I am not saying Penn State not doing well in the classroom but you can't tell based on the APR. It really is lazy journalism not to dig deeper why the score is low.
APR is the dumbest measurement. The NCAA came up with it to hide embarrassing low graduation rates. You can actually have a 0% graduation rate while still having a high APR. Here is the reason why it a joke. A player who is academically ineligible but remains on the roster counts scores the same way as a player who academically is eligible but decide to transfer for playing time.
For Example
Team A
85 players all eligible for the spring=85 points
20 players transfer and 65 remain on the roster for the spring=65 points
APR score is 150 points out of 170 possible=882 APR
Team B
65 players are eligible for the spring=65 points
85 players return on the roster for the spring=85
APR score is 150 points out of 170 possible=882 APR
So both teams have the same APR yet every single player on Team A is getting the job done in the classroom yet has the same score as Team B who has 20 players who couldn't even meet the NCAA academic minimum. So tell me how does this measure academic progress?