Rob- you admitted you were wrong and I apologized for being vile. I thought we moved on.No you’re not worth my time frisbee boy. None of this would have happened had some of your cult” Friends “ group not gotten outraged over a post about” no drugs found at the scene” …along with someone named ChrisRU crying about the toxicology report. This wasn’t misinformation like your covid 19 BS… You reposted again today in an attempt to ridicule and show how tough you “ think” you are. You’re a bully and you have done this more often then me and many others. Then as is typical of some Rutgers posters you go after my moniker RUBOB72 liking it to my IQ. Tell me AH all the reasons again. Trolling me doesn’t suit you Frisbee Boy. .Answer this clown did you feel like a big man? You are a Rutgers board inflamer … you are also a coward.