OT: Brittney Griner

WNBA All-Star Brittney Griner was arrested in Russia last month at a Moscow airport after a search of her luggage revealed vape cartridges.

The Russian Customs Service said Saturday that the cartridges were identified as containing oil derived from cannabis, which could carry a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. The customs service identified the person arrested as a player for the U.S. women's team and did not specify the date of her arrest. Russian media reported the player was Griner, and her agent did not dispute those reports.
I hope that Epiphanny got out in time as she was also still over there.
As for Griner, well, nothing would surprise most people that know her history.
I heard that all other WNBA players were out, I suspect that would include Prince, but don't know.

I wouldn't be overly critical of her vaping something with cannabis. While that is not actually legal in Arizona, recreational pot smoking is, at least if you are at least 21 years old. And she plays in Arizona and for all I know lives here, at least some of the time.
I heard that all other WNBA players were out, I suspect that would include Prince, but don't know.

I wouldn't be overly critical of her vaping something with cannabis. While that is not actually legal in Arizona, recreational pot smoking is, at least if you are at least 21 years old. And she plays in Arizona and for all I know lives here, at least some of the time.
You contradict yourself. Who the hell cares what the law is in AZ when you're traveling in RUSSIA?!?!? Nothing surprises me with Griner she really has issues - I think some genuine mental health situations and I hope she is getting the proper treatment, but some is just stupidity and ridiculously poor judgement. This clearly falls in the latter category.
Why should it surprise anyone what an entitled athlete believes is acceptable overseas especially in Communist Russia with a dictator like Putin. Just not smart.
Has anyone making light of this considered that the ‘charges‘ may have been made up to detain a well known American in Russia? Anything is possible to gain leverage with a hostage situation. Whether you are a ‘fan’ of Griner or not, this is a very serious situation for her, especially as a black, lesbian woman.
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Has anyone making light of this considered that the ‘charges‘ may have been made up to detain a well known American in Russia? Anything is possible to gain leverage with a hostage situation. Whether you are a ‘fan’ of Griner or not, this is a very serious situation for her, especially as a black, lesbian woman.
This just didn’t happen in the past 2-3 weeks. Sure “ let’s make Griner a key hostage victim”. From what sources claimed she is a bit of a strange person.
Why did it take so long for this news to come out? Griner has more than likely been detained for more than 3 weeks. I understand back channel negotiations but this does not make sense especially with the conflict escalating towards war.
Of course the excuse makers will defend her stupidity and arrogance to rules. Not surprising to most.
Of course the excuse makers will defend her stupidity and arrogance to rules. Not surprising to most.

Who is defending her? Cali's point is correct...incredibly stupid to do that... the rules are the rules. Sucks for her, but she made her decision.
Has anyone making light of this considered that the ‘charges‘ may have been made up to detain a well known American in Russia? Anything is possible to gain leverage with a hostage situation. Whether you are a ‘fan’ of Griner or not, this is a very serious situation for her, especially as a black, lesbian woman.
What's happening is a serious matter that none of us really knows if Russia is making up the charges and using a legal substance to appear as an illegal one.
Could be that so called cannabis oil is something else entirely and being used to detain a major American sports figure for negotiating purposes or making a big deal out of something they used to overlook for the same purpose.

If what Russia is doing is because of an illegal substance was found in her luggage and not a trumped up, Brittany brought this upon herself by not realizing how Russia would be targeting Americans that broke their laws .
Getting away with doing it before is no excuse seeing the type of relationship between Russia and America has now.
Thinking otherwise is just feeling your entitled to special treatment in any type of circumstance and the treatment you get might not be what expected.
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Who is defending her? Cali's point is correct...incredibly stupid to do that... the rules are the rules. Sucks for her, but she made her decision.
There was a recent post which claimed she was being held hostage. I did not accuse anyone but that poster. The poster claims she was for a better term being framed or falsely accused and why? Because of her race, sexual preferences which is a very overused excuse. According to some it was acceptable to attempt to leave the country through airport security with drugs. This did not just occur… long before the shit hit the fan in Ukraine.The 2021-2022 mindset … never admit wrong doing or culpability. I know exactly what my friend Cali was saying. Perhaps you should re read what and who said what.
There was a recent post which claimed she was being held hostage. I did not accuse anyone but that poster. The poster claims she was for a better term being framed or falsely accused and why? Because of her race, sexual preferences which is a very overused excuse. According to some it was acceptable to attempt to leave the country through airport security with drugs. This did not just occur… long before the shit hit the fan in Ukraine.The 2021-2022 mindset … never admit wrong doing or culpability. I know exactly what my friend Cali was saying. Perhaps you should re read what and who said what.
It was stupid. Apparently, from an article I read elsewhere (and not relating at all to the current situation, per se) the oligarchs who owned the teams traditionally protected the American players from any consequences relating to Russian laws. To me that is a bit inappropriate, as I don't condone bad behavior.

It is also a violation of WNBA rules to use cannabis. While I don't personally object to folks who want to, I think you have to abide by the rules. If you don't like them, change them.

Yes, for a while Griner clearly had a variety of issues that were obvious both off-court and on-court, although I have no idea of what they really were. But it appeared she settled down before this.

What is strange is she apparently played (in Russia) around the time in question, before the league took a break for some international competition. Would love to know the "whole" story, but we never will.
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There in lies the issue with a pro athlete who evidently feels her status exempts her from following rules and drug laws either here or in God foresaken Putinland.
I love how these pro athletes and actors get on their soapbox about how poorly they are treated in this country and then sell themselves to the highest bidder in the most corrupt countries in the world.
What’s the contradiction ? Perceived bad treatment here so they go elsewhere. Good for them. Get what you can while you can.
What’s the contradiction ? Perceived bad treatment here so they go elsewhere. Good for them. Get what you can while you can.
Then don’t call on this country when things don’t work out. And there are many countries that are less corrupt that offer professional opportunities.
Then don’t call on this country when things don’t work out. And there are many countries that are less corrupt that offer professional opportunities.
On this issue, I just think you are wrong. If you want to condemn, stick with those who take citizenship in those countries and compete on their Olympic teams. Plenty have done this. That would not be the case with Griner, Taurasi and other Team USA members who have played on teams in Russia, China and many other countries.

I haven't heard these players complain about how poorly they are treated here. What they have said is that they make most of their income elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that. They would like to make more here, but there are not oligarchs in the USA that don't care whether or not they make money.
Why should it surprise anyone what an entitled athlete believes is acceptable overseas especially in Communist Russia with a dictator like Putin. Just not smart.
Russia hasn't been communist for the last 30yrs. You may want to check your calendar.

Russia has capitalist system, run by billionaire oligarchs who in turn are run by Putin.

Also Marijuana is still an illegal drug in many parts of the world. And "trafficking" drugs illegal can have huge penalties.

Her getting caught with drugs is just a bonus bargaining chip (amongst many that Russia will try to collect and produce) for the inevitable negotiation for ending this US-Russia proxy war over Ukraine and European Energy.
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On this issue, I just think you are wrong. If you want to condemn, stick with those who take citizenship in those countries and compete on their Olympic teams. Plenty have done this. That would not be the case with Griner, Taurasi and other Team USA members who have played on teams in Russia, China and many other countries.

I haven't heard these players complain about how poorly they are treated here. What they have said is that they make most of their income elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that. They would like to make more here, but there are not oligarchs in the USA that don't care whether or not they make money.
Commentators, backed by athletes that have played there, have been saying Russia is not a safe spot for Griner because she is a black lesbian women. Can’t take people seriously that complain about human/gay lesbian rites, racial inequality etc… then sell themselves to the highest bidder(china,russia). 2 countries that are notorious for the exact things they are complaining about.

Seems like a safe working environment from that article.
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Russia hasn't been communist for the last 30yrs. You may want to check your calendar.

Russia has capitalist system, run by billionaire oligarchs who in turn are run by Putin.

Also Marijuana is still an illegal drug in many parts of the world. And "trafficking" drugs illegal can have huge penalties.

Her getting caught with drugs is just a bonus bargaining chip (amongst many that Russia will try to collect and produce) for the inevitable negotiation for ending this US-Russia proxy war over Ukraine and European Energy.
It still is communist even though the scumbag dictator Putzzin wishes you believe they are a socialist democratic country at heart.The nomenclature is immaterial in this case. Griner hates her country and that is well documented. Now she screws the pooch and she wants B1G Daddy USA to come to her rescue.If she were here she would be out on bail a month ago.
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Russia hasn't been communist for the last 30yrs. You may want to check your calendar.

Russia has capitalist system, run by billionaire oligarchs who in turn are run by Putin.

Also Marijuana is still an illegal drug in many parts of the world. And "trafficking" drugs illegal can have huge penalties.

Her getting caught with drugs is just a bonus bargaining chip (amongst many that Russia will try to collect and produce) for the inevitable negotiation for ending this US-Russia proxy war over Ukraine and European Energy.
Oh and remember this little diddy, “ a Putzin” never changes it’s spots.
I'll chime in. It's just plain stupid to be risking anything during these times and in Russia pretty much any time. Just dump the stuff before getting to security and buy more when you get of the damn plane.

I can't stand when US citizens do stuff that puts the country in a tough spot. Yeah, I'm sure this will become a negotiation again. And we do costly things to help.

I feel bad for Griner. I really do. But let's have some brains.
I'll chime in. It's just plain stupid to be risking anything during these times and in Russia pretty much any time. Just dump the stuff before getting to security and buy more when you get of the damn plane.

I can't stand when US citizens do stuff that puts the country in a tough spot. Yeah, I'm sure this will become a negotiation again. And we do costly things to help.

I feel bad for Griner. I really do. But let's have some brains.
But that is conundrum we in this country often take for granted . Why should someone who obeys laws ( example you) feel sorry for her arrogance or possible stupidity of Griner? I can’t believe Griner was unaware of the drugs or vape or whatever. It’s her and only her who put herself in this unfortunate position. We all understand the dubious position she is now in and agree Russia is by no means trustworthy of being above board. Just more reason to cross your T’s and Dot those I ‘s.
It still is communist even though the scumbag dictator Putzzin wishes you believe they are a socialist democratic country at heart.The nomenclature is immaterial in this case. Griner hates her country and that is well documented. Now she screws the pooch and she wants B1G Daddy USA to come to her rescue.If she were here she would be out on bail a month ago.

No one really knows whether there were any drugs involved or local laws broken. This is Russia after all and there are scant facts available. We may never know.

And I’m not denying Griner has had some personal off-court struggles at times, but what evidence do you have that she hates her country? Griner works in Russia to make a living in the WNBA off-season and she’s a longtime member of the US national team. She didn’t ‘get’ citizenship there like some others, including Epiphany Prince or Becky H so they could play on the Russia Fed national teams.

This is a terrible predicament and just hope she gets out safely.
Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but there are two possibilities. The first is that she is being framed so that Putin can put pressure on the U.S. The other is that she really did possess hashish oil, in which case she did something foolish. It's not important whether possession should be illegal; what's important is that it was illegal, and that she took a chance in a country that does not have the kind of due process protections for alleged criminals that the U.S. has. She deserves our best wishes either way.
It still is communist even though the scumbag dictator Putzzin wishes you believe they are a socialist democratic country at heart.The nomenclature is immaterial in this case. Griner hates her country and that is well documented. Now she screws the pooch and she wants B1G Daddy USA to come to her rescue.If she were here she would be out on bail a month ago.
They are neither communist nor anything resembling "democratic". Putin is a dictator. As someone said, it is technically capitalist although the wealth is primarily in the hands of oligarchs that have formed a sort of "ruling class".

Please let me know the documentation that Griner "hates her country" - oh, and let Team USA know so they can take away her gold medals.
No one really knows whether there were any drugs involved or local laws broken. This is Russia after all and there are scant facts available. We may never know.

And I’m not denying Griner has had some personal off-court struggles at times, but what evidence do you have that she hates her country? Griner works in Russia to make a living in the WNBA off-season and she’s a longtime member of the US national team. She didn’t ‘get’ citizenship there like some others, including Epiphany Prince or Becky H so they could play on the Russia Fed national teams.

This is a terrible predicament and just hope she gets out safely.
Sure sounds like cannabis oil residue from the Vape pipe was involved. She has many issues one being vocal about how she dislikes her country of birth. When it’s convenient to work in another country because they pay well fine but don’t complain when you F it up. This happened several months ago . Don’t believe the Russia /Ukraine war was over her suspected drug offense.
They are neither communist nor anything resembling "democratic". Putin is a dictator. As someone said, it is technically capitalist although the wealth is primarily in the hands of oligarchs that have formed a sort of "ruling class".

Please let me know the documentation that Griner "hates her country" - oh, and let Team USA know so they can take away her gold medals.
Who said they’re Democratic? Because you have a Starbucks and Mac Donald’s in your neighborhood doesn’t make you one. Funny thing they’re not socialists either … sorry to burst your bubble but any country which aligns itself with the CCP is communist in my book … hell one of the biggest communists in the USA named Bernie loves Putin. … Why should I let you know? She has had several instances where the question of her love of country can be questioned. I have no doubt this arrogant person tried to get through customs with residue stained vape pipe. So you reap what you sow.
Sure sounds like cannabis oil residue from the Vape pipe was involved. She has many issues one being vocal about how she dislikes her country of birth. When it’s convenient to work in another country because they pay well fine but don’t complain when you F it up. This happened several months ago . Don’t believe the Russia /Ukraine war was over her suspected drug offense.

Who said they’re Democratic? Because you have a Starbucks and Mac Donald’s in your neighborhood doesn’t make you one. Funny thing they’re not socialists either … sorry to burst your bubble but any country which aligns itself with the CCP is communist in my book … hell one of the biggest communists in the USA named Bernie loves Putin. … Why should I let you know? She has had several instances where the question of her love of country can be questioned. I have no doubt this arrogant person tried to get through customs with residue stained vape pipe. So you reap what you sow.
OK - I have to give it to you - I read up on her and I can see why some would very strongly question her love of country. In addition, she holds some opinions that are deeply offensive to a lot of Americans.

I doubt she hates America, and I found no evidence she said she did. Otherwise, why play for our Olympic team and why stand respectfully during the anthem at the ceremony?

She is one of many people, athletes and otherwise, who object to certain things about our country. I don't think that is un-American. I don't think our country is perfect, either. My father, a WWII veteran and proud of his service and his country, didn't always agree with every aspect of American life. He just felt it was a (much) better place to be than anywhere else, which is also my opinion.
No America is not perfect . My late father , who also spent 4 1/2 years in the Pacific Theater, felt there was much lacking in the things which occurred post WW II . Today we are seeing ineptness at the highest levels. We have not learned any lessons especially with what is now occurring in Eastern Europe.
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