OT: RIP Lou Dobbs

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Wrong. I mean if Trump was such a racist why is he winning over blacks and Hispanics in record numbers. Be better.

My post about how Southern Conservatives switched en mass from Dem to GOP was largely factual.

It remains to be seen how much Hispanic and Black men vote Republican this election. There is some evidence from South Florida and South Texas, but there were countervailing trends for other demographic groups.
I'm not at all convinced the Dems/Harris will need any sort of forgiveness from the "voters." Biden's mental deterioration was less evident four years ago and he did what (I think most left-leaning and centrist voters wanted - A semi-moderate Democrat and an end to the Trump presidency. Missions accomplished.

We'll see how the many spin doctor mandarins play this out. A huge spotlight is about to thrust onto Harris. Who knows if she's up for it. Or not.
You're intimating that former Democrat KKK racists have moved to the GOP, and that is largely false.

Why would you argue with the obvious? I'm not being partisan -The data literally JUMPS off the page. The mass movement of Southern Conservatives from D to R started with the signing of the Civil Rights Act. I think this is one of the areas where the right has so decried the so-called liberal media bias that they start to read and even believe utter propaganda as real history.


If you have some alternative set of facts and data, please post.
Yeah, thanks a lot. More importantly, this creates an opening on the CE board chess team. Perhaps, the profoundly stupid people who were excluded a few months ago can step up.

My roster still has @bac2therac @Knight Shift @vic_torre42 .

Now the boys who can move up are @ashokan who pisses away his life posting Qanon conspiracy BS in absurd quantities of word. @BIGRUBIGDBIGredmachine who, stepping up from the checker team where he is 0-lifetime, is admittedly a bit of a reach, but let's make America great. Finally, we have @RUBOB72 who was the first to begin personal attacks in this thread in the first couple of pages.

Why don't we see which one can post the most idiotic thing ever?

Thank you for the tag.
First time I’ve noticed you here.

And probably the last time since you appear to be as unfit as The Big Guy who was just forced to quit.

Why would you argue with the obvious? I'm not being partisan -The data literally JUMPS off the page. The mass movement of Southern Conservatives from D to R started with the signing of the Civil Rights Act. I think this is one of the areas where the right has so decried the so-called liberal media bias that they start to read and even believe utter propaganda as real history.


If you have some alternative set of facts and data, please post.
LOL the drivel about the "Southern Strategy" is really some top-flight gaslighting there. All Nixon did is let the Democrats battle each other each other for the KKK Dems and so-called moderate Dems. Wikipedia lol. Name names of the elected GOP officials in the South that are anything like your George Wallaces and Robert Byrds.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’​

@WhichReligionIsRight you're usually more thoughtful than the typical birdbrain lefties on the freeboard like Madhatter, Kbeat, etc. I think you'll appreciate this article that takes on the Dem Party and left-leaning academia's gaslighting about Southern voting shifts. I would quibble with a few of the author's assertions, but overall, it's a mostly-balanced analysis.

Misunderstanding the Southern Realignment​

The people who led the change of parties in the South ... was my generation. My generation who went to integrated schools. I went to integrated college -- never thought twice about it . . . . by my time, people realized that [segregation] was the past, it was indefensible, it wasn't gonna be that way anymore. So the people who really changed the South from Democrat to Republican was a different generation from those who fought integration. -Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, 2010

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America is paying the price for the monstrous Biden lie​

Joe Biden has bowed to the inevitable, and abandoned his attempt at re-election. It was a decision that should have been made four years ago in his first election campaign.

Even back then in 2020, there were clear concerns about the Democratic nominee’s age and health. But the Democratic party, with the active connivance of sections of the US media, worked overtime to cast any such concerns as nothing more than Republican slurs, and Mr Biden won the election.

Questions about his health, however, never quite went away. Clips of the President stumbling, misspeaking or appearing visibly confused continued to circulate for the duration of his term, in each case defused by helpful allies across the press, dismissed as “cheapfakes” or labelled “misinformation".

The shift in the public perception of Mr Biden’s mental state appears to have resulted in something close to absolute panic within the power structures of Democratic politics. It is possible to deny something that everyone knows, so long as you can maintain the idea that other people haven’t noticed, and punish those who speak out of line.

But this requires a coordination mechanism, and in this case, that appears to have been the idea that Mr Biden represented the best chance of maintaining Democratic control of the White House. The moment that wavered, the message discipline went with it, with a sudden burst of briefing about the President’s health released to Left-leaning organisations which had previously maintained the party line that there was “nothing to see here”.

The price for winning power with what looks, to the outside, like a deliberate strategy of deception is now being paid. The Democratic party has a little over 100 days to find a new nominee, install them, sort out their campaign financing, make their case to the American people – and seek forgiveness for the last four years.

Interesting. Please expand on this cause.
LOL the drivel about the "Southern Strategy" is really some top-flight gaslighting there. All Nixon did is let the Democrats battle each other each other for the KKK Dems and so-called moderate Dems. Wikipedia lol. Name names of the elected GOP officials in the South that are anything like your George Wallaces and Robert Byrds.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’​

Just off the top of my head. Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms.
I stopped trying to follow all the conspiracy theories about SARS-CoV-2. Your post raised my curiosity:

"Vax prevents spread"
"Deny natural immunity"

Are there more than a few people who believe the vaccination didn't stop the spread of the virus? The data showing this are published and and are incontrovertible. The vaccines, obviously, could not be tested for this prior to release, but logic told us (and was proven to be true) that they did prevent the spread.

Are there more than a few people who think the existing immunity science (I assume this is what you mean by "natural immunity") papers were not published? Those data were published in top flight journals (Cell, Nature, Immunity, etc). Pre-existing immunity (both SARS-CoV-2 reactive T cells and antibodies were identified) did exist in some people, but the protection offered was minimal, at best.

I can send you the links to the papers on all this - do you read the read the primary literature? Are you an immunologist?
As you may recall I posted links to all of the primary literature many times back in the day (and you generally confirmed what I posted), but the antivaxxers simply ignored it. Knight Shift is generally a good guy but he has it in for Pharma when it comes to some vaccines and statins, but apparently not for oncology treatments.

One point that really needs to be amplified here is the impact of the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By July 2021, vaccine deployment, combined with public health interventions (distancing, masking, etc.) had brought infection rates down to about 10,000 cases/day (from 250K/day, clearly demonstrating that the vaccines greatly reduced transmissions.

What happened next was the delta and then omicron variants boomed and they're 3-5X more infectious than the original strain, making prevention of transmission far more difficult, even for those vaccinated (given that the humoral immune response activated by vaccines generally wasn't fast enough to prevent infection from these variants, unlike the original strain), leading to 800-900K cases/day during the worst of the omicron wave.

The other thing most don't get is that we were extraordinarily fortunate to have the vaccines rolled out by spring 2021, before the highly infectious variants hit. We had ~600K deaths by April 2021 with about 20% of the population having been infected and omicron eventually reached about 95% penetration of the population - and without vaccines, that would have led to almost 5X as many deaths as we saw through April 2021, i.e., we would have likely had 3MM deaths by April 2022 instead of the 1MM deaths we had, meaning the vaccines roughly saved 2MM lives.

Lastly, it's fascinating that these COVID posts have been allowed. That will likely end with this post, since my posting on COVID seems to drive some crazy leading to locked/deleted threads, but figured why not try to educate a few folks.
LOL the drivel about the "Southern Strategy" is really some top-flight gaslighting there. All Nixon did is let the Democrats battle each other each other for the KKK Dems and so-called moderate Dems. Wikipedia lol. Name names of the elected GOP officials in the South that are anything like your George Wallaces and Robert Byrds.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’​

First Civil Rights Acts (1957 and 1960) were passed by Eisenhower and the the 64 act passed with more GOP votes - Dems were the drag. The idea Dems led the fight vs Jim Crow has always been a fairytale.

The South also had a problem with 60s Dem plantation undercutting military in Vietnam. Southerners are more patriotic and make-up more of the military. Things like Jane Fonda doing agitprop for North Vietnam didn't sit well with voters.

Worst of all was that the Vietnam War was first ended with Paris Peace Accords of Jan 1973. Then Watergate was whipped-up and Dems ended-up taking (1974) House (gained 49 seats) and Senate (D = total of 60). When Dems gained control of Congress and committee chairs the North Vietnamese felt safe restarting hostilities and attacking Saigon. Media and academics like to say Vietnam War ended with fall of Saigon but it was first ended with Paris Accords ( ). The Fall of Saigon was a re-start the 1974 election invited

Democrat/GOP Vote Tally on 1964 Civil Rights Act​

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In a perfect world President Biden would've made this move before the democratic primaries, as it's been clear for awhile that he's not as sharp as he was even a few years ago, at least with regard to thinking on his feet - I don't think he has cognitive issues that affect his ability to analyze and reason, however - they're about communication, IMO. I also think Trump's nutty word salad rambles show potential cognition issues. Sad that these were the two guys running 4 years ago when they were already too old, IMO, and they're really old now - people at their ages should be retired and relaxing.

If Joe had done the above, there could've been a fair competition among many contenders, but there's not time for that now and VP Harris has been a key part of an administration with numerous successes (and a few missteps), which she should get some credit for on the campaign trail, which none of the other dem candidates can claim. It counts and is why she will be the nominee. While I think Harris has what it takes to defeat Trump (anyone ought to be able to defeat such a flawed candidate), we'll have to just wait and see, although the record donations seen in the past 7 hours (nearly $50MM from small dollar donors) have to hearten dems. The re-energizing of the party is palpable. Going to be an interesting 3+ months.
Same for me with regard to Reagan. He wasn't perfect, and I didn't like him or his bag at the time, but in retrospect, he was a damn good leader who largely brought the country together (anybody old enough to remember the late seventies knows what I mean). He had true conservative values that he really believed in. My memory is that most couldn't help but respect the man, even though he was losing it a bit mentally by the end. of his second term.

Glad to hear that you don't consider yourself a slave to the alphabet...

Carter pollster Pat Caddell has said that Reagan's 49-1 electoral victory (1984) is what caused Dem leaders to desire more immigrants as a voting block. Nixon also had a 49-1 electoral victory so there was some desperation. When even the bluest states voted for Reagan and Nixon it was a shock to the system.

Reagan said his biggest mistake was the 1986 amnesty. Business leaders never lived-up to their documentation requirements and pols didn't make them. Alas Reagan did care about people and the country. I think his other mistake was having Bush as VP. He pretty much iced "Morning in America" imo
Jolting Joe ( mumbles) needed to go 2 years ago.Now you come on to bloviate about his outstanding accomplishments. The man was a real ( actual threat ) to the country. Holder of the ICBM codes. O’bama greased the wheels then wants to make nice to the guy he and others who twisted the shiv in Biden’s back. Patriots all who never served a day in harms way.
LOL the drivel about the "Southern Strategy" is really some top-flight gaslighting there. All Nixon did is let the Democrats battle each other each other for the KKK Dems and so-called moderate Dems. Wikipedia lol. Name names of the elected GOP officials in the South that are anything like your George Wallaces and Robert Byrds.

The myth of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’​

Citing D’nish D’sousa? Seriously? Dude is … about as blindly partisan as it gets. He would be one of the most unlikely sources to use for making a point. I’ll just say the Southern Strategy is widely understood and accepted. D’sousa is far right-wing.
Jolting Joe ( mumbles) needed to go 2 years ago.Now you come on to bloviate about his outstanding accomplishments. The man was a real ( actual threat ) to the country. Holder of the ICBM codes. O’bama greased the wheels then wants to make nice to the guy he and others who twisted the shiv in Biden’s back. Patriots all who never served a day in harms way.

Bone spurs.
Carter pollster Pat Caddell has said that Reagan's 49-1 electoral victory (1984) is what caused Dem leaders to desire more immigrants as a voting block. Nixon also had a 49-1 electoral victory so there was some desperation. When even the bluest states voted for Reagan and Nixon it was a shock to the system.

Reagan said his biggest mistake was the 1986 amnesty. Business leaders never lived-up to their documentation requirements and pols didn't make them. Alas Reagan did care about people and the country. I think his other mistake was having Bush as VP. He pretty much iced "Morning in America" imo

Internet myth. Provide one direct quote from Reagan that he regretted the amnesty program. Just one.
As you may recall I posted links to all of the primary literature many times back in the day (and you generally confirmed what I posted), but the antivaxxers simply ignored it. Knight Shift is generally a good guy but he has it in for Pharma when it comes to some vaccines and statins, but apparently not for oncology treatments.

One point that really needs to be amplified here is the impact of the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By July 2021, vaccine deployment, combined with public health interventions (distancing, masking, etc.) had brought infection rates down to about 10,000 cases/day (from 250K/day, clearly demonstrating that the vaccines greatly reduced transmissions.

What happened next was the delta and then omicron variants boomed and they're 3-5X more infectious than the original strain, making prevention of transmission far more difficult, even for those vaccinated (given that the humoral immune response activated by vaccines generally wasn't fast enough to prevent infection from these variants, unlike the original strain), leading to 800-900K cases/day during the worst of the omicron wave.

The other thing most don't get is that we were extraordinarily fortunate to have the vaccines rolled out by spring 2021, before the highly infectious variants hit. We had ~600K deaths by April 2021 with about 20% of the population having been infected and omicron eventually reached about 95% penetration of the population - and without vaccines, that would have led to almost 5X as many deaths as we saw through April 2021, i.e., we would have likely had 3MM deaths by April 2022 instead of the 1MM deaths we had, meaning the vaccines roughly saved 2MM lives.

Lastly, it's fascinating that these COVID posts have been allowed. That will likely end with this post, since my posting on COVID seems to drive some crazy leading to locked/deleted threads, but figured why not try to educate a few folks.

The danger is that a forum reader believes the antivax health misinformation, decides not to get a vax and dies. Do these antivax people then go to the funeral services or just continue to post BS from non qualified sources?
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Tony "Kick Me" Blinken said on the weekend that Iran s a couple of weeks from having a nuke.

Good chance Iran already has a nuke.
Also a good chance that Team Alter Kaker is looking for an excuse to start a war with Iran (which I don't even know if they would want to win - they do love a crisis)

In a perfect world President Biden would've made this move before the democratic primaries, as it's been clear for awhile that he's not as sharp as he was even a few years ago, at least with regard to thinking on his feet - I don't think he has cognitive issues that affect his ability to analyze and reason, however - they're about communication, IMO. I also think Trump's nutty word salad rambles show potential cognition issues. Sad that these were the two guys running 4 years ago when they were already too old, IMO, and they're really old now - people at their ages should be retired and relaxing.

If Joe had done the above, there could've been a fair competition among many contenders, but there's not time for that now and VP Harris has been a key part of an administration with numerous successes (and a few missteps), which she should get some credit for on the campaign trail, which none of the other dem candidates can claim. It counts and is why she will be the nominee. While I think Harris has what it takes to defeat Trump (anyone ought to be able to defeat such a flawed candidate), we'll have to just wait and see, although the record donations seen in the past 7 hours (nearly $50MM from small dollar donors) have to hearten dems. The re-energizing of the party is palpable. Going to be an interesting 3+ months.
As you may recall I posted links to all of the primary literature many times back in the day (and you generally confirmed what I posted), but the antivaxxers simply ignored it. Knight Shift is generally a good guy but he has it in for Pharma when it comes to some vaccines and statins, but apparently not for oncology treatments.

One point that really needs to be amplified here is the impact of the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By July 2021, vaccine deployment, combined with public health interventions (distancing, masking, etc.) had brought infection rates down to about 10,000 cases/day (from 250K/day, clearly demonstrating that the vaccines greatly reduced transmissions.

What happened next was the delta and then omicron variants boomed and they're 3-5X more infectious than the original strain, making prevention of transmission far more difficult, even for those vaccinated (given that the humoral immune response activated by vaccines generally wasn't fast enough to prevent infection from these variants, unlike the original strain), leading to 800-900K cases/day during the worst of the omicron wave.

The other thing most don't get is that we were extraordinarily fortunate to have the vaccines rolled out by spring 2021, before the highly infectious variants hit. We had ~600K deaths by April 2021 with about 20% of the population having been infected and omicron eventually reached about 95% penetration of the population - and without vaccines, that would have led to almost 5X as many deaths as we saw through April 2021, i.e., we would have likely had 3MM deaths by April 2022 instead of the 1MM deaths we had, meaning the vaccines roughly saved 2MM lives.

Lastly, it's fascinating that these COVID posts have been allowed. That will likely end with this post, since my posting on COVID seems to drive some crazy leading to locked/deleted threads, but figured why not try to educate a few folks.
This is going to be my last post on this. As usual you are gentlemanly in your posts, as opposed to UMRU, who comes across as haughty. Maybe he/she is not this way. If you think you have some sort of superior position, share your papersand stop playing little games, implying that you are smarter than everyone else. One does have to be an immunologist to read and interpret data from scientific and medical literature. That's pretty much what I do on a daily basis, and I have plenty of experience in watching scientists and corporation present and skew data to prove their biased case or point of view.

First, I am not an antivax or anti pharma, and I don't care to be lumped in with many of the antivax nutjobs on these boards. But this is the nature of (anti) social media. I'm fine with vaccines generally, and statins is a different story. My basic problem with statins is that IMO, they are grossly overprescribed and many doctors are either too lazy and/or too quick to write a script without looking at all of the data. Many doctors will simply write a script on the basis of total cholesterol, without considering additional (and perhaps more meaningful factors such as triglycerides, A1C, insulin resistance, HDL, apoB, counseling/questioning patients on their diet and lifestyle, etc. There is some excellent work being done now by groups of doctors and scientists on what are called "lean mass hyperesponders" that MAY show that not all people with high cholesteroal will develop ACSVD. The response from some statin true believers is to call these people "deniers," "conspiracy theorists, etc, etc. How did science and medicine evolve to this?

This microthread within the thread started with my post about several things that were never proven as correct. As usual, context and words matter.
"Vax prevents spread.
Deny natural immunity"

Focus on prevent. This has never been proven, and probably never will be proven. Prevent means to keep (stop) from happening. Reduce the spread? I would agree with that. The problem is the messaging from the President and the former CDC Director repeatedly made misstatements, such as: “Data have emerged again that [demonstrate] that even if you were to get infected during post vaccination that you can’t give it to anyone else,” (see link below, posted by the bastion of right wing conspiracy theories, CNN!!). Also, Dr. Fauci was also very inarticulate in many interviews and public statements.

The problem with such statements is that for many people who don't have the time, desire or capability to fact check and/or read scientific literature is that they take such statements as gospel, and then, they use these statements to gaslight others that they have the superior position. Those on one side will question those who question the CDC director, when she was clearly wrong. Those on the other side will use such missttatements to draw broader conclusions that "the vaccines don't work," which is clearly not the case as you have pointed out, and I have NEVER denied. Of course they worked in greatly reducing severe symptoms and death in the immunocomprised, obese and diabetic people.

As far as "deny natural immunity," perhaps "deny" was too strong of a word, but Walensky and others continually downplayed and/or disregarded natural or acquired immunity from being previously infected. Have said this many times before, messaging matters. And when messaging from high government officials and politicians (the President) is muddled or worse yet, dogmatic, bad outcomes ensue. In particular, one tribe will adhere to these statements as absolute truth and use them as a cudgel to label people who question the statements as deniers, conspiracy theorists or worse. On the other hand, the other tribe will take any innaccuracy by these officials and politicians and use them to gaslight these people. For the average person who does not dig in and read the literature or consider accurate fact checks, they can be easily misled. Then it spread to a social media war of words where nobody wins.

Finally, one quibble with what you posted above: "Vaccine deployment, combined with public health interventions (distancing, masking, etc.) had brought infection rates down to about 10,000 cases/day (from 250K/day, clearly demonstrating that the vaccines greatly reduced transmissions."

IMO, you have an internal inconsistency in your statement, and you left out herd/natural/acquired immunity as well as lockdowns, closing schools/offices, etc. With these confounding variables, I don't think anyone can definitively say "vaccines greatly reduced transmissions." They probably helped, but the the other factors may have contributed equally or more.

CNN link:

All politicians are trained to stay on message, repeating messages regularly. Anyone can loop a bunch of them together and they'd sound a bit silly, but there's nothing inherently "wrong" with what she said. Unlike this lovely little collection of Trump's Best Words, lol. The guy keeps wrestling with our language and losing.

Citing D’nish D’sousa? Seriously? Dude is … about as blindly partisan as it gets. He would be one of the most unlikely sources to use for making a point. I’ll just say the Southern Strategy is widely understood and accepted. D’sousa is far right-wing.
Since you can't refute the points in his article you default to the lazy, dumbed down attack on him personally. Weak. Try again with the RCP article I linked.

Let's just say the 'Southern Strategy' is a widely accepted conspiracy theory by the Dems in order to try and absolve the Democratic Party of its KKK roots.
All politicians are trained to stay on message, repeating messages regularly. Anyone can loop a bunch of them together and they'd sound a bit silly, but there's nothing inherently "wrong" with what she said. Unlike this lovely little collection of Trump's Best Words, lol. The guy keeps wrestling with our language and losing.

Now you act like a child. Nobody really cares since neither is as bright as some on both sides claim. She’s a nervous wreck when giving a speech that isn’t on a rehearsed telepromter .For unscripted interviews she’s is the epitome of a 4 th grader in front of her classmates. . Trump has always been this way . Always obliterating words and sometimes being yes incoherent. This is why people like him … 80 million plus like him… all I know is those 3 years before the China virus this country and world were in better overall shape. Some people can’t admit that especially the bought media scum. You vote for yours that’s your right.
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All politicians are trained to stay on message, repeating messages regularly. Anyone can loop a bunch of them together and they'd sound a bit silly, but there's nothing inherently "wrong" with what she said. Unlike this lovely little collection of Trump's Best Words, lol. The guy keeps wrestling with our language and losing.

So noble defending Kamalas word salads

Same play with Joe..its just cheap fakes
So should JB still be President …Is he well enough to be Commander in Chief until January ? That is a B1G question. Can he resign giving Harris the position in transition. Forget how it actually would transition.
has anyone seen Joey?
All politicians are trained to stay on message, repeating messages regularly. Anyone can loop a bunch of them together and they'd sound a bit silly, but there's nothing inherently "wrong" with what she said. Unlike this lovely little collection of Trump's Best Words, lol. The guy keeps wrestling with our language and losing.

A stable genius alright.
Did Trump really have someone take his SATs for him ?
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