OT: Man vs Squirrel

We have 2 feeders that have not had squirrels figure them out for several years. One has a baffle around the pole to which it is attached. I have to keep the trees nearby trimmed to prevent squirrels from jumping to it. I did have a a squirrel that was jumping at least 15 feet downward from a branch to land on it. I removed the branch and solved the problem.

The second has a cylinder built into the bottom, so that squirrels crawl up inside the cylinder. They cannot get to the outside of the cylinder to climb the rest of the way up to the feeder. After a while they don't even try that much. The top has a rounded cap, so that any squirrel that would jump down to it would slide right off. It is under a tree, but at least 10 feet below the nearest branch.

The most entertaining feeder is the one that starts to spin rapidly once the weight of a squirrel triggers it. I don't have one, but have seen videos of the squirrels being thrown away from the feeder.

I am sorry I don't remember the names of these feeders. I hope the descriptions helped.
Originally posted by bethlehemfan:
Set up a simple snare. Capture the alpha squirrel. Then lay out assorted nuts and seeds. When all the other squirrels start munching bring the alpha out and disembowel him. Then cut off his nuts and shove them down his throat. Then tell the other squirrels that is what happens when you steal food.
I thought this was funny. Not sure what that says about me ...
We live on five acres here in Cowtown. We have an electric fence to keep our two dogs on the property. This makes them very territorial and prone to attack anyone or anything who crosses the property line. We had a squirrel learn this the hard way a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, they also enjoy killing skunks.