OT: Use of the maul in football


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Sep 30, 2005
New Zealand
We've seen several invasions of rugby into football in recent years, notably the rugby punt and rugby style tackling.

But I've noticed a third tactic that while probably not borrowed from rugby, certainly resembles it: the maul.

Maul is one of those funny terms you get in rugby, along with scrum and ruck. A maul is when there are players from each team engaged with each other, and the ball is off the ground in a player's hands. The attacking team gathers a bunch of players to simply push the other team back. Just saw this a second ago in Michigan State/Ohio State game. It seems like we are seeing this a lot more this year than in previous years.

Not sure, but is this the result of a rules change?
We've seen several invasions of rugby into football in recent years, notably the rugby punt and rugby style tackling.

But I've noticed a third tactic that while probably not borrowed from rugby, certainly resembles it: the maul.

Maul is one of those funny terms you get in rugby, along with scrum and ruck. A maul is when there are players from each team engaged with each other, and the ball is off the ground in a player's hands. The attacking team gathers a bunch of players to simply push the other team back. Just saw this a second ago in Michigan State/Ohio State game. It seems like we are seeing this a lot more this year than in previous years.

Not sure, but is this the result of a rules change?

Pretty sure the NCAA modified the assisting the runner rule to allow for pushing the ball carrier (still cant pull or lift), which has increased the maul like pushing of the pile to happen more often in games.
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Did you walk on your home dirt ?
I can think of about 43 ways to interpret that one!

But if you are asking if I've given up on America, absolutely not. Even though I think the election was the dumbest thing American voters have ever done, I have confidence in the strength of our institutions to weather the coming storm.
There was a change a few yeas ago. I did notice more RBs getting pushed in back - not sure I would like it as a RB!

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I can think of about 43 ways to interpret that one!

But if you are asking if I've given up on America, absolutely not. Even though I think the election was the dumbest thing American voters have ever done, I have confidence in the strength of our institutions to weather the coming storm.

You haven't lived in America for a while if you think voting for Hillary and keeping everything status quo would have been a good thing
You haven't lived in America for a while if you think voting for Hillary and keeping everything status quo would have been a good thing
Good point. I mean, why would you want the Dow, corporate profits, productivity, and the respect of the President abroad to be high, while unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and gas prices are low?
We'll see where all those are in about two years, after the change we so desperately need has taken place.
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Good point. I mean, why would you want the Dow, corporate profits, productivity, and the respect of the President abroad to be high, while unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and gas prices are low?
We'll see where all those are in about two years, after the change we so desperately need has taken place.

I don't know, why would you want this to all be done by dumping 4 Trillion dollars in the stock market with Quantitative Easing, have an economy that doesn't produce nearly enough good paying jobs, remove most of the factories from our country which produced jobs, have a 20 Trillion Dollar debt, create an environment that encourages a divide between races and be on the path to becoming a complete socialist country. Economy is on its way to tanking again in a big way.
I don't know, why would you want this to all be done by dumping 4 Trillion dollars in the stock market with Quantitative Easing, have an economy that doesn't produce nearly enough good paying jobs, remove most of the factories from our country which produced jobs, have a 20 Trillion Dollar debt, create an environment that encourages a divide between races and be on the path to becoming a complete socialist country. Economy is on its way to tanking again in a big way.
Sorry Dio, the US economy is in massively better shape than it was when Obama took office. And many economists, including conservative ones, see continued moderate growth. See, e.g. here, from Forbes. QE? See here on its effects. Economy doesn't produce nearly enough good paying jobs? Well, we would all like to make more money, but I doubt that anyone would want to be in the financial situation that was presented to this administration when it took over. Unemployment is under 5% as compared to over 10%.

The divide in the country? Think we are going to solve that through the appointment of white nationalists and old racists, or by demonizing judges because of their ethnicity?

Again, sorry, but what we can see now is that Obama was a very good president in very difficult times, and that the US has been fed a line of bull through ongoing deliberate misinformation, much of it endorsed and promoted by the president-elect, and perhaps the locus of the problem being run by the guy who is now his senior political advisor.

I keep hoping for the best from Trump, but for every Preibus, we get three Sessions, Bannons, and Flynns. Change for certain, but not hopeful.
Sorry Dio, the US economy is in massively better shape than it was when Obama took office. And many economists, including conservative ones, see continued moderate growth. See, e.g. here, from Forbes. QE? See here on its effects. Economy doesn't produce nearly enough good paying jobs? Well, we would all like to make more money, but I doubt that anyone would want to be in the financial situation that was presented to this administration when it took over. Unemployment is under 5% as compared to over 10%.

The divide in the country? Think we are going to solve that through the appointment of white nationalists and old racists, or by demonizing judges because of their ethnicity?

Again, sorry, but what we can see now is that Obama was a very good president in very difficult times, and that the US has been fed a line of bull through ongoing deliberate misinformation, much of it endorsed and promoted by the president-elect, and perhaps the locus of the problem being run by the guy who is now his senior political advisor.

I keep hoping for the best from Trump, but for every Preibus, we get three Sessions, Bannons, and Flynns. Change for certain, but not hopeful.

Enjoy New Zealand. Maybe when you live back in the states then we can talk.