OT: RIP Lou Dobbs

States had legitimate questions about how 2020 vote was jiggered around using CV as an excuse. Only after the vote did they realize how "unusual" a lot of activity was. Tons of ballots showed-up in middle of the night (after faking a counting stop). Later on it was found that many addresses, names etc weren't lining-up. Empty lots and fast food restaurants were used as resident addresses. AZ was only lost by around 12k votes (and Fox called AZ suspiciously early).

There was never an attempt for Pence to throw out results. There were states that wanted to investigate what had happened to them on the fly because too many things were out of whack - including destroyed evidence that was supposed to have been saved. Corrupt areas like Philly and Phoenix (McCain cartel controlled it) refused any reviews of votes. States that wanted to audit addresses were threatened by proven corrupt DOJ. Reviews like FL in 2000 were blocked and "questioners" were portrayed as "election denier criminals" when there were no such laws. Its 1st A to question anything.

France and UK both tried mail0in ballots and the process was so corrupt that it got ditched. Covid gave an excuse for US to seize the moment for the same monkey business. There are so many angles to an election (voter fraud vs election fraud - state vs federal protocols - quick deadlines that can be abused etc) that foul play is easy when top authorities are running the game..

USPS Confirms Truckload of 288K Completed Ballots Went from N.Y. to Pa. in 2020

DOJ issues guidance cautioning states on so-called election 'audits'​

LOL. I am starting to feel bad for you.
LOL. I am starting to feel bad for you.
Yea, all those lawyers for the 60+ plus lawsuits couldn't find the same evidence that ashokan listed and the Dem and Rep judges presiding in those cases couldn't either. Those lawyers should retake their bar exams, maybe ashokan can tutor them. The internet and social media has just really f****d up this country.
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Yea, all those lawyers for the 60+ plus lawsuits couldn't find the same evidence that ashokan listed and the Dem and Rep judges presiding in those cases couldn't either. Those lawyers should retake their bar exams, maybe ashokan can tutor them. The internet and social media has just really f****d up this country.

Evidence doesn't matter in hell and whistleblowers dont matter in DC.
The laptop was evidence and FBI/DOJ (under Bushie Barr no less) and high ranking clowns lied about it
We've been put through fake impeachments, lawsuits, SWAT raids, lawfare etc since 2015.
Its spectacularly obvious corrupt/selfish people are running things.
They wrecked the border on purpose - most treacherous act in US history.
They got a half billion Ukrainians killed after sinking a peace deal in March 2022.
They wrecked military in Afghanistan pullout where allies weren't even warned
Deviants are put in charge of things on purpose to demoralize and have US mocked around the world.
US blows-up ally pipelines and takes sides with Iran and Hamas
US pays for bio-weapon research - in China - and forces unconstitutional mandates.
No group has done more damage to US in a short time - with the "educated" people being dullest of all (they wrecked Ivy League too).

Now it turns-out the DHS (broke border on purpose) was running things at the PA shooting and not SS.
Oh "the roof was too steep"


So you threaten me now ?It was mean’t only that you were going to render opinion on Dobbs. You need to temper your hate of those you don’t agree with.
I never hated anybody in my life. That's clearly not what you meant. You meant a personal insult & you need to own it & stuff it. I had over a dozen real good scraps in my earlier days. Won them all & put most of the guys on their backs. I'll be 82 this year & I still wouldn't bet against me. If I got this wrong I apologize.
I can't tell if you are obtuse or being disingenuous with this response. As I said, I didn't have a problem with Dobbs being a Trump supporter. My problem arose with Dobbs when he went on air and started pushing bizarre conspiracies and lies about the 2020 election, the lies/misinformation that got himself and his employer sued - eventually costing them hundreds of millions of dollars.
Almost as bizarre as saying Biden has been competant for 2 years and sharp as a tack
I'm going to note this just once, then get on with my life. The Dem troops might or might not unite around Kamala, but in any case this is almost unprecedented. In '68, LBJ dropped out in late March and the presumptive nominee, RFK, was murdered in early June. As we know, HHH got the nomination, but McCarthy was a credible contender. Ultimately, George Wallace ran as a third party (Segregationist plank) and took the folks we would now call Trumplicans with him. Nixon narrowly won.

EDIT: Back in '68, Southern Conservatives (i.e., segregationists, former slavers), pretty much all voted Democratic from before the Civil War up to around 1970-1980. They now pretty much all vote Republican. End edit.

It's far from clear what the Dems will do this year, though I suspect they will rally around a Kamala/Pete ticket.

However, I have this nagging unanswered question. What if Trump was assassinated? I have no idea who or how the GOP would have picked. Now the choice would an easy pick - Vance. But Vance wasn't announced when Trump was wounded. If he were murdered, I think the GOP nominating process would have been 100% chaos. Hard to imagine this GOP uniting around anyone else but Trump himself.
Well the media and msm got exactly what they deserved for this 4 year charade

It was obvious dude had problems back in 2020 (a reason they kept him off campaign trail)
Despite years of shaking hands with ghosts, trips/falls, gaffs, Parkinson's traits he was still being held as "sharp as a tack."
Listen to Morning Joe just 4 months ago.
The media is 100% trailer park.
I include Fox in that but they must do a couple things right because the search engines leave them out

JB declined over the past 2 years minimum. He wasn’t calling the shots … not a chance in hell. O ‘ bama , Bill n Hillary, Nancy and the squad. Both sides are culpable for many , many years. Now the best… he wants USA citizens to believe he’s up for the task in the last 5+ months. Change is a good thing they say.
Oh please, save me and yourself the time. And stop with your conspiracy bs. Shall we dig up some statements by Fauci himself and some of the the other gobernment vax shills that later admitted the vax did not prevent spread and they knew natural immunity was actually more durable than the vax? Try another gotcha.

So I guess it is safe to conclude from your answer to my questions about whether or not you read the scientific literature or if you are an immunologist is "no".

Exactly what I thought. I'll go back to ignoring the conspiracy theories.

Should you ever want to actually educate yourself, let me know and I will send you the actual data.
So I guess it is safe to conclude from your answer to my questions about whether or not you read the scientific literature or if you are an immunologist is "no".

Exactly what I thought. I'll go back to ignoring the conspiracy theories.

Should you ever want to actually educate yourself, let me know and I will send you the actual data.
Save your haughty bullshit for someone else. Enjoy your echo chamber.
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It was obvious dude had problems back in 2020 (a reason they kept him off campaign trail)
Despite years of shaking hands with ghosts, trips/falls, gaffs, Parkinson's traits he was still being held as "sharp as a tack."
Listen to Morning Joe just 4 months ago.
The media is 100% trailer park.
I include Fox in that but they must do a couple things right because the search engines leave them out

Well there are some still saying they didnt know til the debate


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