My point was, in response to the board's least favorite partisan, is that plenty of Rs have raised taxes. We can split hairs all day, but the last surplus was under Clinton and California among other blue states has a surplus.
That isn't to say Ds are perfect especially in NJ, but Christie has not done even ONE thing to address actual fiscal problems here, he squandered the Sandy money, used the PA as a bank and depisitory for crooked allies, and billed us for everything from a bogus campaign to phony investigation to needless election.
The fact is, Christie is not a fiscal conservative at all, and very few Rs these days are in NJ, and the few that have enacted these policies have ended up like Kansas, Louisiana, and others on the brink of fiscal ruin.
Personally, I would rather the California way than the Kansas way. The Christie way is just the Soprano way, so I struggle to see how anyone could support it without being blindly partisan- and the 26% approval he has tell me many Republican citizens in NJ agree with me.