite me here and there are possibly bedbugs. This is my 1st laptop and the screen is sensitive. I post oftern because comments get lost and the screen freezes. I have new bifocals (lasted 15 years above avg in needing them-horrible angle to type (on floor) can't see well.

In reply to your other STUPID INACCURATE comments: Go back to your "intro" class and have your bra and fights and arm wrestling matches. I appreciate your family's support but:

1) I have never been drunk. Pretty tipsy twice. Didn't drive those two nghts. I try to present myself well. You never know. The one night Is tipsy I met the futurecowner of the Devils.

2) "You cant type what pops in your head". Well I legally can if it meets the moderator's standards. If I feel they abuse their power I'll gladly create my own websitec witjh high profile Rutgers related domains that the high paid staff will eventually figure out they want. (I have been given free season tickets, free FB parking, free clothing and now a
3 month extension to my account. I'm a an idiot?

3) I don't think you read the thread-YOU ARE OVERREACTING INCORRECTLY HERE.

3A) The topic is major donations and why they lack. First imdirectly cited people who know KNOW how Bernard Marcus feels, yada. THATS EXACTLY WHAT THE ORIGINAL WRITER WROTE ABOUT.

4) I then proceed to give examples based on my own experience. THAT'S PROBABLY CLOSE TO A PERFECT .1 STATISTICAL CORRELATION AS TO WHY PEOPLE DONATE IF YOU UNDERSTAND CORRELATION. If not the big donor prof I mentioned may be willing to help you (stats was an intro MBA class so I guess you aren't a Rutgers MBA grad.(like many posters and staff....).

4B) I cite an example of poor services orientation-how a then foundation staffer treated an unknown person who cold have been a major potential donor. (I took the first services marketing class offered in the state during my MBA-don't remember seeing you there-or any on staff-a background so many have sorryfully needed). Actually I forgot to mention being grabbed by the neck on the floor of the RAC by a former Scarletv R head (for suggesting something like if he wanted to be AD good novel ideas always help (he was obscessed that he was assocated with the the AD-and he'd never be AD because of that. Said that as he was grabbing me. Sorry I have to say but it happened (a ways back) and treating students and donors with disrespect or respect islarge part of the Rutgers experience.

4C) I then risked a relationship or two to say I personally know the person whose job it is to land the big fish. I gave my opinion based on my life and Rutgers experience saying (though I like him, he's a great father, wonderful cook, bleeds Scarlet, is a sizable donor) I don't think he's the best person suited for THAT job. My opinion and I cited one of our tailgate crew (he feeds both of our mouths) who has a similar opinion.
IT'S MY OPINION AND HIRING THE BEST PEOPLE FOR ANY ORGANIZATON IS cRUcial to that organization's success. HR 101 day one! Me saying the prior is "whatever comes into my head?". Rutgers has never made any bad personnel decisions? I guess if they taught you in your "intro football" class
that Henry Rutgers was a major in the "War In Iraq" you'd bELieve that too. Colonial Henry, based on your insensitive, accusory comments isn't the only one missing a bell (if you even get the joke).

You are a mess.
Hey OP... at some point you have to ask yourself why people are criticizing you. I have no skin in the game of who works for Rutgers in these matters and I can tell you that you are not advancing your position here.

In your OP you mentioned Phil Knight as an example.

Nike's world HQ is in Beaverton, Oregon and Phil Knight probably lives close by.. The sporting events at Oregon are probably the biggest things going on in that state on any given Saturday. Sports is Phil Knight's passion and his business. Oregon has its own major network television stations (NJ's are all in NY and PA). Oregon has been in a major conference for a long time.

Phil Knight recently donated $400M to Stanford. Ask yourself why.

And all that said, Oregon rise in donations did not begin until 1996 or so. Get out of your own head and READ THIS.

Rutgers has many disadvantages compared to this example.

I think we can get there. While I am sure the fundraising staff can probably do better you have to stop blaming them and the famous RU Screw. If a huge Big Time donor is out there, it will happen on his or her own time for his or her own reasons. All Rutgers need do is be sure to show they can spend money wisely...

...but as I said above.. Rutgers has many disadvantages. Here are a couple:

- People flee New Jersey (immigrants and job-hoppers have kept the population roughly static, but many people leave the state).
- The local TV networks mostly cover happenings at the State U only when there is a fire or murder or a scandal.. the stuff Rutgers can be most proud of never makes the evening news.
- NJ is not the nicest place on earth. That is speed of life here and the competition has created a "Jersey Attitude" that filters into everything.. driving on roads, encounters with public servants and administrators... and the cost of doing business.. I think that is the origin of the Ru Screw. It is juts New Jersey people being "Jersey". And it is just a convenient excuse for those who do not want to donate. If the were truly motivated to donate for their own reasons then it wouldn't matter if some administrator gave them a hard time about changing their majors.

If some potential major donors out there want to build something at their State U then they will do so. I doubt very much that Rutgers employees have prevented this. But certainly the AD gaffs in recent years has not helped... but that has nothing to do with handling the donors/ticket-holders.
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You are a mess.

No I have earned two Rutgers degrees (have outside NJ college experience at UNC-unlike many narrow sighted people here), grew up locally in a town with many big alum, staffers and coaches.

I have been in several Rutgers fan clubs and served on a executive committee where met several of our top donors. I have had season tickets of one sort or another for 40 years.

THEREFORE I have met a lot of people (as a STUDENT I had team members as friends with another so impressed that I donated as a student that he had his girlfriend bring me back to his apartment and gave me his 50 yard line seats for Penn State though I already had my own 2 season tickets on the 47-48, 2nd row 131) at the Meadowlands since age 16.

Unfortunatately I was treated bad at Cook had a bad experience there (many bad things) and then 10 years later I accidently discovered and reported (to a unconcerned! Dean Hills I believe, a programming error that had to have affected thousands of final GPAs. I applied to law schools with my Final GPAS only to have my transcripts say (incorrectly) lower. Made me look like I lied and was only accepted at one coincidentally.

***Bad experiences are at the center of this thread (Marcus, etc..). I'm happy you and Mr and Mrs Screw (where did THAT term come from-LOTS OF BAD EXPERIENCES!) had a great RU experience. I didn't (MBA was better)-part of that being amenities now in place.

Rutgers is LUCKY to have an alum such as myself who had a bad undergrad experience yet am still involved. 95% of my ungrad and grad acquintances could have cared less about RU sports and many downright hated the players (again I attended Cook 1981-6) including frequent posters to this board I know (I used to worry about my friends on the team because they were relatively small and I knew larger ex HS players that really hated the then players. I hope and think times have changed.

If one doesn't accept there are problems in a given orgamiation that organization will never improve!
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I hope that R collective experiences work to improve the school and team. Maybe you like losing and two conference wins. I don't. Also don't like seeing the hot daughters of our "crew" members (and contiguous tcket holders. like any other NJ residents, turn RU down for Delaware and other nearby schools.

I don't lie and comment where appropriate. Not always pretty but done witjh good intentions of making things better. As I'm a tad older now (more years of RU) and a bit more involved and "insider" I have many experiences, gpod and bad, that others don't (many here shoot off their mouths but know little and even purchase a ticket let alone donate.

Never gonna run for office but with ~1/6 of my posts likes (thanks to all who read and keep an open mind). I think I'm doing ok.
No I have earned two Rutgers degrees (have outside NJ college experience at UNC-unlike many narrow sighted people here), grew up locally in a town with many big alum, staffers and coaches.

I have been in several Rutgers fan clubs and served on a executive committee where met several of our top donors. I have had season tickets of one sort or another for 40 years.

THEREFORE I have met a lot of people (as a STUDENT I had team members as friends with another so impressed that I donated as a student that he had his girlfriend bring me back to his apartment and gave me his 50 yard line seats for Penn State though I already had my own 2 season tickets on the 47-48, 2nd row 131) at the Meadowlands since age 16.

Unfortunatately I was treated bad at Cook had a bad experience there (many bad things) and then 10 years later I accidently discovered and reported (to a unconcerned! Dean Hills I believe, a programming error that had to have affected thousands of final GPAs. I applied to law schools with my Final GPAS only to have my transcripts say (incorrectly) lower. Made me look like I lied and was only accepted at one coincidentally.

***Bad experiences are at the center of this thread (Marcus, etc..). I'm happy you and Mr and Mrs Screw (where did THAT term come from-LOTS OF BAD EXPERIENCES!) had a great RU experience. I didn't (MBA was better)-part of that being amenities now in place.

Rutgers is LUCKY to have an alum such as myself who had a bad undergrad experience yet am still involved. 95% of my ungrad and grad acquintances could have cared less about RU sports and many downright hated the players (again I attended Cook 1981-6) including frequent posters to this board I know (I used to worry about my friends on the team because they were relatively small and I knew larger ex HS players that really hated the then players. I hope and think times have changed.

If one doesn't accept there are problems in a given orgamiation that organization will never improve!

Saturday - my comment was regarding your communication attempts in your previous posts. This one was much easier to understand.

I also have multiple degrees from RU...and i understand. That said, all schools have their "warts"...and things are getting much better.

Please do stay engaged and continue to try and help. We need everyone on board to get this turned around

And when we do (and we will!), it will be the best story in College Sports!
Another cheap Rutgers fan with yet another excuse to not give to one of the most important funds ever at Rutgers. Give so we can compete with are rivals or don't so we continue to get destroyed on the field and the recruiting trail. Yes destroyed compared to our direct competition. Geez 25 bucks is not killing anyone. So sad that as a whole we are so small time as a fan base it's pathetic. 1300 total donors is just pathetic.
Another cheap Rutgers fan with yet another excuse to not give to one of the most important funds ever at Rutgers. Give so we can compete with are rivals or don't so we continue to get destroyed on the field and the recruiting trail. Yes destroyed compared to our direct competition. Geez 25 bucks is not killing anyone. So sad that as a whole we are so small time as a fan base it's pathetic. 1300 total donors is just pathetic.

that being said, I am a Build Fund Captain. Minimum donation is $10/month for 5 years. That works out to 0.33 cents per day. $120/year. Two less Starbucks coffees a month or 2 less chipotle burritos per month. Anyone who wants to donate let me know and I can help direct you and put you on my fundraising team.
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It's kinda sad the largest donations combined to total $11 million.
11 plus the free 25 is 36 million what a pathetic effort so far from the rest of US combined. This small time effort proves what many say we are a small time fan base thank god 9 million people live in NJ we got one over Delany and the BIG this fan base is surely not BIG. now the excuse is that it's summer time before it was that the fund just started jeez and you guys want to win championships and 4 and 5 star recruits when you yourself are a 1 star fan/Alum. Sad
11 plus the free 25 is 36 million what a pathetic effort so far from the rest of US combined. This small time effort proves what many say we are a small time fan base thank god 9 million people live in NJ we got one over Delany and the BIG this fan base is surely not BIG. now the excuse is that it's summer time before it was that the fund just started jeez and you guys want to win championships and 4 and 5 star recruits when you yourself are a 1 star fan/Alum. Sad
Considering this is a multiyear effort, I'm not complaining about $36 million.
Considering this is a multiyear effort, I'm not complaining about $36 million.
Our fan base must be very pro
And being that we're at a total of almost $56 million, yeah, not too bad.
your right that's a wonderful amount out of the 5000 people on this website who are the supposed hard core fans only 1200 have given a dime. I bet Penn State would have been at the 100 million mark already. You can see why a recruit would choose them over us. If you were at that game last year you know exactly what I am talking about.
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Our fan base must be very pro

your right that's a wonderful amount out of the 5000 people on this website who are the supposed hard core fans only 1200 have given a dime. I bet Penn State would have been at the 100 million mark already. You can see why a recruit would choose them over us. If you were at that game last year you know exactly what I am talking about.
You need to calm down. It's ridiculous how you react to fundraising posts.
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You need to calm down. It's ridiculous how you react to fundraising posts.
I hate losing in football and basketball I hate when top NJ recruits choose a school other than Rutgers. I love Rutgers I want Rutgers to win everything and I believe $$$$ is what is holding us back. Money to have the same facilities are enemies have. Money to hire the same level coach that are enemies have. this fanbase has not stepped up its just waiting for someone else to do it. I guess the fan base is voting democrat in november
I hate losing in football and basketball I hate when top NJ recruits choose a school other than Rutgers. I love Rutgers I want Rutgers to win everything and I believe $$$$ is what is holding us back. Money to have the same facilities are enemies have. Money to hire the same level coach that are enemies have. this fanbase has not stepped up its just waiting for someone else to do it. I guess the fan base is voting democrat in november
Become a Build Fund Captain if you don't like it! Otherwise, shut up!
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Shut up? I've given 1100 to this fund and will give more when I can. You know this already because ive said it but you throw insults when you have nothing else to say. Captain program is fine but working a full time job and running a small business why I'm not a captain. If I were a captain you would still insult instead of doing anything about it.
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While ash catch'ems delivery could be improved, he does have a point. I was at a meet-and-greet fundraiser, and I couldn't believe the people I talked to had jobs at the foundation.

Ok, it's fine if you don't know anything about football... It's not a requirement of the job. But don't tell me that, and then immediately follow it with "Rutgers is going to get destroyed in the Big Ten. Wait till Michigan comes here."

WTF? Even if you believe that, why tell that to a donor you just met?
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How is that sad? It's a record amount for this school.

Stop measuring our progress against other schools. Measure our progress against ourselves. We have had a record year fundraising but if you read this board you'll want to kill yourself.
I'm happy with the giving overall. I'll leave it at that.
While ash catch'ems delivery could be improved, he does have a point. I was at a meet-and-greet fundraiser, and I couldn't believe the people I talked to had jobs at the foundation.

Ok, it's fine if you don't know anything about football... It's not a requirement of the job. But don't tell me that, and then immediately follow it with "Rutgers is going to get destroyed in the Big Ten. Wait till Michigan comes here."

WTF? Even if you believe that, why tell that to a donor you just met?
Someone needs a pink slip. Yikes!
What's the deal with David Stern? Mario Batali? Alexi Lalas? All alums I don't hear about in regards to donating back. I'm saying they don't but they are higher profile than others and I just don't hear anything from them regarding the school and donations. The last thing I heard was when they bball coaches were meeting Stern at the NBA Draft and then that's it. Can anyone enlighten us about that? TIA.
@CNJKnight I can enlighten you about one of those you mentioned.

Mario Batali is all about Michigan. His daughter goes there. He created special food for Sodexo to be sold there. He has a summer house in Michigan. Rutgers is not on his radar at all.

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If Rutgers can have sustained success in football (defined as MSU-level success), the money will rain from the skies.

The northeast fan (and tri-state in particular) loves a winner.

On the other side of the token, local fans are also fairly quick to jump off the bandwagon during periods of prolonged losing.

There is simply too many entertainment options available vying for our time and money to support mediocrity. Only the most die-hard of fans will do that.

Even the Knicks won't sell out unless they put a half-decent product out there and they have one of the most loyal fan bases I have ever seen.
What's the deal with David Stern? Mario Batali? Alexi Lalas? All alums I don't hear about in regards to donating back. I'm saying they don't but they are higher profile than others and I just don't hear anything from them regarding the school and donations. The last thing I heard was when they bball coaches were meeting Stern at the NBA Draft and then that's it. Can anyone enlighten us about that? TIA.

It doesn't have to be donating $$$ back. It would be nice if they just donated face time at events like the Mccourtys, Sanu, and Leonard do. Glad hand other potential donors.
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@CNJKnight I can enlighten you about one of those you mentioned.

Mario Batali is all about Michigan. His daughter goes there. He created special food for Sodexo to be sold there. He has a summer house in Michigan. Rutgers is not on his radar at all.

Thanks for the reply! Wow-that's disheartening to read/see.

Creative Artists Agency has a thing where you can buy a night (for like $50K) and have a celebrity chef (such as MB) cook for you and your friends at a place somewhere in NYC. I tried to see if they could get me a quote of what it would cost for MB to host a tailgate at a game this fall and got no response back. Needless to say I would think the info above lets me know why I wasn't responded to.
It doesn't have to be donating $$$ back. It would be nice if they just donated face time at events like the Mccourtys, Sanu, and Leonard do. Glad hand other potential donors.
I'm ok with this as well. Doesn't always have to be money like you said.
Shut up? I've given 1100 to this fund and will give more when I can. You know this already because ive said it but you throw insults when you have nothing else to say. Captain program is fine but working a full time job and running a small business why I'm not a captain. If I were a captain you would still insult instead of doing anything about it.

You don't have the time to become a BUILD Captain yet you have the time to respond to every single thread about fundraising and sometime thread's that aren't even about fundraising to b*tch and moan.

You're way worse than a broken record. If you spent 1/10th the time you spent b*tching on becoming a captain and recruiting others to donate you would have ample time.

You want to bring up Penn State? I'm sure they would have more than 25 BUILD Captains right now which is what we have. So you're part of the problem that you keep constantly b*tching about.
I can think of one thing that Clemson & Oregon have done, and continue to do, that we don't .. and I imagine that once we do, it will make all the difference. Until then, all this is almost not worth discussing