OT: Palisades Amusement Park original commercial

Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by RUScrew85:

Pretty sure I saw that commercial watching Wonderama on channel 11 40 years ago.
Pretty sure Wonderama was on Channel 5 (which at the time was WNEW-TV).

I never realized that the show ran for 22 seasons or that the host before Bob McAllister was comedian Sonny Fox.
Remember when it was 3hrs long?

And does anybody know somebody who won one of the bikes?
Originally posted by RUScrew85:
Originally posted by RU4Real:

Originally posted by RUScrew85:

Prwetty sure I saw that commercial watching Wonderama on channel 11 40 years ago.
Pretty sure Wonderama was on Channel 5 (which at the time was WNEW-TV).

I never realized that the show ran for 22 seasons or that the host before Bob McAllister was comedian Sonny Fox.
Always thought it was on PIX
PIX also had that interactive game after school. It was almost like Asteroids but the caller had to shout "PIX" to fire the gun.
Originally posted by FELONIOUSMONK:

When I was 3 or 4 my cousins took me to Olympic Park in Newark? or Irvington? and told me it was Palisades Park. I took shit for years about that...Bastards.. Along with the Alan and Bubanick and Robert Hall jingles that played incessantly on WCTC in New Brunswick in the 60's this is one of the greats of all time..
since it's a;most bedtime here's a little jingle to drive you nuts till 2AM......we're doing our Christmas shopping at Robert Hall this year. We save our money by shopping at Robert Hall this year.....
My brother and I were on Wonderama during the Bob McAllister days. I'm pretty sure that it was on channel 5. We didn't win anything, but I was pretty shy back then and probably didn't volunteer for anything, either.

Re: Palisades Park... we went there often. Our entire family loved amusement parks, and that was back before Great Adventure and Disney World. Lots of great memories! I still love hearing the theme song. Unfortunately, it closed before I was old enough to go there on my own. One of my last visits there, in the summer of '71, was on a double-date... but mom drove us. ;-)
I was was there once as a kid in the 60's. Remembered the salt water pool and the boat ride with the tunnel of love. Although Freddie Canon sang the Palisades Park song, he said in an interview I heard that he never visited the park.