OT: Septoplasty Surgery


Gold Member
Jul 27, 2001
Montclair NJ
To repair deviated septum and airways to restore proper breathing thru the nose?
Anyone had it with splint inserted?
I had it done with balloons and splints 8 years ago. BALLOON was to widen sinus passages. Best thing I did for that condition. Had it done by the doctor who invented the balloon method. His name is Dr. ANAND, he operates out of Cornell
If you need his number I have it
He operated on my 2 daughters for the same thing.
I had it done with balloons and splints 8 years ago. BALLOON was to widen sinus passages. Best thing I did for that condition. Had it done by the doctor who invented the balloon method. His name is Dr. ANAND, he operates out of Cornell
If you need his number I have it
He operated on my 2 daughters for the same thing.

Heard that was a pretty painful surgery from a recovery standpoint 20 plus years ago. Plus you looked like you just got out of the ring after a facial battering from Mike Tyson. Is it as painful and unsightly today?
Heard that was a pretty painful surgery from a recovery standpoint 20 plus years ago. Plus you looked like you just got out of the ring after a facial battering from Mike Tyson. Is it as painful and unsightly today?
Not painful anymore, stents stay in a week and then come out. Use to get 7-8 sinus infections a year now 1-2. No bruising you would not even know by looking that you had surgery.
It will be three weeks Monday for me since the surgery. Thanks to hockey sticks and baseballs crashing into my nose, I had 95% blockage on one side and 75% on the other...I've been living like this for 40 years, my wife couldn't listen to my gasping for air thru mouth anymore so I had the procedure.
I required a splint on my nose for 3 days and my internal splint is not removed for 5 weeks, which is extremely annoying because everyone I've spoken with tells me you don't get relief until the splint is removed.
For the record, I had two black eyes and my nose and cheek bones swollen to twice the size, very painful. I'm fine know I just need to get this fuc*ing internal splint removed and my guy waits 5 to 6 weeks...
Reading online it seems all the doctors remove the splint in 2 weeks tops...oh well
I wish you had reached out earlier. My colleague's son is a pediatric ENT at Temple and he asked the Head of Temple's Ent about Dr. Anand and his reply was he revolutionized sinus surgery. Hopefully you won't have any more problems,if you do I will put you in touch with Anand.
Had mine done in Aug--had splints removed 6 days later--no packing- no pain other then 1 day sore throat--once splints were out I started sleeping better---MUCH better--breathe better, much more stamina and I'm 72--hang in there--once splints were out I noticed an instant difference and it gets better each day--go for my 6 mo check next week - good luck.
I had mine 2 years ago. Paper-thin hole in one nostril, was terrible. The surgery was honestly a pleasure, it was my first ever. Before I knew it I was done and splints were inserted and I temporarily was out of commission for maybe 2-3 days. Had to sleep upright the first two nights but it was worth it. Taking the splints out sucked but that only lasted 30 seconds. I am not 100% perfect in both nostrils but very, very close to it.

100% recommended if yours is as bad as mine was.
Did insurance cover this? What does this cost? Did you stay overnight?
It will be three weeks Monday for me since the surgery. Thanks to hockey sticks and baseballs crashing into my nose, I had 95% blockage on one side and 75% on the other...I've been living like this for 40 years, my wife couldn't listen to my gasping for air thru mouth anymore so I had the procedure.
I required a splint on my nose for 3 days and my internal splint is not removed for 5 weeks, which is extremely annoying because everyone I've spoken with tells me you don't get relief until the splint is removed.
For the record, I had two black eyes and my nose and cheek bones swollen to twice the size, very painful. I'm fine know I just need to get this fuc*ing internal splint removed and my guy waits 5 to 6 weeks...
Reading online it seems all the doctors remove the splint in 2 weeks tops...oh well

I had it done last summer and it was about 2 weeks for me with the splints. the splints are terrible. every time I bumped my noise it felt like someone was jamming a pencil up there. It was 10000 time better once they were removed. Instant relief.

5 weeks does seem long but maybe it's dependent on what they have to do repair wise?

Side note - i didn't realize how long those splits were until he pulled it out of my nose. It seriously looked like it was 5 inches by the time it came out.
haha you opened a thread titled "Spetoplasty surgery." I think that's on you.

really . lesson learned. (I was intrigued at first because my wife suffers ..which makes me suffer)...didn't know what I was getting into . yikes.. LOL
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How long do the results of these surgeries last for? I feel like I have heard they have to been performed multiple times in a lifetime for people who have nasal problems.
I had it done a few years ago. My nose was packed and the doctor removed the packing a week later. I heard horror stories about the pain associated with the removal of the packing (feels like they are pulling your brain through your nose, etc.) but my experience was pretty non eventful. I have sleep apnea and I was able to tolerate the CPAP machine after having the procedure done. I also have far fewer issues with nasal congestion during allergy season since having the procedure done.
Had a relative do this last summer for the same reason. A plastic surgeon did the procedure, it was partially covered and cost a few thousand out of pocket. Every person is different with regards to recovery and the quality of the surgeon most likely matters too.

A couple things I'd say is ice as much as you can tolerate, whether it's with frozen peas/ice bag or whatever. I think that helped a lot in keeping swelling down. Take it easy and let your family take care of everything for you. Don't exert yourself much especially in those first days even for little things. I believe Arnica Montana was something the doctor recommended a few days before the surgery, maybe after too can't remember, to reduce bruising. They're like little pellets in a tube, you can get them at the Vitamin Shoppe. Not sure if they're classified as supplement/herbal or what not. I don't know if it actually helped but I think the bruising was fairly minimal considering. IIRC was back to work in about a week or 10 days. Again each person is different but I think these things were helpful.

EDIT: Just skimmed the thread earlier missed your post that you already had the surgery. Glad everything went okay even though the splints are still in.
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Had it in 2008.. No splints though.. My one nostril is still pretty blocked but i can breath out of it. I was fine in about a week, no bruising or anything but i had ice on a lot.
Hey Zap, you're practically making me faint just reading about this! Best of luck for the recovery and I hope it turns out to solve the problem!