OT - SoCal Earthquake

Isn't a SoCal earthquake the same thing as an East Coast thunderstorm?
5.2 per USGS, about 12 miles from Borrego Springs. Just a little bit more movement as California heads out to sea.
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Who else felt it? It woke me up here in San Diego. Kids slept right through it though.
I was in the 1989 san Francisco earthquake after getting over the bridge from Chevron when it hit during the World Series. Son is leaving for UCLA this October for six years. He is already trying to get his PhD done either by year 4 or 5. I told him to buy property in the desert of Nevada since it will be beach front property when the next quake rips Southern Cal and makes an island off the Pacific
My third day of living on the beach in Carlsbad just north of San Diego greeted me at 4 AM with the Northridge quake. The bed rolled like I was body surfing. And I don't surf. After the 2nd or 3rd episode over a 14 year period you get used to the quakes and the fires. And miss them
They are having a big earthquake prep and tsunami drill here in the Seattle area this week - coming from the east coast the tsunami evacuation route signs are strange to see.
I lived in Cal in 1976,,,,,,was deciding whether to take a job offer and earthquake hit at 8pm.....I drove out in the morning.............LOL
My colleague just went out there yesterday - he was 15 miles from the epicenter - said it woke them up and, in his words: "scared the piss out of us".
Spanky I get that same feeling at least twice every night . The prostate gets what the prostate wants.
There's an awful lot of energy pent up in the west coast fault complexes. Structural geologists are fairly concerned as to how long it's going to hold out before it lets go somewhere between the Salton Sea and Vancouver Island. The region is very much due for what they call a "plate busting quake".
Buy property in Nevada for beach front property for grand kids

I wouldn't do that. At least, not in the context of geological time. Most of Nevada lies in a geographical province known as the "basin and range". The structure beneath it is stretching, very very slowly. Ultimately rifts will form that will produce one or both of two potential scenarios - either flooding, once the sea is admitted (the Sea of Cortez will eventually extend north and widen) or volcanic activity as magma rises to fill the voids in the thinning crust.
78 I lived through earthquakes and fires that were burning close enough that my ass was sweating but it was worth it for living in an outdoor paradise.
Screw. Thanks for leaving San Diego off of your to go list. I have an ex and some step kids there.