OT: RIP Bob Saget

I would speculate that he shot the sheriff, but he didn’t shoot the deputy.
Do you mean him????????????
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He will be counted as a covid death
Why would you attempt to downplay the covid death numbers ?
I'm big on looking for someone's motive in any situation. Hard to figure what your motive could be in attempting to suggest that the death toll is lower than it's been counted as.
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What is the most common cause of injury deaths in the elderly?

Press Release. Every second of every day in the United States an older adult falls, making falls the number one cause of injuries and deaths from injury among older Americans.

I already know of two individuals in their sixties who died from falling and hitting their head. Happens all the time. Be careful doing anything when you get older.
We really don't know what happened, but considering he entered his room reportedly at 2am
I would guess he could have been tired and possibly after doing his last comedy sketch of the day
or just coming back from a relaxing night.
So if fall didn't seem bad to him, he figured a little sleep would be best instead of having medical personnel check him out
While asleep the damage from hitting his head on something proved fatal, despite Bob feeling it was minor when he went to bed to sleep.

I would say a conspiracy theory over this fatal accident doesn't apply, even if some people see conspiracy theories everywhere, there really aren't as many as conspiracy theory believers believe 😯
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65 is elderly?

Isn’t it?

I had this argument when John Madden died at 80 and someone called it “unexpected”.
Isn’t current life expectancy 72?
Even lower than that the further back you were born?

Can’t call a death “unexpected” when you are nearing life expectancy or past it.
Isn’t it?

I had this argument when John Madden died at 80 and someone called it “unexpected”.
Isn’t current life expectancy 72?
Even lower than that the further back you were born?

Can’t call a death “unexpected” when you are nearing life expectancy or past it.
I just looked it up. In 1960, the life expectancy was 66 years old. I remember when people didn’t live past their 60’s. Men’s life expectancy is now 76.3.
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Isn’t it?

I had this argument when John Madden died at 80 and someone called it “unexpected”.
Isn’t current life expectancy 72?
Even lower than that the further back you were born?

Can’t call a death “unexpected” when you are nearing life expectancy or past it.
Depends on the individual. Sure Madden was 80, but if he was doing fine otherwise, had check-ups, etc. and just didn’t wake up one day, then yes, it’s unexpected. Just a matter of speech really. If someone has cancer or end-stage heart failure then it may fall under the expected category.
65 is elderly?
Perspective is everything. When we‘re in middle school, 40 seemed really old and 55 was ancient.

When I was in college, I had a fling with a 30 year old woman. I thought she was “really hot for an old lady”. She truly looked “old” to me.

Now, we have like 6-7 guys playing soccer with us who are in their 60s, and one guy who is either in his 70s or who we think might actually have died a few years back. Yes, I am saying we think he’s a zombie. His grandson, who is in HS, plays with us sometimes.

As we age, our idea of what is old or elderly changes a lot. Most of us, at least.
Perspective is everything. When we‘re in middle school, 40 seemed really old and 55 was ancient.

When I was in college, I had a fling with a 30 year old woman. I thought she was “really hot for an old lady”. She truly looked “old” to me.

Now, we have like 6-7 guys playing soccer with us who are in their 60s, and one guy who is either in his 70s or who we think might actually have died a few years back. Yes, I am saying we think he’s a zombie. His grandson, who is in HS, plays with us sometimes.

As we age, our idea of what is old or elderly changes a lot. Most of us, at least.
@beaced - what do you think - is 65 years old elderly, or are is 65 still part of the tender years?

Typically, the elderly has been defined as the chronological age of 65 or older. People from 65 to 74 years old are usually considered early elderly, while those over 75 years old are referred to as late elderly.
Covid had nothing to do with Bob Saget's death. So why highlight that ?
It was a joke. I was a bit snarky last night. But being in the medical profession, i will take your bait on the above statement and we can have a discussion whether it ultimately could have had a bearing on his unfortunate death. Covid has been known to cause some vestibular disturbances and tinnitus, which in turn, can cause dizziness and loss of balance. So let's see, a seemingly healthy individual (edit: I did find some medical problems with Saget) struck his head hard enough to cause:
  • Abrasion of the posterior scalp
  • Subgaleal hemorrhage underlying the abrasion
  • Linear fracture of the base of the skull
  • Comminuted fractures of the roofs of the orbits involving the bilateral frontal bone
  • Bilateral partial periorbital ecchymoses
  • Subdural hematoma
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Contrecoup contusions involving the bilateral frontal lobes and bilateral temporal lobes
Ok, so he either tripped or had a medical issue which caused him to lose his balance or altered his consciousness, thus striking his head. I do see a report on CNN he had an enlarged heart and something was "95% blocked" on one side (might be talking about a coronary artery). He was also taking medicines used for treating seizures, anxiety and panic disorders as per CNN. Now any one of those medical issues or treatments could cause unsteady gaits or alterations in levels of consciousness, but so could covid. I know it's a stretch, but I hereby conclude covid theoretically could have caused his fall and ultimately his demise.
It was a joke. I was a bit snarky last night. But being in the medical profession, i will take your bait on the above statement and we can have a discussion whether it ultimately could have had a bearing on his unfortunate death. Covid has been known to cause some vestibular disturbances and tinnitus, which in turn, can cause dizziness and loss of balance. So let's see, a seemingly healthy individual (edit: I did find some medical problems with Saget) struck his head hard enough to cause:
  • Abrasion of the posterior scalp
  • Subgaleal hemorrhage underlying the abrasion
  • Linear fracture of the base of the skull
  • Comminuted fractures of the roofs of the orbits involving the bilateral frontal bone
  • Bilateral partial periorbital ecchymoses
  • Subdural hematoma
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Contrecoup contusions involving the bilateral frontal lobes and bilateral temporal lobes
Ok, so he either tripped or had a medical issue which caused him to lose his balance or altered his consciousness, thus striking his head. I do see a report on CNN he had an enlarged heart and something was "95% blocked" on one side (might be talking about a coronary artery). He was also taking medicines used for treating seizures, anxiety and panic disorders as per CNN. Now any one of those medical issues or treatments could cause unsteady gaits or alterations in levels of consciousness, but so could covid. I know it's a stretch, but I hereby conclude covid theoretically could have caused his fall and ultimately his demise.
couldnt a bat have more likely caused those injuries?
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I’m serious. It amazes me that you blindly believe what the tv tells you even though he obviously didn’t die from a fall
How the f would you know about it???
The problem with your dumb ass conspiracy theory is you need too many people to agree to buy into your stupid story. Nobody agrees on anything these days. You are just a nut job
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How the f would you know about it???
The problem with your dumb ass conspiracy theory is you need too many people to agree to buy into your stupid story. Nobody agrees on anything these days. You are just a nut job

How the f would you know about it???
The problem with your dumb ass conspiracy theory is you need too many people to agree to buy into your stupid story. Nobody agrees on anything these days. You are just a nut job
You like apples?
🤣🤣🤣🤣You are quoting the Daily Mail? At least use the National Inquirer. At least the Inquirer does some simple proof reading. What a mess that is
Funny that they didn't name said Doctor who attributed to the wacky headline. Gupta didn't say that.
I think your aluminum foil cap is on too tight.
🤣🤣🤣🤣You are quoting the Daily Mail? At least use the National Inquirer. At least the Inquirer does some simple proof reading. What a mess that is
Funny that they didn't name said Doctor who attributed to the wacky headline. Gupta didn't say that.
I think your aluminum foil cap is on too tight.
It sounds like you were whacked over the head too
couldnt a bat have more likely caused those injuries?
A bat could have given him covid. In all seriousness, those injuries could be caused by a bat I suppose, but they could also be caused by a 180# plus ish person, losing his balance/passing out and slamming into something with his head.
A bat could have given him covid. In all seriousness, those injuries could be caused by a bat I suppose, but they could also be caused by a 180# plus ish person, losing his balance/passing out and slamming into something with his head.
The front and back of his head had fractures
I worked in ER at Lincoln hospital in South Bronx. Lots of head trauma. Mugging, Jumps/falls from buildings, mva, you name it. This report c/w sub-massive head trauma with occipital &frontal fractures. Comminuted orbital fxrs. This is not c/w fall in hotel room, bath. Idk what happened or why they seem so cavalier over being ok with "case closed". He would have had to jump off from a height and strike head posteriorly then anteriorly on hard surface or posteriorly and the orbital fractures would occur as contracoup injury. I have only seen this in mva w person tossed.
Last edited:
Seems like the autopsy report has him with signs of Clonazepam (a benzodiazepine) in his system which is used to prevent seizures and treat panic attacks. Also found was Trazodone, an antidepressant
It has been said that they could make people sleepy and contribute to a fall.
The autopsy also noted he had an enlarged heart; 95% blocked on one side.
Benzodiazepines are widely prescribed for older people ( 65 is considered old ), despite warnings about the side effects. People who take them face increased risks of falls and fractures.

As for Covid 19, Saget had a recent bout with that virus according to his wife in an interview with T.J. Holmes as an explanation when Bob's wife Kelly Rizzo was asked about any health problems Saget might have had.
A bat could have given him covid. In all seriousness, those injuries could be caused by a bat I suppose, but they could also be caused by a 180# plus ish person, losing his balance/passing out and slamming into something with his head.
Falling down stairs ?
I worked in ER at Lincoln hospital in South Bronx. Lots of head trauma. Mugging, Jumps/falls from buildings, mva, you name it. This report c/w sub-massive head trauma with occipital &frontal fractures. Comminuted posterior. This is not c/w fall in hotel room, bath. Idk what happened or why they seem so cavalier over being ok with "case closed".
Thanks for the info. At the risk of causing White Bus' head to explode (no offense, White Bus!), that Daily Mail article had what is purported to be an image of the actual autopsy report, and and interesting graphic:



The fractures of the skull were quite extensive:
"C. Linear fracture of the base of the skull involving the right occipital bone and right temporal bone
D. Comminuted fractures of the roofs of the orbits involving the bilateral frontal bone
E. Bilateral partial periorbital ecchymoses.
H. Contrercoup contusions involving the bilateral frontal lobes and bilateral temportal lobes"

C, D and E mean he fractured two thick bones on the back of his skull and the "comminuted fractures" of his orbits"

Nice graphic by CNN:


Some links below: "Most roof fractures are associated with other orbital/facial fractures and result from significant head trauma, as a high degree of force is required to fracture this portion of the orbit. The frontal sinus is often involved. Large comminuted displaced orbital roof fractures are often associated with severe head and face trauma (including higher rates of intracranial hemorrhage)." "Patients who sustain any trauma to the head are at risk for orbital roof fractures. In adults, the traumatic event is typically associated with greater energy transfer (e.g. unhelmeted motorcycle accident or falls from height)."

In plain English, the rear of Bob Saget's head was hit very hard, and he had fractured bones on the back and front of his head.

On the "contrecoup contusions," Wikipedia has this to say:

"Contrecoup injuries are produced when the moving head strikes a stationary object." "The exact mechanism for the injuries, especially contrecoup injuries, is a subject of much debate. In general, they involve an abrupt deceleration of the head, causing the brain to collide with the inside of the skull. It is likely that inertia is involved in the injuries, e.g. when the brain keeps moving after the skull is stopped by a fixed object or when the brain remains still after the skull is accelerated by an impact with a moving object."


Coup contrecoup injury.

The problem I have with the statement of Dr. Gavin Britz from the Daily Mail article is is that he said this is something he finds with someone with a baseball bat to the head or who has fallen 20 or 30 feet. While his experience can be taken at face value, it is speculative, and the baseball bat comment only fuels conspiracy theorists.

If Bob Saget was indeed attacked or killed by someone with a baseball bat, one would think that in relatively quiet Orlando, Florida in a nice hotel, there would have been enough noise so that police would have been called. Plus, as detailed below, the police had no evidence of foul play, and the room was orderly.

Dr. Megan Ranney was also quoted in the article from her tweets, and she does not appear to be incorrect in her opinion that "This is not a "slip & fall". This is not a minor concussion. This is MAJOR head trauma. PS: this doesn't mean it was INTENTIONAL trauma, either. But this is more than just "I whacked my head on the kitchen cabinet."" Dr Ranney is at Brown University.

It would have been up to Bob Saget's wife to ask for a more thorough investigation. Obviously, this was not sought. They were satisfied with the conclusion that he fell and hit the back of his head really hard, causing extensive fractures and bruising on the back and front of his head.

Some more details on his final hours:

"According to new reports, the ‘Full House’ star checked into the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Orlando, Florida staying for a couple of days. On Sunday, the comedian arranged for a late checkout, but never exited the room. An hour after the arranged time, housekeeping staff entered the room and found him unresponsive in his bed.

At this point, a “housekeeping manager” tried performing CPR on the comedian after calling 911. Paramedics rushed to the scene but pronounced him dead once they arrived. Orange County Sheriff’s Department conducted an initial investigation into the death, including transferring his body to the Medical Examiner’s Office after several hours. Authorities released a statement following the death, saying there were no signs of foul play…or drug use."

Bob Saget sent a Tweet at 3:42 a.m. Jan. 9:

"Saget, who died in an Orlando hotel room Sunday, was found in his bed with his left arm across his chest and his right arm resting on the bed with no signs of trauma, according to the incident report.

According to the report, “Mr. Saget used his room key to enter the room at 02:17 hours” on Sunday."

"The report said that OCFR declared the male, later identified as Bob Saget, deceased at 16:18 hours (4:18 p.m. local time).

Crime scene tape was placed, and the deputy began his investigation, according to the report.

“My BWC (Body Worn Camera) was activated while I checked the immediate area for signs of foul play,” Gonzalez said in the report. “It should be noted none were found.”

“The room itself was orderly with items owned by Mr. Saget on the nightstand, television stand, closet and bathroom,” Gonzalez said in the report.

According to the report, Saget was due to check out of his room Sunday and his family had been unable to reach him. "

MY GUESS- he fell in the bathroom and hit the back of his head really hard on the tile floor?

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Thanks for the info. At the risk of causing White Bus' head to explode (no offense, White Bus!), that Daily Mail article had what is purported to be an image of the actual autopsy report, and and interesting graphic:



The fractures of the skull were quite extensive:
"C. Linear fracture of the base of the skull involving the right occipital bone and right temporal bone
D. Comminuted fractures of the roofs of the orbits involving the bilateral frontal bone
E. Bilateral partial periorbital ecchymoses.
H. Contrercoup contusions involving the bilateral frontal lobes and bilateral temportal lobes"

C, D and E mean he fractured two thick bones on the back of his skull and the "comminuted fractures" of his orbits"

Nice graphic by CNN:


Some links below: "Most roof fractures are associated with other orbital/facial fractures and result from significant head trauma, as a high degree of force is required to fracture this portion of the orbit. The frontal sinus is often involved. Large comminuted displaced orbital roof fractures are often associated with severe head and face trauma (including higher rates of intracranial hemorrhage)." "Patients who sustain any trauma to the head are at risk for orbital roof fractures. In adults, the traumatic event is typically associated with greater energy transfer (e.g. unhelmeted motorcycle accident or falls from height)."

In plain English, the rear of Bob Saget's head was hit very hard, and he had fractured bones on the back and front of his head.

On the "contrecoup contusions," Wikipedia has this to say:

"Contrecoup injuries are produced when the moving head strikes a stationary object." "The exact mechanism for the injuries, especially contrecoup injuries, is a subject of much debate. In general, they involve an abrupt deceleration of the head, causing the brain to collide with the inside of the skull. It is likely that inertia is involved in the injuries, e.g. when the brain keeps moving after the skull is stopped by a fixed object or when the brain remains still after the skull is accelerated by an impact with a moving object."


Coup contrecoup injury.

The problem I have with the statement of Dr. Gavin Britz from the Daily Mail article is is that he said this is something he finds with someone with a baseball bat to the head or who has fallen 20 or 30 feet. While his experience can be taken at face value, it is speculative, and the baseball bat comment only fuels conspiracy theorists.

If Bob Saget was indeed attacked or killed by someone with a baseball bat, one would think that in relatively quiet Orlando, Florida in a nice hotel, there would have been enough noise so that police would have been called. Plus, as detailed below, the police had no evidence of foul play, and the room was orderly.

Dr. Megan Ranney was also quoted in the article from her tweets, and she does not appear to be incorrect in her opinion that "This is not a "slip & fall". This is not a minor concussion. This is MAJOR head trauma. PS: this doesn't mean it was INTENTIONAL trauma, either. But this is more than just "I whacked my head on the kitchen cabinet."" Dr Ranney is at Brown University.

It would have been up to Bob Saget's wife to ask for a more thorough investigation. Obviously, this was not sought. They were satisfied with the conclusion that he fell and hit the back of his head really hard, causing extensive fractures and bruising on the back and front of his head.

Some more details on his final hours:

"According to new reports, the ‘Full House’ star checked into the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Orlando, Florida staying for a couple of days. On Sunday, the comedian arranged for a late checkout, but never exited the room. An hour after the arranged time, housekeeping staff entered the room and found him unresponsive in his bed.

At this point, a “housekeeping manager” tried performing CPR on the comedian after calling 911. Paramedics rushed to the scene but pronounced him dead once they arrived. Orange County Sheriff’s Department conducted an initial investigation into the death, including transferring his body to the Medical Examiner’s Office after several hours. Authorities released a statement following the death, saying there were no signs of foul play…or drug use."

Bob Saget sent a Tweet at 3:42 a.m. Jan. 9:

"Saget, who died in an Orlando hotel room Sunday, was found in his bed with his left arm across his chest and his right arm resting on the bed with no signs of trauma, according to the incident report.

According to the report, “Mr. Saget used his room key to enter the room at 02:17 hours” on Sunday."

"The report said that OCFR declared the male, later identified as Bob Saget, deceased at 16:18 hours (4:18 p.m. local time).

Crime scene tape was placed, and the deputy began his investigation, according to the report.

“My BWC (Body Worn Camera) was activated while I checked the immediate area for signs of foul play,” Gonzalez said in the report. “It should be noted none were found.”

“The room itself was orderly with items owned by Mr. Saget on the nightstand, television stand, closet and bathroom,” Gonzalez said in the report.

According to the report, Saget was due to check out of his room Sunday and his family had been unable to reach him. "

MY GUESS- he fell in the bathroom and hit the back of his head really hard on the tile floor?

Holy crap. You did your research.
I thought he originally had comminuted occipital fractures but changed it when I saw your post or someone else's about Comminuted orbital fractures.
He was a tall guy so he could have had an at level forceful fall backwards with an occipital fxr & countracoup bil orbital fxrs. In theory it's possible but I've never seen it outside of very significant high velocity trauma.
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Holy crap. You did your research.
I thought he originally had comminuted occipital fractures but changed it when I saw your post or someone else's about Comminuted orbital fractures.
He was a tall guy so he could have had an at level forceful fall backwards with an occipital fxr & countracoup bil orbital fxrs. In theory it's possible but I've never seen it outside of very significant high velocity trauma.
My daily work in reading and writing patents includes parsing through a lot of technical information, which should be understandable to lay people (judges/juries). I was also an EMT for a while and I am still peripherally involve in EMS. I like medical information, but I have to say some of the language and writing is more difficult to parse through than a lot of the material I handle at work.

I re-read what you edited in your original post and immediately above- you think the extent of his injuries are theoretically possible, but would be very rare. Maybe we could ask a volunteer take a hard fall backward on a tile surface to verify if such injuries are possible ? (kidding) 🤕
My daily work in reading and writing patents includes parsing through a lot of technical information, which should be understandable to lay people (judges/juries). I was also an EMT for a while and I am still peripherally involve in EMS. I like medical information, but I have to say some of the language and writing is more difficult to parse through than a lot of the material I handle at work.

I re-read what you edited in your original post and immediately above- you think the extent of his injuries are theoretically possible, but would be very rare. Maybe we could ask a volunteer take a hard fall backward on a tile surface to verify if such injuries are possible ? (kidding) 🤕
whitebus has obviously had a bunch of falls