OT: GOT leaked


All Conference
Apr 15, 2006
The first 4 episodes have been leaked already. For those of you not subscribed to a private torrent tracker, EZTV already has the first 2 and I'm sure they will get the rest soon.
rumors are circulating that the cultists known as Scientologists did everything in their power to make this occur after HBO's release of Going Clear (documentary on the Scientology cult)

I am a happy subscriber of HBO and enjoy their shows and documentaries. I'll continue to support the network.
Its just sourced from DVD screeners that were sent out to critics. Doubt the operating thetans had anything to do with it.
My son has all 4 episodes that we'll watch tonight and then I'll post about them, just to eff you people up. Just kidding - he has them, but I'm a mild fan, at best, and this is likely my first and last post about the show. Silicon Valley, on the other hand - now there's a great show - season 2 premieres tonight.
Why would anyone spoil it for themselves?

Also, I guess there will be no more screeners after this.