OT: HATE the Boise State Field

For 1 thing....FB is all about traditions...its UGLY and just that blue field alone will turn me far as I'm concerned....BSU is not a team but a gimmick..
Eastern Michigan took over worst field tittle I think. First time I saw them I thought something was wrong with the TV

Air Force just got completely hosed on a first down call. Obvious as could be on replay, and the placement was upheld!
It's gray!?

Something about the team so being so tough they would play on a parking lot lol

"The concept of the “EMU Gray” field was born during one of the squad's notoriously intense winter workouts in 2014. Ron McKeefery, Director of Sports Performance, challenged the team to an outdoor practice on the snow covered Rynearson Stadium field rather than the warm confines of their indoor practice facility. True to their E Tough demeanor, the team accepted the challenge. Throughout each drill of the bitter cold practice Creighton delivered the message that EMU Football has the will to compete against "anyone, anytime and anywhere… even on a parking lot covered with broken glass." Inspired by his team’s toughness and commitment that day, Creighton’s idea of an “EMU Gray” field was born and soon shared with administrators."
Well, because their uniforms are blue, so they blend into it. Though that seems like it'd be a disadvantage for their QB to me. It was actually part of their deal to stay in the MW conference that they could wear their all blues on their field, as it had been previously banned.

That doesn't seem like an advantage. Watching this game, it definitely isn't.
I think they do it to get the advantage. They play and practice with those uni's. The opposition has to pick up receivers, running backs, etc. that to a degree blend in. No reason for a blue field and blue uni's that are the exact same color of blue otherwise. I think it should be banned for green teams as well. Use a different shade of blue.
The blue fields are bad, but the red ones are even worse. I can't imagine watching an entire game played on red turf. Or orange for that matter. (there are a few).
Remember when football was played on, mostly, actual grass???