We should stop teaching liberal arts, as they are useless to any prospective employer.
Meh, if employers want college to be only job training, then they should pay for it.
Not at all. I've hired many liberal arts majors. I've found that they have the ability to think critically and communicate well. That said, if an art history major expects to make a living with a career in art history, he will probably be disappointed.We should stop teaching liberal arts, as they are useless to any prospective employer.
Not at all. I've hired many liberal arts majors. I've found that they have the ability to think critically and communicate well. That said, if an art history major expects to make a living with a career in art history, he will probably be disappointed.
Never ending millenial woe is me excuse maker."Just go to community college" is flawed. How are you going to get there? Much of NJ- especially the lower middle class areas- are not well serviced by PT.
Then there is the fact that while at least one NJ college has to accept you, they do not have to be generous about how to apply your credits, and thus, you are not necessarily going to graduate in 4 years.
Not to mention, in most lines of work your salary will plateau without a masters or MBA...nevermind that lawyers and doctors are drowning in debt. The country needs doctors, but 4 years of med school on top of college and years of residency at 40-50k a year, you will not be in good financial straights until you're in your 40s, and for women, well beyond child bearing age.
Which is also why the "major in something useful" line is absurd. Most engineers I know, to use the favorite boomer example of shoving STEM down everyone's throats, have a graduate degree because they don't feel like seeing six figures in their 40s, and in NJ, you'd better see that before then or good luck being able to raise a family.
The "be a plumber" line is also nonsensical when you consider how many manual jobs are heavily unionized and the jobs go straight to the connected. You also need training for many manual jobs. And plenty of jobs that used to not require college, like the police, at least require community if not a BA. And you can be sure that there will be competition from college grads, and who will get chosen? That
The starting salary even for an engineer out of college is 50-60k. Most in housing finance will say you should not spend more than 3x income on a home. Good luck finding any place near a job in North or Central NJ for 120k that isn't a drug den. Nevermind rent.
Live with mom and dad? A NJT bus or rail pass from the burbs is easily over $300 plus parking if they are not walking distance.
That the average income in NJ for a family is 61k, and the average property is somewhere around 300k, is quite telling about when the boomers locked in. Think also about how many of those families just had Dad working because Mom didn't have to. I know one millenial mom who doesn't work because dad is an investment banker. Go ahead and tell me Boomer moms had to work unless they were married to bankers.
Somehow, some in the older generation have convinced themselves that for the first time ever when student loan exceeded credit card debt, it was just because the students were studying art history, demanding fancy lives or going on vacation...
We should stop teaching liberal arts, as they are useless to any prospective employer.
This has been my experience as well.i was a liberal arts major...and know many who are as well. i'd consider myself and my liberal arts major friends to be pretty successful in our careers. job skills are typically learned on the job, not in school. first thing i tell my new grad hires? forget everything you learned in college, we're going to teach you how the real world does things. the primary thing that liberal arts will teach you? critical thinking and a broader world view. i find it easier to relate to my clients on a personal level since I actually know something about a lot of things, not just accounting or whatever.
Never ending millenial woe is me excuse maker.
Now we can't go to a CC beciase we might not be able to find a way there? Sorry, very few CC's in this state aren't accessible via bus. If they aren't maybe they can download an UBER app on their 600$ IPHONE.
Yes, all the credits might not transfer but if you take real classes most will and they are still cheaper credits on your way to a degree.
Yes, your salary will Plateu at some point without a Masters. However, you dot have to get it by your 25th birthday. Maybe work for a company that pays. Maybe go when you can actually afford it without loans.
Yup a rail or bus pass costs money. Still cheaper than rent, electric, Cable, Internet etc etc. plus, you make it like only the kids who live at home Need to use public transportation to get to work.
I know lots of doctors and lawyers. I don't know many poor ones....weren't your recently bragging(again) about your 6 figure salary?
I will agree with you about property costs but that is an issue for lots of folks including my generation.
The real take away is that plenty of people gave real life solutions to keep the cost of tuition and living expenses down. Not lie in the sky ideas but solutions they've actually utilized. But no...excuses for why those things won't work.
Meh, if employers want college to be only job training, then they should pay for it.
I guess sarcasm is difficult to read on the Internet.
I accept your points. FWIW, there are certainly fewer jobs for lawyers than there used to be. And yes, I get your point about some lawyer posters on the board.
All of that and the best you could do was talk about the cost of the IPhone.Here we go again.
The obsession that the right wing has with people who they determine to be poor and cell phones is mind blowing. Verizon, which is the most popular carrier in NJ, has Iphones free quite often with promotions. Not only that, but you basically need a phone to get a job. Who sends out letters in 2016 or applies through a classified ad? Goes to show again how out of touch you are.
Given the loan situation today they would be 50 before they could apply. Few companies pay. Even the state only kicks in a small percentage.
It's not much cheaper. You need a car or PT. Neither is cheap. In much of NJ, you need both.
Unlike you, I am incapable of analyzing societal events outside of the bubble of my life. For example, if people don't join the lower paid rungs of lawyers, like the ones who perform simple closings or divorces, that's bad for the middle class, nevermind that legal services is desperate for help and those attorneys make a pittance. It is bad for all of us if less people become doctors because of the debt load. Much worse for you than me, but that doesn't mean I don't care or am incapable of analysis.
The real solution is to join much of the Western world and abolish tuition at public colleges, which is well within what the country can afford. We don't even have a Congress that can agree on banning terrorists from getting guns but that doesn't make it the reality. Telling people you don't know to get a loan, or study this or that, is totally untenable.
All of that and the best you could do was talk about the cost of the IPhone.
Just to claify, some lawyers choose to go into fields that don't pay well and that's whose fault exactly?
Son ow you want free college in addition to unlimited vacation days. Do we have to go through the whole Canada University exercise again? First it isn't free and second if you grew up in Canada you wouldn't be an attorney because you wouldn't have gotten into school. How come you aren't concerned with less people becoming doctors due to the ACA? Yea, it's going to happen because once all insurance companies start reimbursing at Medicare rates it won't be worth going into medicine. Do you think Canada has a shortage of doctors because people aren't
Smart enough?
You didn't say in a thread just last week your bias gives you unlimited vacation because "it's the right thing to do"? Are we supposed to forget what you say from thread to thread and just make believe you don't post same nonsense everywhere? I tried to say McGill cost more than what? Maybe you could finish your thought? Being a lawyer is not low paid profession. If a guy chooses to do home closings that's on him. If we end up being short lawyers for meaning les crap like that I'm sure there is a quick fix. Glad to see you got your right wing rant in. Carry on.Did I mention Canada? No. You did, because your crutch is what you "know" which is a loosely defined term that encompasses your life experiences merged with right wing bias and devoid of actual data. Germany has free tuition, that's just one. You tried to say McGill cost more before, that was proven wrong, so I don't even know why you bring that up. You are arguing with yourself.
Also you struggle with basic English. Did I say it was anyone's fault? Here is a newsflash for you, we still need people in low paid professions. There are essential societal functions that have to be performed.
Again, you struggle with personalizing every single argument because that is all you know. Where did I say everyone has to have unlimited vacation? I guess where I spoke about Canada. Somewhere in the space in between your ears. That is what my employer chooses, and it helps them retain employees. I didn't say it has to be mandated.
I'm not concerned with "less people becoming doctors due to the ACA" for the exact same reason I'm unconcerned with voter fraud or what bathroom people pee in or a border wall, because I have a functioning brain that separates facts from right wing talking points. You don't even need college for that, even though the actual reason right wingers hate college is the fact that the more degrees people have the more likely they are to be liberal, and well, there are only so many straight white Christian men in this country and if more are lost to the dirge of book learnin' and meeting those with differing view points, just who in Congress will stand up for the poor terrorists unable to buy guns?
Like most deluded talking points that you glean from Faux News, there is no basis in reality for your point. Less people are becoming doctors because they cannot handle the debt load. Like so many other professions. Find a link, go ahead, I'm sure conservapedia pr Newsmax has something that blames Obama. Or, get ready for the facts. I know they won't get in, but let's try it:
CONCLUSIONS High educational debt deters graduates of public medical schools from choosing primary care, but does not appear to influence private school graduates in the same way. Students from relatively lower income families are more strongly influenced by debt. Reducing debt of selected medical students may be effective in promoting a larger primary care physician workforce.
Oh in Canada....lol...there's too many doctors...
Now you can read but I eagerly await the standard vkj response: Personal insult, Canada, Obama, Canada, personal insult, tangent, tangent, right wing talking point, you said something (that other poster never said), I I I my experience, Canada, Obama, liberals say this, personal insult, tangent.
You didn't say in a thread just last week your bias gives you unlimited vacation because "it's the right thing to do"? Are we supposed to forget what you say from thread to thread and just make believe you don't post same nonsense everywhere? I tried to say McGill cost more than what? Maybe you could finish your thought? Being a lawyer is not low paid profession. If a guy chooses to do home closings that's on him. If we end up being short lawyers for meaning les crap like that I'm sure there is a quick fix. Glad to see you got your right wing rant in. Carry on.
Again with the broad brush. Never complain about employees taking better jobs or moving up the ladder, all of my employees get at least three weeks vacation(4 is the norm), just gave one 12 weeks maternity. Free state university does nothing for small town lawyers or primary care docs. Unless of course you are having unlimited enrollment in these schools.OK English please. It is the right thing to do but that doesn't mean I think it has to be enforced in one way or another. My point was that crappy employers get their comeupance. That is capitalism, yet you and some your ilk believe that employees should just cope with poor pay or vacations and not leave and be thankful, which is not capitalism at all. From a policy perspective, if it were up to me, we should join every other Western country and mandate at least 2 weeks vacation, 10 days sick time, and paid paternity and maternity leave, because not everyone has the luxury of moving jobs.
You could just try not to make things up. You previously tried to say it cost more than NJ state schools, which it doesn't, but again not the point, this is another tangent of yours. I said we should have tuition free public college. I didn't mention Canada and why would I, that is not their policy. In fact it was actually an American policy in many places, many of the beneficiaries of that policy just want to forget about that. The fact is, again, that would not benefit me, I went to college a while ago. I just have common sense enough to realize we are headed for a serious problem with all the debt.
You're either dense or deliberately myopic or somewhere in there, because again, we need primary care doctors, we need small town lawyers, the policies in place are not working, and trying to blame studying art history or private colleges is typical tactic rather than address the problems. This is why your party is heading for collapse. No ideas, tons of name calling and scapegoating.
Again with the broad brush. Never complain about employees taking better jobs or moving up the ladder, all of my employees get at least three weeks vacation(4 is the norm), just gave one 12 weeks maternity. Free state university does nothing for small town lawyers or primary care docs. Unless of course you are having unlimited enrollment in these schools.
we just have a fundamentally different view of the role of government. You can't mandate everything and force people to be "good bosses". If the government starts down that path there will always be loopholes. Look at the ACA, have to provide ridiculously expensive plans to employees that didn't want them or services they don't need(pediatric dental for example) then we will hire two part time rather than a full time. Or like I did, just start hiring kids under 26 for entry level positions and let dad's boss foot the bill. Also, it makes me laugh that you diminish peoples real life experiences. A poster asks a question and someone who actually has to deal with those questions or make those decisions gives a real life solution and you poo poo it. However, we should take your travel blogs or random stats from some hack magazine as bible. Not to metnion, your personal experiences with language, travel, income, and job placement. You ever wonder why people from all parts of the spectrum are constantly disagreeing with you? You really think it's because you are that much smarter or experienced than everyone else? You must really miss BRGAgain, not about you. What you do does not help people who get no vacation, sick leave, or maternity.
With less debt, more people will be willing to do lower-paid jobs. It has nothing do with admission standards. It is wrong to say that there are not enough "smart" people. Many of these jobs you don't have to be a genius. The debt is a big issue. And BTW, I have no issue with a system that moves people along on different paths based on their intelligence from a younger age. That still doesn't change that even public college and public grad school is very, very expensive and we can do something about it. The debt load in this country is playing with fire.
I tend to agree with vkj91 on this issue and I think at least 50% of the CE board think I'm a liberal. I don't think public college should be free. There already too many unqualified kids going to college and in most cases they are going to For Profit colleges that are a scam. Most of the highest average student loans colleges are For profit colleges that probably accept students that can not get into community colleges or any other school, basically C to D students in high school. If the student loans weren't spread over under deserving student going to For Profit Colleges, then the student loans balance can go down significantly if they were spread over the students going to public colleges. The average student loan is about 25k when they graduate not the crazy stories you hear of six figure student loans. There are ways to get a college education as VKj91 has indicated without increasing their student loans.we just have a fundamentally different view of the role of government. You can't mandate everything and force people to be "good bosses". If the government starts down that path there will always be loopholes. Look at the ACA, have to provide ridiculously expensive plans to employees that didn't want them or services they don't need(pediatric dental for example) then we will hire two part time rather than a full time. Or like I did, just start hiring kids under 26 for entry level positions and let dad's boss foot the bill. Also, it makes me laugh that you diminish peoples real life experiences. A poster asks a question and someone who actually has to deal with those questions or make those decisions gives a real life solution and you poo poo it. However, we should take your travel blogs or random stats from some hack magazine as bible. Not to metnion, your personal experiences with language, travel, income, and job placement. You ever wonder why people from all parts of the spectrum are constantly disagreeing with you? You really think it's because you are that much smarter or experienced than everyone else? You must really miss BRG
we just have a fundamentally different view of the role of government. You can't mandate everything and force people to be "good bosses". If the government starts down that path there will always be loopholes. Look at the ACA, have to provide ridiculously expensive plans to employees that didn't want them or services they don't need(pediatric dental for example) then we will hire two part time rather than a full time. Or like I did, just start hiring kids under 26 for entry level positions and let dad's boss foot the bill. Also, it makes me laugh that you diminish peoples real life experiences. A poster asks a question and someone who actually has to deal with those questions or make those decisions gives a real life solution and you poo poo it. However, we should take your travel blogs or random stats from some hack magazine as bible. Not to metnion, your personal experiences with language, travel, income, and job placement. You ever wonder why people from all parts of the spectrum are constantly disagreeing with you? You really think it's because you are that much smarter or experienced than everyone else? You must really miss BRG
I tend to agree with vkj91 on this issue and I think at least 50% of the CE board think I'm a liberal. I don't think public college should be free. There already too many unqualified kids going to college and in most cases they are going to For Profit colleges that are a scam. Most of the highest average student loans colleges are For profit colleges that probably accept students that can not get into community colleges or any other school, basically C to D students in high school. If the student loans weren't spread over under deserving student going to For Profit Colleges, then the student loans balance can go down significantly if they were spread over the students going to public colleges. The average student loan is about 25k when they graduate not the crazy stories you hear of six figure student loans. There are ways to get a college education as VKj91 has indicated without increasing their student loans.
Everyone is placing too much emphasis on the school name and don't place anything on the individual. I was a 3.2 GPA student a little above average, as well as my siblings but we're all millionaires retired in their mid fifties. The kids are 2.9-3.5 GPA , not brilliant, but they are doing better than their parents. We succeeded because we have the desire, living in the ghetto in Paterson in my early years does that. I remember when I got out and I thought I had a job beneath me, I got physically sick and had to find a better job. IT took a while and a couple of jobs before I settled for a good company, Westinghouse, for 20 plus years. Oh, none of the kids have a master degree but easily making over 6 figures.
Part of your argument is actually for free public schools. I think school names are important if it's top 25. Otherwise, I agree with you.I tend to agree with vkj91 on this issue and I think at least 50% of the CE board think I'm a liberal. I don't think public college should be free. There already too many unqualified kids going to college and in most cases they are going to For Profit colleges that are a scam. Most of the highest average student loans colleges are For profit colleges that probably accept students that can not get into community colleges or any other school, basically C to D students in high school. If the student loans weren't spread over under deserving student going to For Profit Colleges, then the student loans balance can go down significantly if they were spread over the students going to public colleges. The average student loan is about 25k when they graduate not the crazy stories you hear of six figure student loans. There are ways to get a college education as VKj91 has indicated without increasing their student loans.
Everyone is placing too much emphasis on the school name and don't place anything on the individual. I was a 3.2 GPA student a little above average, as well as my siblings but we're all millionaires retired in their mid fifties. The kids are 2.9-3.5 GPA , not brilliant, but they are doing better than their parents. We succeeded because we have the desire, living in the ghetto in Paterson in my early years does that. I remember when I got out and I thought I had a job beneath me, I got physically sick and had to find a better job. IT took a while and a couple of jobs before I settled for a good company, Westinghouse, for 20 plus years. Oh, none of the kids have a master degree but easily making over 6 figures.
I'll take advice from the banned acting as board police who personally attack basic everyone exactly never. You don't know where I live though being a stalker I'm sure you would love to know
^ What all millennials are saying right now about this thread.
Summary.TL; DR
^ What all millennials are saying right now about this thread.
1.Some old people think young people suck. Some old people disagree.
2. Wahh, things are harder for young people today. No their not. Yes they are. No they are not.
3. FS52 and NirH are in another pissing match.
There is minimal moderation for stalking and honestly I am hardly the only that deals with it. I don't mind too much but I can understand why its frustrating for others.
Yes I fight fire with fire. The way people grasp at straws...someone once said I denied 9-11...very unfortunate