OT: RIP Bob Saget

Weirdly irrelevant and politically themed deflection. The existence of various partisan political scandals, with which both sides constantly attack each other, in no way invalidates the fact that Russia has been heavily engaged in pitting people in the US against one-another.
No, not at all. You said Russian disinformation, and the hilarity of the laptop came to mind. Was just trying to make this thread even weirder than it already is. Someone who claims to be a doctor asked if I was "retracting my original statement" that I made that Bob Saget's death had nothing to do with covid based on a news report of what somebody said about what Bob Saget said about how he was feeling on the evening before his death, and it was not clear if Bob was surmising or relaying something his doctor may or may not have said to him. That's double or triple hearsay territory.

Will never understand why people wanted to make Bob Saget's death about covid in the first place.
Actually, Russia has been heavily seeding the United States and Western Europe with disinformation about vaccines through fake social media accounts, among other mediums, almost as soon as it became public knowledge that the vaccines were in development. Part of a broad state-run campaign to destabilize the target nations, sow mass dissent, overload healthcare systems, etc.

These disinformation campaigns, along with recently publicly confirmed cyber warfare attacks on energy sectors of various countries including the US, Putin has been quietly waging a digital war on the West for years, now. A not so secret secret.

And it has worked quite well, so far. In the US in particular, Russian intelligence saw a polarized nation that already habitually latched onto factless unsupportable narratives spun up by political talking heads and propagandist websites. We were, and are, ripe for manipulation.

Amazes me that people don’t realize that their vaccine fears, and certain political positions on both sides, originated in a room full of Russian intelligence operatives. Talk about sheep.
Nothing about Bob Saget but about Russian disinformation... I'll frequently read "articles" on Yahoo and Google news feeds and wonder where the information comes from. One news source that I've seen often is "The Independent" so I searched for it and according to Wikipedia, is owned by a Russian oligarch who's a former KGB agent. I can't understand how a site like this is presented as news by American companies

I didn’t specifically exclude myself when I gave percentages, did I?

You don‘t actually know much of anything about my education and experience because I never give out real information about it. Just tidbits here and there, not even enough to even be useful as hints.

Why so defensive?

I didn’t defend myself in my post. Yet I looked to your posting history to point out a potential blind spot for you.

My B.
No, not at all. You said Russian disinformation, and the hilarity of the laptop came to mind. Was just trying to make this thread even weirder than it already is. Someone who claims to be a doctor asked if I was "retracting my original statement" that I made that Bob Saget's death had nothing to do with covid based on a news report of what somebody said about what Bob Saget said about how he was feeling on the evening before his death, and it was not clear if Bob was surmising or relaying something his doctor may or may not have said to him. That's double or triple hearsay territory.

Will never understand why people wanted to make Bob Saget's death about covid in the first place.
There was never a claim, so not sure what you are talking about. Second, when I said covid death back when Saget passed, it was a semi joke to see who's feathers would get ruffled. But in all reality, covid has been shown to cause vestibular disturbances, neurological dysfunction, alters balance, creates coronary/arterial irritation leading to oxygen deprivation to the heart and brain, causing strokes, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure....among many others. Saget's covid, which he said was still causing him trouble, could have affected any one or number of the above listed which would have resulted in falling and striking his head. So it's entirely plausible that covid was contributary to (i.e. caused) his death. You originally posted there was no way covid caused his death, then months later post a story about covid possibly contributing to his death. So you seem to have contradicted your original statement. That's what I was pointing out. From the link you posted today "JUST DISCLOSED: Bob Saget had significant long covid symptoms including ear problems, felt sick around the time of his death. PCR detected virus in autopsy." You offered no rebuttal to these words, which made me question your stance and if it had changed.
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Nothing about Bob Saget but about Russian disinformation... I'll frequently read "articles" on Yahoo and Google news feeds and wonder where the information comes from. One news source that I've seen often is "The Independent" so I searched for it and according to Wikipedia, is owned by a Russian oligarch who's former KGB agent. I can't understand how a site like this is presented as news by American companies
Yup. Crazy, right?

The social media giants have been, mostly quietly, detecting and removing huge numbers of fake social media accounts posing as real people, many of which have been traced to Russia. Many tens of thousands of such accounts.

There has never been a more important time for Americans to develop a healthy degree of skepticism about what they’re seeing, hearing, and reading online. Especially when what they’re being fed so perfectly aligns with their biases and chosen positions.

Doesn’t help when the 24/7 news cycle has pressured media sources to endlessly repeat every bit of click-bait causing verification to slip some. Even the big media giants (spanning the political lean spectrum) are making mistakes in verification due to the multiple layers of disinformation being so carefully orchestrated.

Political partisanship and the scandal game have fueled a lot of this. Or at least it’s primed the US population to become super willing participants, as partisans endlessly parrot “information” they’ve failed to take the time to verify. How many people go out and verify that the chart they keep reposting, which cites real sources of data but doesn’t correlate to those data sources, are valid? Not many, right?

This is one of the top three national security dangers we face today, IMO. People have no clue where to find accurate verifiable information so they just accept that which supports some desired narrative.
First off, I have never made any claim that you speak of. Feel free to try and cite me on that one. Second, when I said covid death back when Saget passed, it was a semi joke to see who's feathers would get ruffled. But in all reality, covid has been shown to cause vestibular disturbances, neurological dysfunction, alters balance, creates coronary/arterial irritation leading to oxygen deprivation to the heart and brain, causing strokes, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure....among many others. Saget's covid, which he said was still causing him trouble, could have affected any one or number of the above listed which would have resulted in falling and striking his head. So it's entirely plausible that covid was contributary to (i.e. caused) his death. You originally posted there was no way covid caused his death, then months later post a story about covid possibly contributing to his death. So you seem to have contradicted your original statement. That's what I was pointing out. From the link you posted today "JUST DISCLOSED: Bob Saget had significant long covid symptoms including ear problems, felt sick around the time of his death. PCR detected virus in autopsy." You offered no rebuttal to these words, which made me question your stance and if it had changed.
Are we talking about claiming to be a doctor? Not going to debate you on that one, but can we say you do a damn good job of looking like a legitimate doctor on this board? No offense was/is intended. I'm just going with the flow of this thread that has spun out of control.

My feathers were not ruffled over the original covid comment because it used the word covid, but were a bit ruffled by bringing in what seemed to be a very distant possibility as causing his death, and I still think it is a distant possibility, but perhaps a bit less distant, if I can do my usual waffling.

Remember, my comment on covid was based upon what was in the coroner's report details that were published at the time of his death. More facts came out recently about his health and things he said (or might have said) the evening of his death. So, it's not a contradiction of my original statement.

The sensationalist headline that "Bob Saget had long covid symptoms" is not his death report. Maybe someone should be questioning the person who wrote up the coroner's report. I did not write the coroner's report, or the Newsweek article, so there really is no "gothca" of me here. I just relay information as it is published, so please don't shoot the messenger. I'm doing my best to debunk the entire internet of all misinformation. 🤣

But the covid theory of death reminds me of the famous Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad case that is discussed in torts classes in law school on causality.


I didn’t defend myself in my post. Yet I looked to your posting history to point out a potential blind spot for you.

My B.
Once again, I never excluded myself from my cited percentages. I also never once claimed to be an expert on vaccines or COVID in general. And I didn’t personalize anything in my response to your post; didn’t attack you in any way.

So the fact that you’d respond by “looking to my posting history” just highlights how weirdly defensive and combative your response to my post was.
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Once again, I never excluded myself from my cited percentages. I also never once claimed to be an expert on vaccines or COVID in general. And I didn’t personalize anything in my response to your post; didn’t attack you in any way.

So the fact that you’d respond by “looking to my posting history” just highlights how weirdly defensive and combative your response to my post was.
No worries.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings.
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So just childish.

Got it.
I think you are desperately grasping for any type of put down. How is being amused childish?

I mean your posts are not really to be taken serious are they?

I know they upset some people and some find them amusing but is there any person that actually thinks they make sense?
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I think you are desperately grasping for any type of put down. How is being amused childish?

I mean your posts are not really to be taken serious are they?

I know they upset some people and some find them amusing but is there any person that actually thinks they make sense?

Here is the post that triggered you:

“Same with the vaccine.”

Not intended to be amusing nor intended to upset you.

Time for some self-reflection, Tom.

Post in thread 'OT: RIP Bob Saget'
I never get triggered.

I have a wonderful life and can discuss issues or events and disagree with people and be amused without ever getting angered or triggered
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I never get triggered.

I have a wonderful life and can discuss issues or events and disagree with people and be amused without ever getting angered or triggered
I can tell.

You seem very happy.

Sorry if I inadvertently triggered you.
Not yet, but the short and intermediate term effects of the vaccine have been outstandingly positive going up against those who were not vaccinated and contracted covid. Of course no one can have an intelligent conversations about longer term effects of the vaccine when the longer term hasn't happened yet, although we are almost a year and a half into the first needles goin in. But get this, the short, intermediate and long term effects of covid are well established and those infected with damage all ready done and documented will absolutely have (and are experienceing) irreversible, long term effects. I bet the same fears are/were raised with measles, mumps, rubella, polio, shingles, HPV, flu (even though it's a crapshoot), etc. have been shown to be very beneficial. It's a risk not taking them. I liken it to the smoker who says, "nothing will ever happen to me". Then develops lung cancer or COPD. Or those who dont exercise, dont eat a healthy diet and don't address other modifiable risk factors, then experience a heart attack or have bypass surgery and say "damn, I wish I had done better". I see these scenarios every single day. We are all adults here and are capable of making our own big boy and big girl decisions. Take the information at hand and do what's best in your mind. But, there's no sane information out there that condones the use of tobacco products, drink in excess, eat unhealthy, be sedentary, etc. AND...wait for it...refraining from taking the covid vaccine.