OT: Notre Dame DL Jerry Tillery


All American
Apr 24, 2010
Notre Dame player stomps on players foot and kicks a player in the head while he's down. its almost like he plays for some poopie bag that has terrible tantrums like Brian Kelly or something

His college career should be over IMO. If it happen twice like that and especially to an already injured player, worse is probably in his future.
I'm actually surprised that this is not being talked about even more. ND needs to dismiss him from the school!
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Did the ref's do anything after the 2nd time when he stepped on the USC player's ankle?

It was the first thing he did, where he "nudged" the players head on the ground that nothing happened except some trainers or assistant coaches saw him do it. They went and grabbed him immediately. The TV announcers didn't even pick up on it right away but went back to it but Kelly should/was informed of the first occurrence. The ankle stepping was caught by the officials and he was flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. It should have been his second one therefor he would have been ejected, but since didn't see first one it was just a 15 yard penalty or in this case half the distance. He should not have been in the game period after the first one if Kelly and his staff had done their jobs.

My other comment on this is why didn't the replay official buzz the officials about it. That, just like targeting, can be accessed by the replay official when the play is reviewed. I guarantee the play was reviewed since there was an injured player. Alabama had a player ejected for targeting Saturday(I know the replay guy is probably unemployed now) by the replay booth on a play that no flag was thrown so it can happen. I think the officials and especially ND and their coaches dropped the ball on this situation. JMO
It was so telling that it was Notre Dame's own trainers who saw what he did on that first play where they player was clearly knocked out (and potentially seriously injured) and they pulled this jerk away and yelled at him..

that act was unfathomable to me... almost criminal...
Guaranteed NOTHING will happen to's Notre Dame....the only way something happens is if USC files a formal complaint but they won't...he has several years left?...shit happens in games .
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Guaranteed NOTHING will happen to's Notre Dame....the only way something happens is if USC files a formal complaint but they won't...he has several years left?...shit happens in games .

I believe he is a true sophomore.
Guaranteed NOTHING will happen to's Notre Dame....the only way something happens is if USC files a formal complaint but they won't...he has several years left?...shit happens in games .
He was suspended for last years bowl game for something else.

Notre Dame will not be in the post season this year.
Was at that game. Good thing the fans didn't see it. It wasn't played on the big screen.

This was all after a guy got disqualified for head hunting.
That kind of stuff happens all the time probably a dozen times a game. The refs overlook the mild stuff. Anyone who's played the game from high school on up has had it done to them,'did it to others and /or both.
That kind of stuff happens all the time probably a dozen times a game. The refs overlook the mild stuff. Anyone who's played the game from high school on up has had it done to them,'did it to others and /or both.

So, because this stuff "happens" everybody should just look the other way? That's what's wrong with sports today, nobody is accountable for their actions. It's just about the money. The players, coaches, officials, AD's, NCAA, and the schools just look the other way because it might ruffle a few feathers or upset someone's apple cart. Horseshit!!! This Piece of shit should be out of college football for this and so should any other player who does it. If his coach or school doesn't want to toss him then the NCAA should step in. I don't want to hear about the heat of the moment or any of that shit. Both of the things discussed here were well after the whistle and they were both intentional. This is a game. Nothing more nothing less. Treat it like one and how a player or coach should handle themselves by doing the right thing here by kicking this kid out of football and this shit stops. I've been around the game at the high school and college level for 35 yrs and people that don't condone this type of behavior handle it and handle quickly and make sure it can't happen again.
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If he is not registered to vote then he is a fraud. A fraud I tell ya!!I would step on his head but the stomping that would probably ensue in return might not be worth it.
That kind of stuff happens all the time probably a dozen times a game. The refs overlook the mild stuff. Anyone who's played the game from high school on up has had it done to them,'did it to others and /or both.
