OT: Evan Simon

I had to laugh because we just finished a crazy , much anticipated game and you post about an old RU QB. Strange . There is a guy on here called madchuck and he is the same he just can’t let go of old QBs . Gives us updates on old qbs like spying on old girlfriends lol give him a call to discuss it off line. All good bro.
You replied to my post, which was made on September 14 AFTER that much-anticipated game a full week later. I made my post on the bye week. I REPLIED to your reply after the much-anticipated game. Furthermore, I did not start the thread.
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It is obvious that no one at RU is qualified to recognizeQB talent .Or develop it.The most important position on the team gets lost in limbo because no one knows how to find and develop a QB
Just last night I wondered how on every team from peewee on up, the best football player tends to be the QB.. except at Rutgers. I think that idea is wrong in actual practice, and yet the feeling seems right regarding Rutgers. When was the last time that the best football player was our QB?

Perhaps it is a game of numbers. That is, QB is the most difficult position to master. At each successive level of football, the quality level needed to perform well becomes more and more selective.

Even inside D1 college football.. the different conference competition levels might demand higher levels of skills.

Let us say there are 64-ish top-level programs in college football. Let's further surmise that the world of HS football produces half that number who can do the job. Afterall.. at the NFL level.. they are much more selective because a top QB can play for 10+ years. In college, traditionally, you get 5 to play 4. The NFL drafts 11-12 QBs each year.

So if you are a college program who needs an NFL-quality QB.. good luck.

Now lets figure out where those top 32 high-school recruits go. I'd bet Alabama and their peers get 1 in every recruiting class. So lets take 20 off the board for the traditional Top 20 programs. That leaves 44 programs seeking to recruit 12.. there will be 32 of the 64 D1 programs who do not get a top QB each year. Maybe they can get disguntled transfers sitting on elite program benches these days. But maybe those disgruntled backups will have NIL-handcuffs in future years.

So.. perhaps we have simply been on the wrong side of the numbers game for so long that it becomes more and more difficult to sell a QB on the idea of playing for Rutgers. Maybe we CAN find and recognize the top QB talent.. but cannot recruit it.

All that said, our QB did a fine job vs VTech.

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