OT: Largest Hindu Temple outside of Asia

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So long as those policies aren’t gun control or access to healthcare, you know, things that would also protect US citizens in the homeland. But those don’t align with your politics.

We need to help Americans FIRST!

Ok, so let's get Americans healthcare and education and make sure they're not shot in school.

Are your relatives the ones that want to cause the US harm? Many Americans would say the ones from South America are the ones causing harm. Indians that come here assimilate considering Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindel were governors. Who are the ones coming here to cause harm? I would think some think Muslims but my next door neighbor is Muslim and is assimilating. The wife teaches at the elementary school in town.

So true. I didn't people waving Indian flags as they bashed our beloved boys in blue with a fire extinguisher and the American flag for having the temerity to protect the people's representatives as they upheld our right to choose our leaders.
The discussion was about diversity and you tried to turn it into illegal immigrants.
No … go back and read … diversity and illegal immigrants grew out of the thread which unfortunately occurs. I would suggest you talk to mayors Adams and Johnson and perhaps they can tell you why it is one and the same. These are your sounding boards. Black leaders saying don’t come here. Both of those gentlemen were proponents of come on in we are a sanctuary city . Now they don’t want those poor travelers?
I have news for this board of learned folks. When we now use the term diversity it is much different then let’s say 100-200 300+ years ago. This isn’t so much about where a person comes from . We have an issue accepting people because of inherent mistrust .This unified melting pot we so proudly proclaim has always had issues . What makes it worse is where it was basically one area of the world entering for a better life now it is a hodge podge of many different ways of thinking. Not all want to see this country thrive.Assuredly there are now some intent on causing harm . How many? Those who should know seem not to care. All anyone has to do is look .

Translation: We were cool with the whole "melting pot" thing as long as it was Europeans being melted in the pot (except, as we know, for those damned Irish amirite) but now there's all these icky brown people and they're messing everything up.
See that’s your issue… you love to question but don’t like to answer . You can’t in today’s society have a ‘“ common” culture and go along with your way of thinking . You’re weak in defending . Stop vacillating and realize in your replies back you certainly are not sure. Goodbye…

See that’s your issue… you love to question but don’t like to answer . You can’t in today’s society have a ‘“ common” culture and go along with your way of thinking . You’re weak in defending . Stop vacillating and realize in your replies back you certainly are not sure. Goodbye…
Can we have a common culture? This was the first country built on a set of ideals. Rule of law, not rule of the strongest or the loudest or the people with the most money. Freedom of expression, religion, and speech. Civil rights and equal protection under the law. Immigrants can 100% share in the common vision for the country.

Goodbye to you too I guess. Where are you going?
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Translation: We were cool with the whole "melting pot" thing as long as it was Europeans being melted in the pot (except, as we know, for those damned Irish amirite) but now there's all these icky brown people and they're messing everything up.
I bet you if you give those icky brown people a white female, they will assimilate, melt into a pot. (Joking but true)

I don’t know what group doesn’t want to assimilate maybe religious groups like Orthodox Jews, Mormons and Muslims, but they should be able to practice their religion. Maybe Hispanics since they wanted government communication in Spanish and English But the majority of Hispanics want to assimilate. Asians want to assimilate. I know blacks want to assimilate look at all the interracial marriages on TV.
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I bet you if you give those icky brown people a white female, they will assimilate, melt into a pot. (Joking but true)

I don’t know what group doesn’t want to assimilate maybe religious groups like Orthodox Jews, Mormons and Muslims, but they should be able to practice their religion. Maybe Hispanics since they wanted government communication in Spanish and English But the majority of Hispanics want to assimilate. Asians want to assimilate. I know blacks want to assimilate look at all the interracial marriages on TV.
My daughter is an ESL teacher. The families she interacts with want their kids to work hard learn the language and behave themselves.

So, Bob is right they don't seem to want to assimilate with the current culture. Where Bob is wrong is that he wants to blame immigrants for that cultural change.
Can we have a common culture? This was the first country built on a set of ideals. Rule of law, not rule of the strongest or the loudest or the people with the most money. Freedom of expression, religion, and speech. Civil rights and equal protection under the law. Immigrants can 100% share in the common vision for the country.

Goodbye to you too I guess. Where are you going?
Facts Matter: What is the actual law established long ago as a means to enter the United States of America seeking legal citizenship. That’s primary before using the now talking point of well diversity is a good thing. Surely diversity is good if people understand that coming here is a privilege not their right by illegal passage across our borders. This is the problem . If you suggest not knowing who , what , where or when someone arrived and do not thoroughly do back ground checks then you be the fool and your children and grandchildren will be left to deal with what we have seen for too many years in the Middle East. Tha far majority of people who arrived on these shores learned to assimilate to the culture in place. Along the way families who were here early in the process then learned the wonderful foods, music , likes , dislikes even religious freedoms which makes us one. Or when we actually were closer to one. Since the 1950’s-60’s this “all one world theory has been circulated.”
My daughter is an ESL teacher. The families she interacts with want their kids to work hard learn the language and behave themselves.

So, Bob is right they don't seem to want to assimilate with the current culture. Where Bob is wrong is that he wants to blame immigrants for that cultural change.
Not blaming anyone . So you’re good with not knowing who enters this country ? Oddly strange. Did our ancestors arrive on these shore legally through our immigration system? Curious since nobody seems to have any concerns. My great grandparents and grandparents arrived from Europe circa 1839 and early 1902. They escaped persecution but they assimilated to what was America. My grandparents learned in night school , served in WWI and insisted that their children only speak the native language in the home. Today , we have more issues and that leads to a worse chance to succeed even here. I have children teaching in low income districts in NY/ Long Island. The levels of concern is not always there for these children whose families are struggling . Should we give them all a free ride, free housing , free college education, choice ‘s most of us never were afforded. It nice to virtue signal as long as you monetarily are willing to pay for it down the road.And we will .
I bet you if you give those icky brown people a white female, they will assimilate, melt into a pot. (Joking but true)

I don’t know what group doesn’t want to assimilate maybe religious groups like Orthodox Jews, Mormons and Muslims, but they should be able to practice their religion. Maybe Hispanics since they wanted government communication in Spanish and English But the majority of Hispanics want to assimilate. Asians want to assimilate. I know blacks want to assimilate look at all the interracial marriages on TV.
Exactly correct Eastern Europeans. Asians , not only Orthodox Jews… probably should make that all Jews. History proves that out.And from my own personal work experience the original Latin’s from Puerto Rico and Cuba have always been in favor of strong education and stable life for their children. .They take education as a means to succeed . At least early 50-60-70’s etc. family first and respect for their elders, A desire to be a part of the fabric here in the US. Yes , there are those coming here now looking for a legitimate chance but there are others who are only coming to cause havoc. Drugs is only a small part . I hope it turns out well but somehow all we see around the world points to a much harsher outcome.
Basically, you want to use the construction of a house of worship as a platform to rail against US immigration policies, on Football message board. Do I have that right?
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I wonder if they will run tours or if people just show up and wander around.

Combine it with the Garden of sculptures for a nice day out.
The temple that was build first was open for dropping in outside of worship services and they were very gracious and welcoming. They do have a few rules so check the website. If you are wearing shorts I think they ask you to wear a wrap that they give you and they give you a place for your shoes. The stonework is incredible though - quarried in Italy, carved in India, and assembled here. They built a building over top of it to make it last a 1000 years. I believe you can check out their holiday festivals also. Parking may be a bigger issue now. For big events they direct you to overflow lots and bus people back.
Facts Matter: What is the actual law established long ago as a means to enter the United States of America seeking legal citizenship. That’s primary before using the now talking point of well diversity is a good thing. Surely diversity is good if people understand that coming here is a privilege not their right by illegal passage across our borders. This is the problem . If you suggest not knowing who , what , where or when someone arrived and do not thoroughly do back ground checks then you be the fool and your children and grandchildren will be left to deal with what we have seen for too many years in the Middle East. Tha far majority of people who arrived on these shores learned to assimilate to the culture in place. Along the way families who were here early in the process then learned the wonderful foods, music , likes , dislikes even religious freedoms which makes us one. Or when we actually were closer to one. Since the 1950’s-60’s this “all one world theory has been circulated.”

Not blaming anyone . So you’re good with not knowing who enters this country ? Oddly strange. Did our ancestors arrive on these shore legally through our immigration system? Curious since nobody seems to have any concerns. My great grandparents and grandparents arrived from Europe circa 1839 and early 1902. They escaped persecution but they assimilated to what was America. My grandparents learned in night school , served in WWI and insisted that their children only speak the native language in the home. Today , we have more issues and that leads to a worse chance to succeed even here. I have children teaching in low income districts in NY/ Long Island. The levels of concern is not always there for these children whose families are struggling . Should we give them all a free ride, free housing , free college education, choice ‘s most of us never were afforded. It nice to virtue signal as long as you monetarily are willing to pay for it down the road.And we will .
I never said or implied most of the things you seem to think I said or think. That's your problem. Phrases like "open borders" imply an extreme reality that isn't true. I said many times that I think immigration needs to be tightened, and noted that "border security" has limits and going after employers that hire and exploit illegals is critical. Despite that you continue whipping your straw man saying things like " If you suggest not knowing who , what , where or when someone arrived and do not thoroughly do back ground checks then you be the fool...". Where did I ever suggest I think that? Stop treating everyone that doesn't 100% agree with your extreme views as some caricature bogeyman enemy. Address people for their actual views, not the simplistic views that Fox news or whatever you watch/read is making it out to be. People that disagree with you are not your enemy.
Basically, you want to use the construction of a house of worship as a platform to rail against US immigration policies, on Football message board. Do I have that right?
Not at all … certainly not anti immigration since I’m here by ancestral immigration many years ago. Never mentioned any specific allegiance to religion as a precept for entry. So I think perhaps you need to read what was actually said. Youhad nothing right. I live in a Middlesex county township with the largest population of Hindu residents. So think about how stupid you are.I’m all for practicing one’s faith . How about you?
I never said or implied most of the things you seem to think I said or think. That's your problem. Phrases like "open borders" imply an extreme reality that isn't true. I said many times that I think immigration needs to be tightened, and noted that "border security" has limits and going after employers that hire and exploit illegals is critical. Despite that you continue whipping your straw man saying things like " If you suggest not knowing who , what , where or when someone arrived and do not thoroughly do back ground checks then you be the fool...". Where did I ever suggest I think that? Stop treating everyone that doesn't 100% agree with your extreme views as some caricature bogeyman enemy. Address people for their actual views, not the simplistic views that Fox news or whatever you watch/read is making it out to be. People that disagree with you are not your enemy.
I and you know exactly what you meant. You claimed the borders are not open. In what reality do you reside? To blatantly refuse to admit borders have been open for years I dishonesty at the top. I loved your BS ( for many years) since I told you I personally I witnessed this tragedy but hey take a trip around the impacted states and cities . Get out of the hole or mom’s basement. Spend a buck … love deniers of what actually is going on. When the bottom falls out people like you will leave and quickly.
I live in Robbinsville & know about BAPS.
Yes they are generous with their time & money, but the building of this temple covered up human labor & basically slavery while putting on a different act for the general public
you are lucky to have two great pizzerias

what do you think of the infamous "mustard pie"
I have news for this board of learned folks. When we now use the term diversity it is much different then let’s say 100-200 300+ years ago. This isn’t so much about where a person comes from . We have an issue accepting people because of inherent mistrust .This unified melting pot we so proudly proclaim has always had issues . What makes it worse is where it was basically one area of the world entering for a better life now it is a hodge podge of many different ways of thinking. Not all want to see this country thrive.Assuredly there are now some intent on causing harm . How many? Those who should know seem not to care. All anyone has to do is look .
Yep some actually hold elected office!!! ☹️
Did our ancestors arrive on these shore legally through our immigration system?

My ancestors arrived before there was an immigration system. Actually they arrived before there was a country.

Am I here illegally, Rob? Am I an anchor baby?
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Indian culture in NJ is diversity and it’s good. One congregation that is a bad actor (which it seems like they may have but I’ve yet to see the charges or anything official so I’m reserving judgement) is not diversity. There are assholes and bad actors in any group. Equating the actions of some people in a group to the whole group is prejudice.

And what does this have to do with farmers, or things I care about? And how do you know what I care about? I assume you are pigeon holing me into some stereo type you learned on cable news.
it's good until there is a temple down the street and every few weekends 100k people show up and cause traffic hell and make it dangerous for neighborhood kids to ride their bikes
it's good until there is a temple down the street and every few weekends 100k people show up and cause traffic hell and make it dangerous for neighborhood kids to ride their bikes
This is fair for any group. Doesn’t have to be religious.

Good zoning helps for situations like that.
My ancestors arrived before there was an immigration system. Actually they arrived before there was a country.

Am I here illegally, Rob? Am I an anchor baby?
You were born here.

Uncle Sam says ya good, hos.🤠
it's difficult for towns to fight these monstrosities

Bridgewater tried and lost (and if you've seen the size of the compound on 206, they originally wanted to build 4x this size)

they hire the best money can buy

they will always move forward with the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, which forbids government action that "imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person, including a religious assembly or institution."
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Yep some actually hold elected office!!! ☹️
Yes sadly these people attempting to sound welcoming and nurturing to these border crossers will never contribute a dime to their care nor to their success that being the actual realizations of a better life in the USA. As I’ve maintained since day one these people talk crap but never walk the walk. Both sides of the aisle are lacking any honesty .
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