My Dad was a really strict disciplinarian. Yes Ma'am, no sir, don't speak unless you are spoken to, etc.
I remember he loved to have us do errands. He'd be working on something and whistle for us to come running so that he could have us go fetch something. He'd say, "Go down to the basement and get me the 3/8" wrench with black electrical tape on the handle. It's in the second drawer behind the vice on the workbench next to the sump pump." I would hear, "Go down blah blah blah blah blah blah pump."
By the time I got to the basement, I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get, much less where it was. It just took him forever to explain anything. I'd come back upstairs without it, and he would go through the same litany, only with disdain. And I would zone on about the fourth word. I'd be looking right at him and nodding, but thinking about anything else in the world. Third time he'd walk me down, repeat his instructions all the way, show me the wrench and unfailingly say, "If it were a snake, you'd be dead."
But, he never missed a game I played in and took immense pride in anything I, or my three brothers ever accomplished. He was the best person in the world to tell good news to.
Drove me nuts, but I miss him.