OT: Eddie Jordan and RU basketball


Feb 9, 2016
Politi wrote an Article stating yesterday was most likely Jordan's last home game. Nevermind that he started the article off by saying Sanders was on the bench cheering on the "scrubs" which I found to be an incredibly moronic and insulting thing to write.

But I have to disagree with the sentiment of the article. Unless Hobbs has a splash up his sleeve and a major donation gauranteed to improve the basketball specific facilities, as questionable of an actual game day coaching job Jordan has done, this team NEEDS Jordan to stay because they NEED Sanders to stay. Give Jordan one more year for two reasons:

1) The starting back court returns (Sanders and Mike Williams). This is huge when it comes to running a competent offense. Getting back the bigs healthy next year will open things up for Sanders even more. This was for all intents and purposes a completely new team learning an offense with lots of missing pieces, it should be a much smoother running offense next year; now they just need to learn to shoot better.

2) more importantly Sanders should be a huge recruiting boon for RU. Unlike some posters here I do not see Sanders jumping for the nba early (after next season) unless he is given no other choice (a coaching change and lack of team improvement). I see him sticking it out a la Yogi Ferrell (Indiana). With the guarantee that Jordan can give of playing alongside a potential nba lottery pick, Jordan has no excuse (given a vote of confidence confidence from the administration) but to bring in some of the top jersey or even Philly talent which is incredibly deep from the private and catholic schools.

If Jordan cannot improve recruiting having Sanders as a carrot to dangle, then after next season without marked improvement and a healthy front court, then it will be time to make a change and start over.
Politi wrote an Article stating yesterday was most likely Jordan's last home game. Nevermind that he started the article off by saying Sanders was on the bench cheering on the "scrubs" which I found to be an incredibly moronic and insulting thing to write.

But I have to disagree with the sentiment of the article. Unless Hobbs has a splash up his sleeve and a major donation gauranteed to improve the basketball specific facilities, as questionable of an actual game day coaching job Jordan has done, this team NEEDS Jordan to stay because they NEED Sanders to stay. Give Jordan one more year for two reasons:

1) The starting back court returns (Sanders and Mike Williams). This is huge when it comes to running a competent offense. Getting back the bigs healthy next year will open things up for Sanders even more. This was for all intents and purposes a completely new team learning an offense with lots of missing pieces, it should be a much smoother running offense next year; now they just need to learn to shoot better.

2) more importantly Sanders should be a huge recruiting boon for RU. Unlike some posters here I do not see Sanders jumping for the nba early (after next season) unless he is given no other choice (a coaching change and lack of team improvement). I see him sticking it out a la Yogi Ferrell (Indiana). With the guarantee that Jordan can give of playing alongside a potential nba lottery pick, Jordan has no excuse (given a vote of confidence confidence from the administration) but to bring in some of the top jersey or even Philly talent which is incredibly deep from the private and catholic schools.

If Jordan cannot improve recruiting having Sanders as a carrot to dangle, then after next season without marked improvement and a healthy front court, then it will be time to make a change and start over.
What a Putz. Mario Mendoza telling Rod Carew how to hit.
Football and basketball are completely different when it comes to recruiting. In college basketball one great player can carry a team. RU will struggle to bring in a talent such as Corey sanders with the lagging facilities in the near future. This is a player they can build around over the next few seasons and generate some buzz around the program. Getting rid of Jordan and then losing sanders will set this program back even further. What does the program have to lose by keeping Jordan and seeing this play out one more year.
This program needs continuity - the Rutgers basketball coaching carousel has to stop. Everyone knows that the team was depleted by injuries this year. Jordan deserves another year to see what he can do with with a roster of healthy kids and the ability to show recruits actual facilities plans. If the team is competitive, Sanders will draw people to the games.

-Scarlet Jerry
This program needs continuity - the Rutgers basketball coaching carousel has to stop. Everyone knows that the team was depleted by injuries this year. Jordan deserves another year to see what he can do with with a roster of healthy kids and the ability to show recruits actual facilities plans. If the team is competitive, Sanders will draw people to the games.

-Scarlet Jerry
I disagree. Jordan is terrible and needs to go. When we hire a good BB coach the coaching carousel will stop. Mr. Jordan ain't that guy.
One year does him or make a full support 2-3 year commitment with year is the worst move to make
Doesn't Eddie have two years left on his contract? All it takes is Hobbs saying Eddie is still the guy, doesn't have to put a time frame on it.
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Politi wrote an Article stating yesterday was most likely Jordan's last home game. Nevermind that he started the article off by saying Sanders was on the bench cheering on the "scrubs" which I found to be an incredibly moronic and insulting thing to write.

But I have to disagree with the sentiment of the article. Unless Hobbs has a splash up his sleeve and a major donation gauranteed to improve the basketball specific facilities, as questionable of an actual game day coaching job Jordan has done, this team NEEDS Jordan to stay because they NEED Sanders to stay. Give Jordan one more year for two reasons:

1) The starting back court returns (Sanders and Mike Williams). This is huge when it comes to running a competent offense. Getting back the bigs healthy next year will open things up for Sanders even more. This was for all intents and purposes a completely new team learning an offense with lots of missing pieces, it should be a much smoother running offense next year; now they just need to learn to shoot better.

2) more importantly Sanders should be a huge recruiting boon for RU. Unlike some posters here I do not see Sanders jumping for the nba early (after next season) unless he is given no other choice (a coaching change and lack of team improvement). I see him sticking it out a la Yogi Ferrell (Indiana). With the guarantee that Jordan can give of playing alongside a potential nba lottery pick, Jordan has no excuse (given a vote of confidence confidence from the administration) but to bring in some of the top jersey or even Philly talent which is incredibly deep from the private and catholic schools.

If Jordan cannot improve recruiting having Sanders as a carrot to dangle, then after next season without marked improvement and a healthy front court, then it will be time to make a change and start over.
Good post. I agree. Give Eddie another year.
EJ is another good guy who just can't coach. This year is not an aberration, he couldn't coach with NBA talent and he still cannot coach. As Bill Parcells says "you are what your record says you are" and EJ's coaching record stands for itself. It is tough to fire a loyal son, but it is time to go plus there is no way Hobbs will keep him.
The team has gotten worse every year he has been here.

He will always be loved for what he did as a player. But the HC job is not working out.

Keeping him another year or two just sends the message that Rutgers doesn't care about men's basketball.
The same idiotic incompetent regime and thought process that hired Flood also hired Jordan. Anyone who can't see that needs to sit down, stfu and let Hobbs handle this. There were actually herds of Flood supporters until the end.. That says all we need to know about that part of our fanbase.
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The same idiotic incompetent regime and thought process that hired Flood also hired Jordan. Anyone who can't see that needs to sit down, stfu and let Hobbs handle this. There were actually herds of Flood supporters until the end.. That says all we need to know about that part of our fanbase.
I agree with this, but flood never brought in a game changing recruit like Jordan did with Sanders...I'm just asking the question, is the future of RU basketball better or worse with both Jordan and Sanders for the next year or without both? I personally believe the downside is higher without both than with both...and conversely so is the upside with both.
One year does him or make a full support 2-3 year commitment with year is the worst move to make

You keep saying this but he does not have to extend him given the scholarship situation.

Doesn't Eddie have two years left on his contract? All it takes is Hobbs saying Eddie is still the guy, doesn't have to put a time frame on it.

You are correct.

We will see what happens very soon. I think Sanders will stay either way but certainly those odds become worse if Eddie leaves (but still leaning towards coming back). There is no rush in getting a new guy if it's not the right guy. Do what's best for the program long term, keeping in mind the limited resources available now, increasing resources as each year goes by, and facilites timeline down the road.
I agree with this, but flood never brought in a game changing recruit like Jordan did with Sanders...I'm just asking the question, is the future of RU basketball better or worse with both Jordan and Sanders for the next year or without both? I personally believe the downside is higher without both than with both...and conversely so is the upside with both.
Some would say a QB that transferred to RU with Flood as the HC was going to be a game changer, but no one found out if he could have been the way Flood used him
One game changer doesn't change the way RU MBB looks now and change might be needed in
the HC department because of the product on the floor, even with a game changer pa rt of that product.

Reppin_Jerz, I suggest you bring your thoughts to the MBB board, I'm sure you'll get an idea of what the basketball fanatics think of your opinion.
Apologies in advance if you already did and I missed that post .
One more year. We've been bad for so long, one more won't matter. What if Schiano was fired in 2003?
Politi wrote an Article stating yesterday was most likely Jordan's last home game. Nevermind that he started the article off by saying Sanders was on the bench cheering on the "scrubs" which I found to be an incredibly moronic and insulting thing to write.

But I have to disagree with the sentiment of the article. Unless Hobbs has a splash up his sleeve and a major donation gauranteed to improve the basketball specific facilities, as questionable of an actual game day coaching job Jordan has done, this team NEEDS Jordan to stay because they NEED Sanders to stay. Give Jordan one more year for two reasons:

1) The starting back court returns (Sanders and Mike Williams). This is huge when it comes to running a competent offense. Getting back the bigs healthy next year will open things up for Sanders even more. This was for all intents and purposes a completely new team learning an offense with lots of missing pieces, it should be a much smoother running offense next year; now they just need to learn to shoot better.

2) more importantly Sanders should be a huge recruiting boon for RU. Unlike some posters here I do not see Sanders jumping for the nba early (after next season) unless he is given no other choice (a coaching change and lack of team improvement). I see him sticking it out a la Yogi Ferrell (Indiana). With the guarantee that Jordan can give of playing alongside a potential nba lottery pick, Jordan has no excuse (given a vote of confidence confidence from the administration) but to bring in some of the top jersey or even Philly talent which is incredibly deep from the private and catholic schools.

If Jordan cannot improve recruiting having Sanders as a carrot to dangle, then after next season without marked improvement and a healthy front court, then it will be time to make a change and start over.
People said the same thing with Flood and saving the recruiting class. How did that turn out for Rutgers? One player is not worth keeping a coach around.
One more year. We've been bad for so long, one more won't matter. What if Schiano was fired in 2003?

There were clear signs, in 2003, that Greg was turning things around OTB. There are virtually none that Eddie is doing the same.
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People said the same thing with Flood and saving the recruiting class. How did that turn out for Rutgers? One player is not worth keeping a coach around.
Said it before will say it again, you cannot compare football and basketball when it comes to recruiting, one player makes a huge different in basketball, so not much in football...
Politi wrote an Article stating yesterday was most likely Jordan's last home game. Nevermind that he started the article off by saying Sanders was on the bench cheering on the "scrubs" which I found to be an incredibly moronic and insulting thing to write.

But I have to disagree with the sentiment of the article. Unless Hobbs has a splash up his sleeve and a major donation gauranteed to improve the basketball specific facilities, as questionable of an actual game day coaching job Jordan has done, this team NEEDS Jordan to stay because they NEED Sanders to stay. Give Jordan one more year for two reasons:

1) The starting back court returns (Sanders and Mike Williams). This is huge when it comes to running a competent offense. Getting back the bigs healthy next year will open things up for Sanders even more. This was for all intents and purposes a completely new team learning an offense with lots of missing pieces, it should be a much smoother running offense next year; now they just need to learn to shoot better.

2) more importantly Sanders should be a huge recruiting boon for RU. Unlike some posters here I do not see Sanders jumping for the nba early (after next season) unless he is given no other choice (a coaching change and lack of team improvement). I see him sticking it out a la Yogi Ferrell (Indiana). With the guarantee that Jordan can give of playing alongside a potential nba lottery pick, Jordan has no excuse (given a vote of confidence confidence from the administration) but to bring in some of the top jersey or even Philly talent which is incredibly deep from the private and catholic schools.

If Jordan cannot improve recruiting having Sanders as a carrot to dangle, then after next season without marked improvement and a healthy front court, then it will be time to make a change and start over.
1) Sanders is no lottery pick, and the last 30 years of RU basketball history has shown us that when guards who are bad shooters come here, they never become better shooters. In general, most players at any position who come here have never improved as players. Having Corey Sanders isn't going to attract better recruits. He's not LeBron James. And running a competent offense requires people who know something about coaching offense.

2) We haven't seen the slightest glimmer of hope that this coaching staff is capable of turning this around. This team has been overmatched game in and game out at both ends of the floor since Jordan got here.
Respectfully disagree REDRICH. We are gasping for air, and have been for a long time. The longer we are on life support, the longer it will take to recover. If we were coming off three .500 seasons in a row, I'd agree with your call for patience. This is worse than Littlepage. Sometimes I think we are seeing the sequel to "Face/Off". The movie with Travolta and Cage. Except Eddie Jordan is really the AD at Virginia, and Craig is back at the RAC. This can't end quick enough. Schiano showed progress, not regress.
Reppin_jerk is a PSU fan, of course he thinks we should keep EJ.

It's the same as us wanting to keep the penis head coach Franklin at PSU, he's a horrible coach that we love to see lose ( games and players transferring )
You keep saying this but he does not have to extend him given the scholarship situation.

You are correct.

We will see what happens very soon. I think Sanders will stay either way but certainly those odds become worse if Eddie leaves (but still leaning towards coming back). There is no rush in getting a new guy if it's not the right guy. Do what's best for the program long term, keeping in mind the limited resources available now, increasing resources as each year goes by, and facilites timeline down the road.

here is the deal....Hobbs giving Jordan another year does he can go 12-20 and fire him. How about Hobbs support EJ with 3 year full committment because if not why is he bringing Eddie back. If he thinks he is going to get it done and all you Eddie lovers think he is going to get it done, then you should be pushing for the three year instutional full commitment and support that will put the program in position to succeed and help recruiting. If not then RU is just pissing in the wind like usual, no real support, let Eddie twist as a lame duck next year where recruiting sinks and yes there will be open schollies, there always are so it does effect recruiting.

Hobbs show support and committment by either firing or keeping for 3 year is just a "pussy" move that enables the same segment of the fanbase that rallied around Flood..oh its not fair to fire him, let him get more time and then we will see.....newsflash, its that same mom and pop mentality that needs to be wiped away from our fanbase
I have a strong feeling that Hobbs knows what he is doing in this matter. $$$$
here is the deal....Hobbs giving Jordan another year does he can go 12-20 and fire him. How about Hobbs support EJ with 3 year full committment because if not why is he bringing Eddie back. If he thinks he is going to get it done and all you Eddie lovers think he is going to get it done, then you should be pushing for the three year instutional full commitment and support that will put the program in position to succeed and help recruiting. If not then RU is just pissing in the wind like usual, no real support, let Eddie twist as a lame duck next year where recruiting sinks and yes there will be open schollies, there always are so it does effect recruiting.

Hobbs show support and committment by either firing or keeping for 3 year is just a "pussy" move that enables the same segment of the fanbase that rallied around Flood..oh its not fair to fire him, let him get more time and then we will see.....newsflash, its that same mom and pop mentality that needs to be wiped away from our fanbase

The program doesn't have the resources to show "full institutional support" no matter who the head coach is next year. Time is money. Waiting one year helps the fiscal bottom line because there will be virtually zero revenue generated from in game ticket sales regardless of who is coach. That's my piece.
This program needs continuity - the Rutgers basketball coaching carousel has to stop. Everyone knows that the team was depleted by injuries this year. Jordan deserves another year to see what he can do with with a roster of healthy kids and the ability to show recruits actual facilities plans. If the team is competitive, Sanders will draw people to the games.

-Scarlet Jerry
I agree, the coaching carousel has to stop as soon as we find a coach the doesn't conduct naked free throws, verbally abuse and throw basketballs at players, or shows gross incompetence like not practicing rebounding and has a worse record than Littlepage.

The program doesn't have the resources to show "full institutional support" no matter who the head coach is next year. Time is money. Waiting one year helps the fiscal bottom line because there will be virtually zero revenue generated from in game ticket sales regardless of who is coach. That's my piece.

the hoops program actually makes a small profit...could make more if fans were excited by a new coach
Bac nails it

You either go on in on Eddie and extend him for 2-3 more years so he can recruit or terminated him now

Otherwise this is like keeping terry shea after year 4. He left Greg with a bad class because he was a dead man walking

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