OT: Bruno Was the Man, Coldplay The LGBT Crowd/ Bey?

Puh-leeze... People have been talking about police violence forever. The difference in the last seven years is that the radical black "movement"-based organizations like the NBPP have been given cover by Holder's DoJ, which has led to resistance in the path of the real dialog.

As @RUScrew85 has tried to point out, most of the static isn't about finding real solutions to real problems. Most of it is about a small subset of political capitalists trying to co-opt legitimate topics in an effort to further line their pockets.

This is tragic, in the sense that it discolors any substantive discussion about the fact that the cops do, about 1 time in 5, shoot people who are completely unarmed. But to paint the issue as "a black lives" issue" discolors the discussion, as well. Half the people shot by the police, armed or unarmed, are white. Thirty percent are black. Roughly twenty percent are hispanic. Two in a hundred are Asian.

The issue that people of pale color have with things like BLM is that they steadfastly paint a picture of some kind of law enforcement war against blacks, which is patently absurd. Trigger happy cops are shootin' all kindsa people all up in there. A 20% f*ckup rate is too high, regardless of the color of the victim. Unfortunately as long as the issue is presented as purely racial, no meaningful dialog will be had.

All of which completely ignores some fundamental logic which applies to everyone, black, white, yellow or green. The simple fact of the matter is that anyone can dramatically reduce their chances of being shot by the cops, to something approaching zero, by following a few simple guidelines:

Don't deal drugs.

Stop stealin' shit.

Don't punch a cop in the face while he's sitting in his car.
Agreed with most of this post, but what some people fail to comprehend is that this country was built on things that whites were allowed to do to blacks. Slavery, lynchings, police shootings and brutality, etc. not the other way around. The civil actions that moved in the 1960's...didn't just magically make every white person love black people. White people have never, and will NEVER face the same plight as blacks in this country (as whole). So comparing why blacks speak out against police brutality when it happened to all races is not even in the same ball park. If whites, Latinos, or whoever chose to speak about it in reference to their race, does that make the, wrong? Not at all. So why all the fuss about BLM. Who cares where it came from. Sure, WLM and all lifes matter too, hell, animals lives matter. That doesn't mean someone is wrong for speaking about it.
I'm discrediting the movement because the movement is complete crap. The movement was never about change or finding common ground, it has always been about power. I'm not a fan of many of President Obama's policies but I think his biggest failure will go down as race relations. Huge opportunity was lost and it's sad that things have actually gotten worse under his watch.

It must be Obama when the Republican leader says "Mexicans are bringing drugs, crime...they're rapists"; that Muslims belong in a database; and that Jews "like to make deals." And best of all...hardly any national Republicans have the balls to stand up and say anything about it.

I'm sure Obama told him to say it.

I'm sure we went 4-8 because of Obama too.
You're the exact same way, just from the opposite side of the spectrum.

No, I don't get worked up when your side embraces someone who blames gun control on Jews.

To be worked up, I'd have to be surprised.

I have known, and said many times, the number of people who favor small government is quite small. The Republican party has made it quite known, small government is out, sticking it to minorities on the taxpayer's dime is in. Rounding up Mexicans, registering Muslims, and shoving a deranged brand of Evangelical Christianity down everyone's throat will cost billions, but they simply do not care.

That is what this is all about. I am not gay, I am not black, I could really care less that their culture is celebrated. I am an atheist Italian American and my culture is celebrated no where yet I'm not blathering about Beyonce nor blaming my station in life on other groups. That's all your side has. Not one plan on how to change things but talking points about who to blame.
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Two cops killed in Maryland yesterday. The BLM lies are on high display these days, including at Rutgers.

Free speech! Until a guy comes to campus who isn't a flaming liberal. Then BLM disrupts the event and tries to shut the guy up.

More bad press for Rutgers, thanks to these morons. BLM is a fake movement built on lies.

LOL Breitbart.

Let's blame BLM when Carly Fiorina gets indicted for the shooting at Planned Parenthood after her libelous attacks. I don't think she is in the top 5 of bangable women out just wow, there is more to the world than minorities top 5

Yeah who bangs anyone who isn't white, those damn millenials and their crazy values. Get off my lawn!!
She's absolutely a cow. I don't know about you, but I prefer my women look a little less like Hulk Hogan.

As for the racism, the soul and spirit of the NBPP is entirely racist. I'm not going to debate you on that. It's not open to question.

Someone else mentioned Earl Campbell thighs. Then last night we were watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Manos Hands of Fate-probably the worst movie ever made).
and one of the hosts made a comment about Earl Campbell.

Then get a load of Torgo's thighs.

Bey, Campbell / Torgo: conincidence. I think not!

The biggest problem in discussions regarding race is the fact that the word Racist is thrown around much too casually.

I believe Webster's has said they will be reviewing the use of all words involving discussions of racial inequality.

You can't have a real conversation when one person calls the other a Racist two sentences into the discussion.

Calling someone a racist is a strong accusation. But an accusation that is thrown around by many rather lightly.
I disagree. Before Obama's presidency these issues weren't even part of the national dialogue, you couldn't talk about them. I am sorry that you feel uncomfortable dealing with a real topic that is no longer in the shadows. It is easy for a person who doesn't deal with the day to day reality of the race relations issue to think that the conversation and the President's policies are a failure. The people who kept this issue in the shadows for so long are why the voices against racism are louder and getting a larger platform. People affected by racism are sick of getting lip service. I am sure they are sorry you felt uncomfortable during halftime of the Super Bowl while you watched on your couch.
the bolded is a big assumption on your part. You have no idea who I work with or help on a daily basis or what I have and continue to do for people.
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Are there any "black" issues other than slavery that u have an issue with? Or that u feel like our country has not moved completeLy past and blacks suffer from it? If no, fine. If yes...what? Just curious.
Are you saying Black Americans are still suffering from slavery?

I'll surprise you by saying yes. They are now being held on the Leftist Plantation of low expectations, terrible public education and the destruction of their families. All of which can be traced directly to Leftist policies.

But suffering from slavery in earlier centuries. No, that's silly.
Yes. I have seen a lot of racism on this board against a variety of groups and just when I think I think the last of it came after a banning a new weed pops up. I have seen racist rants about our own players never mind Beyonce.


The bottom line is, there is a lot of rhetoric from the right wing that to me is not about small government but more about African-Americans, among other minorities, being subject to extra levers of government overreach that white Americans are not subject to. That is the issue. And if has nothing to do with race, what is it?

Please just one example.
It must be Obama when the Republican leader says "Mexicans are bringing drugs, crime...they're rapists"; that Muslims belong in a database; and that Jews "like to make deals." And best of all...hardly any national Republicans have the balls to stand up and say anything about it.

I'm sure Obama told him to say it.

I'm sure we went 4-8 because of Obama too.
Oh God, again with the nonsense. Don't you ever get tired of taking random quotes from morons and using them to portray anyone who doesn't agree with you? Do all Democrats truly believe there is a special place in hell for those that don't vote for Hilary? Do you all think Guam is going to tip over if we put more troops there? Do you agree with Pelosi that 500 million Americans a month are losing their jobs? The problem with posting stupid quotes or policies is there are more than enough coming from both sides. That's why you love OWS and BLM, you don't really want answers, you just want to blame everything on people who don't agree with you.
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Two cops killed in Maryland yesterday. The BLM lies are on high display these days, including at Rutgers.

Free speech! Until a guy comes to campus who isn't a flaming liberal. Then BLM disrupts the event and tries to shut the guy up.

More bad press for Rutgers, thanks to these morons. BLM is a fake movement built on lies.
Are you saying Black Americans are still suffering from slavery?

I'll surprise you by saying yes. They are now being held on the Leftist Plantation of low expectations, terrible public education and the destruction of their families. All of which can be traced directly to Leftist policies.

But suffering from slavery in earlier centuries. No, that's silly.
LOL..No, I was going with the assumption that most people regardless of race, or ethnicity agree that Slavery was an issue, and a part of black history that will never be forgotten or downplayed. I was asking did you have any issues with anything else up to this point that only affects blacks. But no need to answer. This discussion was fun and interesting while on lunch, but I'm back to being a hero for my country! :) #USA #AIRFORCE!
LOL Breitbart.

Let's blame BLM when Carly Fiorina gets indicted for the shooting at Planned Parenthood after her libelous attacks.

No care even acknowledgement of the murdered cops. So typical of the crazies like Not on the left. Yea, Breitbart made it up. You are a genius.
I have a serious question for you and I want you to answer it truthfully and honestly…OK?
Do you think anyone on this board believes or preferred Beyonce NOT perform at the Super Bowl because she is black?
What are rainbows?
Well if you think celebrating the Black Panthers during the NFL halftime show is a good thing it says more about you than you think it does. Rapists and murderers. Race relations we're doing pretty well in this country until obama and the other leftists decided to incite racial problems to further their political agenda.

“Rape was an insurrectionary act,” Eldridge Cleaver wrote in Soul on Ice of transitioning from sexual assaults on black women to whites. “It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women”

You sure you don't want to retract your points or are you happy being a "Useful Idiot"?
What a joke. So now Obama and his voters are to blame for race relations? Yes see what he went and did by getting himself elected. Should have just stayed in his place.
I disagree. Before Obama's presidency these issues weren't even part of the national dialogue, you couldn't talk about them. I am sorry that you feel uncomfortable dealing with a real topic that is no longer in the shadows. It is easy for a person who doesn't deal with the day to day reality of the race relations issue to think that the conversation and the President's policies are a failure. The people who kept this issue in the shadows for so long are why the voices against racism are louder and getting a larger platform. People affected by racism are sick of getting lip service. I am sure they are sorry you felt uncomfortable during halftime of the Super Bowl while you watched on your couch.
It's a real topic but it's just like any PC real topic, the movement doesn't want to talk about the real issues. They just want to be victims.

The real issue is a complete lack of responsibility in the black community.
Puh-leeze... People have been talking about police violence forever. The difference in the last seven years is that the radical black "movement"-based organizations like the NBPP have been given cover by Holder's DoJ, which has led to resistance in the path of the real dialog.

As @RUScrew85 has tried to point out, most of the static isn't about finding real solutions to real problems. Most of it is about a small subset of political capitalists trying to co-opt legitimate topics in an effort to further line their pockets.

This is tragic, in the sense that it discolors any substantive discussion about the fact that the cops do, about 1 time in 5, shoot people who are completely unarmed. But to paint the issue as "a black lives" issue" discolors the discussion, as well. Half the people shot by the police, armed or unarmed, are white. Thirty percent are black. Roughly twenty percent are hispanic. Two in a hundred are Asian.

The issue that people of pale color have with things like BLM is that they steadfastly paint a picture of some kind of law enforcement war against blacks, which is patently absurd. Trigger happy cops are shootin' all kindsa people all up in there. A 20% f*ckup rate is too high, regardless of the color of the victim. Unfortunately as long as the issue is presented as purely racial, no meaningful dialog will be had.

All of which completely ignores some fundamental logic which applies to everyone, black, white, yellow or green. The simple fact of the matter is that anyone can dramatically reduce their chances of being shot by the cops, to something approaching zero, by following a few simple guidelines:

Don't deal drugs.

Stop stealin' shit.

Don't punch a cop in the face while he's sitting in his car.

I had no idea that drug offenses, stealing, and assault carried capital sentences in this country. Learning new things every day.
Oohhh, that was one short high. Only took about three other posts to sober right up.

Now I need a real high.
Oh God, again with the nonsense. Don't you ever get tired of taking random quotes from morons and using them to portray anyone who doesn't agree with you? Do all Democrats truly believe there is a special place in hell for those that don't vote for Hilary? Do you all think Guam is going to tip over if we put more troops there? Do you agree with Pelosi that 500 million Americans a month are losing their jobs? The problem with posting stupid quotes or policies is there are more than enough coming from both sides. That's why you love OWS and BLM, you don't really want answers, you just want to blame everything on people who don't agree with you.

You blamed Obama for race relations being worsened.

Name for me one national Democratic candidates who said whites are rapists, Christians sholuld be would never happen.

You are comparing, with the exception of Albright who was widely condemned, misspeaking with direct quotes that deliberately assailed minorities.

How about the fact that Cruz talks about "New York Values" and Rubio says visiting a mosque is divisive...I could go on here...and you have the audacity to say Obama is a divider?
I don't think there is any question that police harass the black community more so than any other.

But in New York for example, the heightened policing, or whatever you want to call it, has led to a reduction in the murder rate from 3,000 all the way down to 300-400. Drugs are no longer openly dealt on the street. Pimps and ho's are behind closed doors. You can walk to the market, day or night with almost no risk of getting mugged.

It was a far different place twenty five years ago. The benefits would seem to be a much better environment to live in and raise children in. If I had my choice between being approached and possibly frisked by a policeman vs. getting knocked over the head with the butt end of a gun and robbed...easy choice.

But there seems to be little appreciation from the black community for the less crime ridden environment that this level of policing provides. Is it because they're confident the inner city culture has evolved and simply doesn't need this level of policing to remain relatively crime free? That it wouldn't go right back to where it was? Is it because so much time has past, the young people today have no recollection of how bad the 60's, 70's and 80's were?
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I don't think there is any question that police harass the black community more so than any other.

But in New York for example, the heightened policing, or whatever you want to call it, has led to a reduction in the murder rate from 3,000 all the way down to 300-400. Drugs are no longer openly dealt on the street. Pimps and ho's are behind closed doors. You can walk to the market, day or night with almost no risk of getting mugged.

It was a far different place twenty five years ago. The benefits would seem to be a much better environment to live in and raise children in. If I had my choice between being approached and possibly frisked by a policeman vs. getting knocked over the head with the butt end of a gun and robbed...easy choice.

But there seems to be little appreciation from the black community for the less crime ridden environment that this level of policing provides. Is it because they're confident the inner city culture has evolved and simply doesn't need this level of policing to remain relatively crime free? That it wouldn't go right back to where it was? Is it because so much time has past, the young people today have no recollection of how bad the 60's, 70's and 80's were?

Under the Obama administration, proactive policing has been scaled back to essentially no policing in major cities. It is the very reason why violent crime has shot up as high as 20% or more in some cities. Scary stuff.
It's a real topic but it's just like any PC real topic, the movement doesn't want to talk about the real issues. They just want to be victims.

The real issue is a complete lack of responsibility in the black community.
So I'm guessing you have spoken with the entire 'black community' (to make such a blanket statement) and came up with this conclusion based on facts, no? If so, what did they say?
Ok I gotta tell you I've been in close consultation with respected members of the board but I have to agree NotIN is a retard and id going back on Ignore.

It gets worse. The two policemen who were murdered were both Marine Corps vets.

Obama, where are you?
This thread is absolutely shameful.
Agreed 100% trainwreck that needs to be deleted. I for one hope none of our players, their parents, or potential recruits read this thread (since many of them are from that 'community'). Shameful among other words can be used to describe the sentiments of some of the messages in this thread.

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