Really surprised as this looks like a done deal but I guess I shouldn't be, this is NJ. Cheap gas was one of the few things that we had cheap in this state.
Really surprised as this looks like a done deal but I guess I shouldn't be, this is NJ. Cheap gas was one of the few things that we had cheap in this state.
It didn't take long for Christie to cave in. The second part is that sales tax will go down from 7 to 6%. So if you buy a car for 25,000 you will save $250 but you will pay $250 for every 1000 gallons of gas you buy. If you use about 19 gallons of gas a week that is 1000 gallons a year.
I was pleading for them to pass this back when gas was $1.39. The political hit will be a bit worse now, though it's still the right thing to do. $2.25 per gallon gas is still cheap.
If this money actually goes toward improving our crappy roads I will be all for it.
Thats the catch. The $$ usually never ends up where its supposed to go. And good luck seeing that sales tax decrease in 2018, you know that's not happening. They will say its just not feasible when it comes time.
Legalize pot and most of the state's financial woes will be solved.
I agree problem is do you think that will actually happen? No one likes to pay taxes but IMO if you at least see your tax dollars at work you're okay with it. Will that happen here? Call me skeptical, also not sure how long term the sales tax decrease will be if it happens at all.If this money actually goes toward improving our crappy roads I will be all for it.
Shipping costs will go up. So the 1% tax decrease (if it happens) will be off set with the price increase of the item because of trucking of flying it in. NJ truly sucks when it comes to ****ing the people out of their hard earned pennies.
If this money actually goes toward improving our crappy roads I will be all for it.
Or the HUGE raises, no show jobs, and double dips the politicians do for themselves and their friends all the time.Lol no. I'm all for doing that but that's not going to solve the underfunded pensions that Unions have the state on the hook for, among many other massive budget problems.
Crappy? Our roads are paved with gold compared to other states- Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and Arizona for starters.If this money actually goes toward improving our crappy roads I will be all for it.
Have zero doubt vendors will increase delivery costs to cover "gas tax" costs.Shipping costs will go up? I highly doubt it.
Have zero doubt vendors will increase delivery costs to cover "gas tax" costs.
People talking about shipping costs going up seem to forget that the price of gas is not fixed. 23 cents a gallon is pretty insignificant compared to the fluctuations in price caused by global oil markets. Consider that gas would still be a dollar cheaper now than two years ago. Gas goes up, gas goes down. Right now it's $1.95 per gallon on my street.
So, with gas under $2.50, cheaper than it has been for most of the past decade outside of the period immediately following the financial collapse of 2009, I don't think we need to do too much gnashing of teeth.
Yea for sweatshirts etc. I'm talking about business related stuff one can't buy on Amazon. Not to mention independent contractors etc. to be honest, I haven't paid any attention to this so I don't know enough to determine if I'm for or against it. However, I'm pretty sure of two things:Amazon Prime for the Win.
What happened to all the $$$$ from that massive toll hike from a couple of years ago.
Have zero doubt vendors will increase delivery costs to cover "gas tax" costs.
What happened to all the $$$$ from that massive toll hike from a couple of years ago.
You can put 5000 in a bank account and have it pay on death to your niece. Then there is no inheritance tax.So there still will be a $750. inheritance tax on the $5000. bequest I have going to my niece in my will. Lovely.
And of course the full increase in the gas tax kicks in immediately while the cut in sales tax is phased in over 18 months.