Puh-leeze... People have been talking about police violence forever. The difference in the last seven years is that the radical black "movement"-based organizations like the NBPP have been given cover by Holder's DoJ, which has led to resistance in the path of the real dialog.
@RUScrew85 has tried to point out, most of the static isn't about finding real solutions to real problems. Most of it is about a small subset of political capitalists trying to co-opt legitimate topics in an effort to further line their pockets.
This is tragic, in the sense that it discolors any substantive discussion about the fact that the cops do, about 1 time in 5, shoot people who are completely unarmed. But to paint the issue as "a black lives" issue" discolors the discussion, as well. Half the people shot by the police, armed or unarmed, are white. Thirty percent are black. Roughly twenty percent are hispanic. Two in a hundred are Asian.
The issue that people of pale color have with things like BLM is that they steadfastly paint a picture of some kind of law enforcement war against blacks, which is patently absurd. Trigger happy cops are shootin' all kindsa people all up in there. A 20% f*ckup rate is too high, regardless of the color of the victim. Unfortunately as long as the issue is presented as purely racial, no meaningful dialog will be had.
All of which completely ignores some fundamental logic which applies to everyone, black, white, yellow or green. The simple fact of the matter is that anyone can dramatically reduce their chances of being shot by the cops, to something approaching zero, by following a few simple guidelines:
Don't deal drugs.
Stop stealin' shit.
Don't punch a cop in the face while he's sitting in his car.