I think the jury should still be out the bad rap that Millennials get because from what witnessed over the past 30 years of post-college employment, I've seen entitled arrogance or a "doesn't play/work well with others" attitude across the age spectrum regardless of generation. In my current job had a mid-fifties former co-worker who felt that she should be able to telework whenever the boss was not in the office on top of teleworking 3-4 days a week even though she had a 15 minute commuter into the office (she bitched regularly about her two measly two days of telework a week she could have). Much of that may have been due to extreme attachment to her dog she did not want to leave alone. On the other end of the age spectrum I had a Amy Adams look-alike Millennial who I knew from day one I would have trouble with. It was one of the best days of my current job when she decided to quit to pursue a teaching career. She remains the only person in my career I could not get along with and even those I initially don't get along with, I eventually find some common ground to enable some sense of civility. (This chick was generally unfriendly for reasons I will never know - maybe she detests middle aged dudes) The twenties is just a rough age to be in early career and i've known people in their twenties back in the 80s and 90s who are just as terrible as some in their twenties now. I know my first job out of Rutgers was a tough adjustment in many ways.