OT: RIP Lou Dobbs

Wrong. I mean if Trump was such a racist why is he winning over blacks and Hispanics in record numbers. Be better.

My post about how Southern Conservatives switched en mass from Dem to GOP was largely factual.

It remains to be seen how much Hispanic and Black men vote Republican this election. There is some evidence from South Florida and South Texas, but there were countervailing trends for other demographic groups.
I'm not at all convinced the Dems/Harris will need any sort of forgiveness from the "voters." Biden's mental deterioration was less evident four years ago and he did what (I think most left-leaning and centrist voters wanted - A semi-moderate Democrat and an end to the Trump presidency. Missions accomplished.

We'll see how the many spin doctor mandarins play this out. A huge spotlight is about to thrust onto Harris. Who knows if she's up for it. Or not.
You're intimating that former Democrat KKK racists have moved to the GOP, and that is largely false.

Why would you argue with the obvious? I'm not being partisan -The data literally JUMPS off the page. The mass movement of Southern Conservatives from D to R started with the signing of the Civil Rights Act. I think this is one of the areas where the right has so decried the so-called liberal media bias that they start to read and even believe utter propaganda as real history.


If you have some alternative set of facts and data, please post.
Yeah, thanks a lot. More importantly, this creates an opening on the CE board chess team. Perhaps, the profoundly stupid people who were excluded a few months ago can step up.

My roster still has @bac2therac @Knight Shift @vic_torre42 .

Now the boys who can move up are @ashokan who pisses away his life posting Qanon conspiracy BS in absurd quantities of word. @BIGRUBIGDBIGredmachine who, stepping up from the checker team where he is 0-lifetime, is admittedly a bit of a reach, but let's make America great. Finally, we have @RUBOB72 who was the first to begin personal attacks in this thread in the first couple of pages.

Why don't we see which one can post the most idiotic thing ever?

Thank you for the tag.
First time I’ve noticed you here.

And probably the last time since you appear to be as unfit as The Big Guy who was just forced to quit.

Why would you argue with the obvious? I'm not being partisan -The data literally JUMPS off the page. The mass movement of Southern Conservatives from D to R started with the signing of the Civil Rights Act. I think this is one of the areas where the right has so decried the so-called liberal media bias that they start to read and even believe utter propaganda as real history.


If you have some alternative set of facts and data, please post.
LOL the drivel about the "Southern Strategy" is really some top-flight gaslighting there. All Nixon did is let the Democrats battle each other each other for the KKK Dems and so-called moderate Dems. Wikipedia lol. Name names of the elected GOP officials in the South that are anything like your George Wallaces and Robert Byrds.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’​

@WhichReligionIsRight you're usually more thoughtful than the typical birdbrain lefties on the freeboard like Madhatter, Kbeat, etc. I think you'll appreciate this article that takes on the Dem Party and left-leaning academia's gaslighting about Southern voting shifts. I would quibble with a few of the author's assertions, but overall, it's a mostly-balanced analysis.

Misunderstanding the Southern Realignment​

The people who led the change of parties in the South ... was my generation. My generation who went to integrated schools. I went to integrated college -- never thought twice about it . . . . by my time, people realized that [segregation] was the past, it was indefensible, it wasn't gonna be that way anymore. So the people who really changed the South from Democrat to Republican was a different generation from those who fought integration. -Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, 2010


America is paying the price for the monstrous Biden lie​

Joe Biden has bowed to the inevitable, and abandoned his attempt at re-election. It was a decision that should have been made four years ago in his first election campaign.

Even back then in 2020, there were clear concerns about the Democratic nominee’s age and health. But the Democratic party, with the active connivance of sections of the US media, worked overtime to cast any such concerns as nothing more than Republican slurs, and Mr Biden won the election.

Questions about his health, however, never quite went away. Clips of the President stumbling, misspeaking or appearing visibly confused continued to circulate for the duration of his term, in each case defused by helpful allies across the press, dismissed as “cheapfakes” or labelled “misinformation".

The shift in the public perception of Mr Biden’s mental state appears to have resulted in something close to absolute panic within the power structures of Democratic politics. It is possible to deny something that everyone knows, so long as you can maintain the idea that other people haven’t noticed, and punish those who speak out of line.

But this requires a coordination mechanism, and in this case, that appears to have been the idea that Mr Biden represented the best chance of maintaining Democratic control of the White House. The moment that wavered, the message discipline went with it, with a sudden burst of briefing about the President’s health released to Left-leaning organisations which had previously maintained the party line that there was “nothing to see here”.

The price for winning power with what looks, to the outside, like a deliberate strategy of deception is now being paid. The Democratic party has a little over 100 days to find a new nominee, install them, sort out their campaign financing, make their case to the American people – and seek forgiveness for the last four years.

Interesting. Please expand on this cause.