Dude, you need to proofread & post only when sober.
I'm sure there are some great points in there but they are lost in drunken ramblings & totally random thoughts. You can't type what pops into your head at every moment.
Sorry but I have enough on the plate for myself and taxpayers that typos are the least of my concern until I'm paid to worry about them. I'm using my laptop missing a key or two
on the of a bad hotel without AC. Flies often bite me here and there are possibly bedbugs. This is my 1st laptop and the screen is sensitive. I post oftern because comments get lost and the screen freezes. I have new bifocals (lasted 15 years above avg in needing them-horrible angle to type (on floor) can't see well.
In reply to your other STUPID INACCURATE comments: Go back to your "intro" class and arm wrestling matches. I appreciate your family's support but:
1) I have never been drunk. Pretty tipsy twice. Didn't drive those two nghts. I try to present myself well. You never know. The one night Is tipsy I met the futurecowner of the Devils.
2) "You cant type what pops in your head". Well I legally can if it meets the moderator's standards. If I feel they abuse their power I'll gladly create my own websitec witjh high profile Rutgers related domains that the high paid staff will eventually figure out they want. (I have been given free season tickets multiple years ( free FB parking, free clothing and now a 3 month extension to my account. I'm a an idiot?)
3) I don't think you read the thread-YOU ARE OVERREACTING INCORRECTLY HERE.
3A) The topic is major donations and why they lack. First imdirectly cited people who know KNOW how Bernard Marcus feels, yada. THATS EXACTLY WHAT THE ORIGINAL WRITER WROTE ABOUT.
4) I then proceed to give examples based on my own experience. THAT'S PROBABLY CLOSE TO A PERFECT STATISTICAL CORRELATION AS TO WHY PEOPLE DONATE IF YOU UNDERSTAND CORRELATION. If not the big donor prof I mentioned may be willing to help you (stats was an intro MBA class so I guess you aren't a Rutgers MBA grad.(like many posters and staff....).
4B) I cite an example of poor services orientation-how a then foundation staffer treated an unknown person who cold have been a major potential donor. (I took the first services marketing class offered in the state during my MBA-don't remember seeing you there-or any on staff-a background so many have sorryfully needed). Actually I forgot to mention being grabbed by the neck on the floor of the RAC by a former Scarletv R head (for suggesting something like if he wanted to be AD good novel ideas always help (he was obscessed that he was assocated with the the AD-and he'd never be AD because of that. Said that as he was grabbing me. Sorry I have to say but it happened (a ways back) and treating students and donors with disrespect or respect is large part of the Rutgers experience. Unfortunately for many the experience was similar (I can cite a donor rate of 16% when I was an MBA but the donor rate was both similar elsewhere and is a function of else-this according to a then Rutgers MBA student in the sports marketing department. Note FYI that study was the original study I was supposed to follow up for my 1997-8 MBA group project class but the results were controversial (in addition to the fact that a RU staffer on that project was a conflict of interest). As I predicted after shortly meeting with the student stafer (knew face from RU sports marketing/BB games-omce handed me a pair of sneakers I had won) on a September 1997 Friday our followup project the then RAA was cancelled[-3 days later! Our group wound up working for the NJSEA at the Meadowlands a week after Bob Mulcahy (who actually had worked in the past for the father of one of our group members. became AD at RU (therefore have a bit of background on Bob, NJSESA, Meadowlands, Devils and relasted politics!
***BY THE WAY it is now 2016 and realize things change-I often qualify my experiences with dates. However some themes such bad hirings have plagued the University fairly consistently.
4C) I then risked a relationship or two to say I personally know the person whose job it is to land the big fish. I gave my opinion based on my life and Rutgers experience saying (though I like him, he's a great father, wonderful cook, bleeds Scarlet, is a sizable donor) I don't think he's the best person suited for THAT job. My opinion and I cited one of our tailgate crew (he feeds both of our mouths) who has a similar opinion.
IT'S MY OPINION AND HIRING THE BEST PEOPLE FOR ANY ORGANIZATON IS cRUcial to that organization's success. HR 101 day one! Me saying the prior is "whatever comes into my head?". Rutgers has never made any bad personnel decisions? I guess if they taught you in your "intro football" class
that Henry Rutgers was a major in the "War In Iraq" you'd bELieve that too. Colonial Henry, based on your insensitive, accusory comments isn't the only one missing a bell (if you even get the joke).