OT: Do you weed whack before or after you cut the lawn ?

Never wack first. I've heard of some guys that do so that they'll be able to last longer when they mow, but at my age, the amount of time I can spend mowing is just fine.

Oh, and If you're actually taking about lawns, I mow first so this way I know exactly what I can't reach with the mower and have to hit with the trimmer.
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$55 per month? $15 per application? Just curious: how big is your lawn?
Not much. On a 120 X 40 ft lot I have about 25 ft in front and 20 ft in the back.
In my neighborhood there are a number of people putting in pavers replacing the front lawn and have decks and pools in the backyard. I didn't get to that
point yet because I like flower gardens and shrubs in the front.
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It's funny that our new neighbors are just about to move in from Brooklyn and they think they're moving to the suburbs.
The owner told me she plans to concrete the front and back yards. No lie.
She bought the 2 family house in March and had the entire inside stripped out. New sheetrock, all new electrical, new flooring and
even finished the basement. During the last 2 1/2 months the grass was not cut. About 2 Saturdays ago I looked out and
she had some guy using a rotary push mower cutting down the 2 ft tall grass in the back and front yards. He cut it and never
raked it up. I can imagine what they will do with the above ground pool that still hasn't been opened up. Oh, I forgot to mention
she's not moving in until late July because they're still working on the inside.
Folks who never had to take care of a lawn before should really outsource the work at least for the first couple of seasons. Buddy of mine had no clue when they first bought and cut the lawn way too short and had to re-sod the next year. It was a $2000 mistake. Luckily he only did that to the front lawn...

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