OT-Sexual harassment policy for Rutgers' students

Yessirree bob, we needed 43 pages to communicate that.

I especially like this:

A. Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct, or communication of a sexual nature when:

Ya know, you can twist almost anything to make it look like it's of a sexual nature. Particularly since our society tends to use a lot innuendo in verbal communication.
Yessirree bob, we needed 43 pages to communicate that.

I especially like this:

Ya know, you can twist almost anything to make it look like it's of a sexual nature. Particularly since our society tends to use a lot innuendo in verbal communication.

I am glad i am not a college student anymore. These guys nowadays have to be walking on eggshells all day trying not to trigger anyone.
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I am glad i am not a college student anymore. These guys nowadays have to be walking on eggshells all day trying not to trigger anyone.
You got that right. Considering how we used to talk back when I was in school, most of my Chem. E. class and a good portion of the Marching Band would have been bounced out of school early in their tenure.
No means no, yes means no, if you're an accused guy you're guilty. Double guilty if you're on the Lacrosse team.
This policy would have been really awkward when I was a student / employee at RU in the mid-80s. I used to hire summer interns based on some pretty specific criteria...
Send the other sex back to Douglass like when I was in school. The Coopies never wanted to date a Rutgers guy anyway. Let the Princetons, Yaleis and Penns fend off the harrassment charges.