Going to be a great match tonight between 2 top 15 teams. Chance to see 2X NCAA Champion.
Most on the football board don't venture into those parts of the forums. Just wanted to let others know what an amazing match it was tonight over a top 15 team. Also if you have not been to a match yet they are pretty exciting and definitely worth a try. Alright that's it for my PSA- lol
Not sure if I am allowed to post this here. If not please delete. Very happy for Gross.
Next year with Lewis back in the lineup, does JVB bulk up to 165 or does Lewis? That could be a devastating 1-2 punch in the middle of the lineup next year.
And JVB has no shortage of strength either as he constantly has ridden guys out at 157. He could handle 165 after a summer of S&C.I think JVB's frame is more suited to put on weight.
And JVB has no shortage of strength either as he constantly has ridden guys out at 157. He could handle 165 after a summer of S&C.
Ya know, it's really quite alright to have a thread about this on the football board, as long as it's prefaced with an "OT:". Most people don't wander over to the other sports board and are unaware of happenings in those sports, so they appreciate seeing threads on them. People are sick and tired of you doing this, so why don't you stop trying to be the Board Police or you will end up being Board Policed. Got it?
Who's that tall drink of water in the background lol!
Another good match to enjoy as fans, but some themes continue to rear their ugly head.
1. Bak works his tail off but after 4 years he still hasn't developed any offense. Another low scoring tied match into OT where he gives up the TD.
2. After a strong start knocking off some good guys, Gravina is in a little funk. He wrestled sloppy. If he wants to AA he needs to win these matches.
3. Giraldo is a total enigma. I think he has better pure talent than Theo but he can disappear at times. Can't blame weight loss on him looking gassed again.
On the positive, this kid Van Brill is something special. He's one of those guys who was not quite blue chip coming out of HS, but knows how to win in big spots. Down 7 and comes back to deck the kid. He has balls and confidence which is a dangerous combination. Some kids just grow into this sport once they get to the show. Very Perroti like. Also shows we are building depth considering he replaced arguably our second best wrestler in Lewis.
Correnti showed flashes of his potential last night. Gassed at the end but pulled the win off none the less. Looking forward to him finally settling into this weight. Baby steps, but steps.
Paetzal is the real deal. I know people thought he should RS and feel bad that a senior like McCabe has to take a seat, but this kid needs to be on the mat. McCabe does not pull out that takedown.
Edit: One other point. Ash totally man handled his kid and had the 48 hour flu. Think about that. You can tell he didn't quite have that extra bit of umph to turn and deck that kid in the first. Knowing he was battling flu now makes sense. Anyway, that kid wanted nothing to do with Ash.
I thought DelVecchio wrestled really well. For a few moments, I thought the upset was possible. I still don't know who is better at this weight for us because I like what Dip has shown as well.
Some feedback:
1. I was thinking of you when Bac match was going on. I knew what you were thinking when he lost.
2. How does Gravina not realize the score of his match? Coach was pissed.
3. Is Correnti going to be able to get those throws and points against the better wrestlers?
Funny I was thinking the same thing in Bak's match here we go again and even before his match started told my friend he'll be in this right to the end but won't get the shot to win it. Then Bak had the shot in OT but just blew it. He took him too hard to the mat causing his momentum to take him out of position and allowing the counter. He brings him to the mat in control and there's an excellent chance he get's that winning take down.Some feedback:
1. I was thinking of you when Bac match was going on. I knew what you were thinking when he lost.
2. How does Gravina not realize the score of his match? Coach was pissed.
3. Is Correnti going to be able to get those throws and points against the better wrestlers?