OT-Princeton LAX coach fired for elbowing player

I can't say whether or not the firing was deserved.

I will say I'm shocked NJ.Com didn't use this to rehash all the troubles RU has gone thru.
A black eye to the school.

Rightfully dismissed, you can't do that under any circumstances.

While it may not have been much of an elbow...I don't think there is any disputing that the intent was there... There is absolutly no way one could claim that was anything other than intentional... Which for a coach, is the ultimate no-no...
Is good that he was fired. Not because what he did had any real intent to harm because nobody was getting harmed by what he did. But because by doing it at all, he demonstrated he's too stupid to work for Princeton.

And jeez, if you're gonna get fired, at least do some damage first. Seriously. That was like getting fired for not remembering to put the toilet seat back down after peeing.
First, was there a complaint filed by the other team that brought more attention to this, and/or were there previous incidents of overblown anger with this coach?

Hard to believe he would be fired just on that incident...... I would think a stiff fine and warning would be enough
Rice got fired for throwing basketballs and yelling mean things. This should come as no surprise.
First, was there a complaint filed by the other team that brought more attention to this, and/or were there previous incidents of overblown anger with this coach?

Hard to believe he would be fired just on that incident...... I would think a stiff fine and warning would be enough
Is what I'm talking about. If he was gonna be fired, he should've at least grabbed the kid's lacrosse stick and beat him till his brains leaked out his ears. Make it worth it.
A coach is the moral compass for impressionable young men. Princeton already has an aloof arrogant attitude, feeding that ego with this cheap shot that did result in a penalty and should have been a ejection for "UNSPORTSMEN CONDUCT".
Morals above wins, Character above coaching.
You want it any other way go root for Bama.
Rutgers may be a P5 school but we must still maintain morals. may never result in a NC but our graduates will be better moral citizens
Keep in mind that this coach may have already had some other incidences with his own players or others. But, this one thing was certainly worth him getting his release. My fears when I was playing HS football was from our head coach who had a penchant of hitting you over the head with his clip board when he was not happy with you. You rarely took off your helmet when you first came off the field.
A coach is the moral compass for impressionable young men. Princeton already has an aloof arrogant attitude, feeding that ego with this cheap shot that did result in a penalty and should have been a ejection for "UNSPORTSMEN CONDUCT".
Morals above wins, Character above coaching.
You want it any other way go root for Bama.
Rutgers may be a P5 school but we must still maintain morals. may never result in a NC but our graduates will be better moral citizens

Actually, Bates and the Princeton team were a very inspirational story back in 2012 when his wife was dying (and died) from cancer. This doesn't fit the pattern at all.

The link has problems. Google "Chris Bates son" and you can find the link.
Bizarre move by the coach - firing may be excessive but he did it. BTW, whatever happened to that Princeton professor that wrongfully accused a Princeton cop of abuse? She should be fired also - that's a much worse offense IMO.
Bizarre move by the coach - firing may be excessive but he did it. BTW, whatever happened to that Princeton professor that wrongfully accused a Princeton cop of abuse? She should be fired also - that's a much worse offense IMO.

She is a protected class. No punishment.
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Looks like a silly "event". The player was running toward coach who was looking away. As coach turned the running player was almost on top of him. Coach probably put his arm out reflexively in defensive manner.
Looks like a silly "event". The player was running toward coach who was looking away. As coach turned the running player was almost on top of him. Coach probably put his arm out reflexively in defensive manner.

Interesting....I could buy this. Still the perception is that he did it as an aggressive move which means he definitely had to go. However your theory could have been argued by Princeton and I think he could have stayed.....even though he would be on thin ice for the rest of his tenure ala Bob Knight at the end at IU.
Interesting....I could buy this. Still the perception is that he did it as an aggressive move which means he definitely had to go. However your theory could have been argued by Princeton and I think he could have stayed.....even though he would be on thin ice for the rest of his tenure ala Bob Knight at the end at IU.
I cannot buy that defense. The reaction would have been to turn away from contact protect the face. I heard somewhere that this was a reaction to a dirty hit that particular player had just been involved in. I am on the fence as to whether that requires firing... emotional as it is. Why isn't there room for a sincere apology and a handshake with the player? I mean the coach sincerely apologizing.. why isn't there room for that before firing comes into play?
I cannot buy that defense. The reaction would have been to turn away from contact protect the face. I heard somewhere that this was a reaction to a dirty hit that particular player had just been involved in. I am on the fence as to whether that requires firing... emotional as it is. Why isn't there room for a sincere apology and a handshake with the player? I mean the coach sincerely apologizing.. why isn't there room for that before firing comes into play?

If he did it purposely as retribution there is no question he should be fired - he is a coach, not a player and that just can't happen.
its more about lawsuits and creating safe spaces for youth than anything else these days

You're probably right, but I'm having trouble wrapping my arms around a "safe space" for a lacrosse player.
If he did it purposely as retribution there is no question he should be fired - he is a coach, not a player and that just can't happen.

What actual harm was done?

If he intended harm, wouldn't that have been a harder hit?

I think the "outrage scale" needs to be re-balanced.

Here;s what I think is more reasonable:

1) ask him to apologize..if he is not truly repentant or won't even try to look so.. FIRED.
2) investigate him to see if he is an out of control coach in other ways or encourages or tolerates assistants behaving poorly. If it is a bigger issue.. FIRED. (and maybe that is what happened).
3) if anything similar happens again, FIRED.

But as the entire case against this guy.. I disagree with the firing. Excessive. Essentially destroys his career, hurts his family much much more than the player he checked.
I cannot buy that defense. The reaction would have been to turn away from contact protect the face.

Many people will recoil but some will go at the perceived threat - Its fight or flight. If you watch the videos on YouTube of people getting startled on purpose, there's always a certain percentage of people who will move to go after the person causing the scare (often in a costume pretending to be something inanimate and stationary).

The coach was a lacrosse player (oddly enough both the coach and player played lacrosse in my county. The coach at John Jay and the player at Dobbs Ferry) and he probably reacted (aggressively) as he would have as a lacrosse player. He really wasn't looking at the player and only saw him when he was right on top of him. He reacted like an old lax player and not a sideline observer. I had a similar problem playing rugby. When I was ready to hit guys I often put my folded arms up together to hit guys with - just like I did when I was a pulling guard. That kind of hit is considered sketchy in rugby and people thought I was trying to hurt guys on purpose.. It was a hard instinct to break though.
I can't say whether or not the firing was deserved.

I will say I'm shocked NJ.Com didn't use this to rehash all the troubles RU has gone thru.

Oh, boy! Now you've given them the idea. Expect a followup article.