1. Hobbs should incentivize our merchandise deal in an effort to raise funds for the capital builds. i.e. Buy a T-Shirt, and a portion is donated to the Build Fund.
2. Take a serious look at our apparel. Michigan just signed a huge deal with Brand Jordan, and people camped out overnight for the gear.
3. Hobbs should send some apparel to high visibility people, and prominent Alumni. i.e. David Stern, Calista Flockhart, the CEO of Raytheon, the guy that's gonna play Luke Cage. Btw, Can we get Corey Booker to do a coin flip for homecoming.
4. Invite some of the prominent High School Coaches in the Non-revenue sports to attend some of the football games. Give em Great Seats, and a Swag Bag with nice gear (Champion or Nike).
Would love to see the Coach of St. Ben's Soccer, Eastern Women's Field Hockey, Paulsboro Wrestling, etc. . . on campus for Football.
and if he really wanted to hammer home the point, Hobbs/Barchi could reach out and host Mayors for one game, and High School Principals for another.
it's all about building relationships.
so yes, send the shirts, lol.