An Eagle chick is sitting in his nest when his majestic father flys in. The chick looks up and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father Eagle replies "I don't know son, I'm an Eagle."
A guppy swims up to his father and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father says "It is a fish bowl but bigger. The Giants who feed us can never get one".
I fix. A couple of fish are swimming around in their fish bowl enjoying the food that the giant humans scattered into the water. The baby fish swims up to his father and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father says "It is a fish bowl but bigger. There are so few of them in the world that The Giants can never get one".Uhm, yeah, that makes ZERO sense.
I fix. A couple of fish are swimming around in their fish bowl enjoying the food that the giant humans scattered into the water. The baby fish swims up to his father and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father says "It is a fish bowl but bigger. There are so few of them in the world that The Giants can never get one".
I fix. A couple of fish are swimming around in their fish bowl enjoying the food that the giant humans scattered into the water. The baby fish swims up to his father and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father says "It is a fish bowl but bigger. There are so few of them in the world that The Giants can never get one".
Did the auto-refill on your meds run out?I fix. A couple of fish are swimming around in their fish bowl enjoying the food that the giant humans scattered into the water. The baby fish swims up to his father and asks "Dad what is a Super Bowl?" The father says "It is a fish bowl but bigger. There are so few of them in the world that The Giants can never get one".