OT: YouTube TV or HULU TV Experiences?

It's one account but yeah it can be on multiple devices at a time. You can also have your phone or iPad in a completely different market and if u have internet, you get TV. My parents house is in the Philly Market while my apartment is in the NY market. When I visit my parents the channels I get just switch to the Philly stations.

Considering most cable companies charge you a fee per cable box, which is absurd, it saves you so much money.
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I thought the Pulp Fiction quote was “dead and f*%king fried chicken”.

What I meant was that cutting the cord now may be a good deal but give it another year or two, it won’t be so cheap. I used to pay $100 for my fios triple play with all the bells and whistles. I think it was YouTube who raised their price $15 more a month once they added the Turner network saying “now you can watch the ncaa tournament blah blah blah”. YouTube still doesn’t have Viacom or Discovery/Scripps nets. When they eventually do add them, that cost gets passed on to you. YouTube also admitted that their subscription price isn’t sustainable but their priority is getting a foothold in the market. Price will go up as they add content. Price will go up as they make their own content. Distribution is buying up everything. Comcast is going to bid for Fox, which will give them the majority stake in Hulu. What happens when your data starts getting capped?

Alls I’m saying is enjoy the extra $40 now because it won’t be long before your cord cutting plan costs just as much as what you’re paying for cable.

Well, at least enjoy it while it lasts. In 2 years, 5g may dominate the airways and internet prices may plummet.
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and we'll all have flying cars too.

don't hold your breath. and why would you think internet prices would plummet?
I don't know about plummet and I can't tell you when but when wireless broadband into the the home becomes as fast and reliable as wired then I think the extra competition is going to be a benefit to the consumer.

People say cord cutting now but you're not really cutting anything because in the end your still tied your internet provider out of a choice of maybe 2. In the future though, if wireless broadband is as fast and reliable these carriers can compete across many markets not just a few suddenly you have 5 or 6 options.

Take an eccentric like John Legere, the CEO of T-Mobile. See what he did to the wireless market in an effort to gain market share. Sprint followed suit to some degree as well. They pushed ATT/Verizon on pricing, unlimited minutes, texts then eventually data and it was benefit to the consumer. Now a combined TMobile/Sprint with Legere still as CEO and the Softbank CEO Masason(majority owner in Sprint) also an aggressive person I see them doing the same to the broadband market for home. ATT/Verizon can also join the fray beyond their DirectTV/Fios assets as well so then now you have them along with the big cable guys like Comcast/Charter/Altice etc...all vying for share and that will be a benefit to the consumer.

We're seeing some consolidation now but I think there would have to be even more to put a kibosh on more competitive pricing in the future as it relates to broadband/media for the home.
and we'll all have flying cars too.

don't hold your breath. and why would you think internet prices would plummet?

Oh yeah, they're on the way baby!

and tell me u don't want one of these for nj traffic

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and we'll all have flying cars too.

don't hold your breath. and why would you think internet prices would plummet?

Maybe plummet is too strong of a word. Even if the prices don't decrease substantially, having multiple choices to the internet providers will be helpful. Right now, if I contact my cable provider, they are very unlikely to give me cheaper prices knowing I have little choice. That will change. In my area, having DirecTV Now, Sling TV, Hulu Live, Youtube TV has forced even Spectrum to offer TV service over internet and at least reduce or eliminate extra fees such as broadcast fee (what are broadcast fees??? - sounds like something a car salesman would charge).
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So I decided to try Hulu over DirectTV and YouTube. Didn’t like all the package options with DirectTV which increased price to $50 to $60 and the new DVR option appears to have issues and read service has some hiccups.

Only downside to Hulu is no AMC so will have to wait for Walking Dead and Saul after season is over, but I prefer binge watching anyway so no worries. I get the on demand Hulu for free and can get unlimited DVR and play on all screens for extra $20 but not sure I need now.

Working on a free trial through ROKU. Aside from getting used to the channel rolling by name (which doesn’t bother me) and the few second wait for buffering after changing channel, the service and TV quality is excellent.

Looks like I’m cutting the cord. Goodbye cable boxes and overpriced service and fees.
...eliminate extra fees such as broadcast fee (what are broadcast fees??? - sounds like something a car salesman would charge).
If it's the one I'm thinking of, it is directly related to network TV channels extracting new/additional fees from cable companies to carry their service over cable even though I understand from a customer perspective it sounds ridiculous since you can get them free OTA. But along these same lines, the fee that I fought long and hard with Comcast (and won, but only temporarily) to remove is the $10/mo "HD Technology Fee". I mean, c'mon Comcast, we're in 2018 now! I think you have long since recouped whatever costs were incurred initially to upgrade your system for HD.
So I’ve decided to finally cut the cord. I know there have been threads on this in the past but didn’t pay much attention.

For those who use a streaming service over Fios or cable, what are your thoughts/feedback/regrets? I’m leaning towards Hulu or YouTube. I already subscribe to Netflix. Only setback to either service is no AMC so I have to wait for Saul to hit Netflix or Blueray.

I have the channel comparison but curious as to performance and pitfalls. I have Roku smart TV’s and Fios 25 Mbps.

Your best solution is to go with YouTube TV and Philo.
YTTV-$40, Philo-$16. Together they have almost every worthwhile station you were getting on cable
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people as a whole are sheep.

mandated ala carte is the sane solution, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out not having mandated ala carte is beyond absurd, and can only exist in a totally corrupt environment.

what other store do you go into, where you aren't allowed to just buy what you want, but have to buy everything or nothing?

even more disgraceful when you consider this particular store, is essentially a utility.
echo same as above, about a year ago got Rokus for the TVs and subscribed to DirecTV Now. they just raised their monthly by $5 (now pay $55) but get BTN (no overflow, but I watch that on the BTN app on my ipad). 2 devices (TV or ipad) at a time. wife and I mostly watch, kids stream YT and other stuff on their devices and dont' really watch traditional TV. also counts as TV subscription which allows me to get access to BTN app (not BTN plus, which is still extra), DIsney, ESPN, AMC, FOX apps, etc and watch content that way I thought I read they were going to add MSG soon. Living in SF this works very well for me and my family. Used to pay opver $150 a month to Dish, which we liked, but not worth it anymore.
Seems like a good deal at $40/mo and it includes the HULU library.
Does anyone here have it?
I don't have it but it does have BTN. One poster here has it and mentioned that yesterday's game wasn't shown on it. I don't know how the individual markets apply to streaming vs. regular cable coverage.

Regardless though even if Hulu, YoutubeTV, DirectTV Now don't stream the game on their BTN channel, you still have access to the BTN app and can use your login to your streaming provider to access it.

Also I think for some the BTN app wasn't accessible but they did get it through the Fox Sports app, not sure why that happened though.
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I got lucky...Googled yesterdays game and got it on an internet site. Clear as a bell. But I would much rather be able to access via hulu or some other package. With HULU its $10 a week per game($40/mo)...and it includes the Hulu library. So $33/ for games...not bad !

I does worry me that the Texas game wasnt shown on hulu
I got lucky...Googled yesterdays game and got it on an internet site. Clear as a bell. But I would much rather be able to access via hulu or some other package. With HULU its $10 a week per game($40/mo)...and it includes the Hulu library. So $33/ for games...not bad !

I does worry me that the Texas game wasnt shown on hulu

Thank you all for all the good info!
Fubo has MSG and SNY.

My favorite is YouTube TV, but half the year I go to Fubo to watch the Red Bulls on MSG.

Hulu wasn't bad, but be warned that certain "DVR'd" programs you can't fast forward the commercials.
Fubo has MSG and SNY.

My favorite is YouTube TV, but half the year I go to Fubo to watch the Red Bulls on MSG.

Hulu wasn't bad, but be warned that certain "DVR'd" programs you can't fast forward the commercials.

For the same reason (msg and sny) I chose DirecTV Now. It operates really well on a firestick.
Just cut cord and went with YTTV. Like it a lot overall. No MSG, NFL or NHL Network but you get every other major and local sports Network.

Can add up to 6 accounts for personalized cloud DVR. DVR functionality could be improved as you can't set it to not record reruns and you can't "delete" an individual episode but it flags it as watched.

They also aren't broadcasting audio in 5.1 yet but I've read rumors that is slated to be rolled out sometime this year.

But those are minor nits.

I found the picture quality to be significantly better than FIOS.

Like it a lot overall and cut my TV/internet bill in half.