penn state fined ...


Jul 31, 2001
...and accepts record $2.4 million fine for Clery Act violation for failing to report Sandusky to feds.

Isn't this the same fine that we had posts on like a month ago? Or new one, because the last one didn't have much to do with Sandusky if I remember
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Slap on the wrist.
Just like the missing sanctions and penalities from the B1G.
I feel for the alumni who had no control of the events, but I would never employ anyone who attended that college after these events became public.
The penalty could have been worse if you ask Notre Dinero. Make Sandusky State vacate wins ;-)
Here's more detail on the fine (from Center Daily Times):

"The violations — totaling 11 — were taken from a 14-year span from 1998 to 2011, which included the allegations against Jerry Sandusky. The Sandusky violations were only a small percentage of the fines however, as the Department of Education looked at all aspects of Penn State’s failure to comply with the Clery Act in that time. Only $27,500 of the fines came from crimes directly related to Sandusky"

The fines directly related from Sandusky was approx 1.5% of the total

Wow, bragging that 98.5% of the fines concerned other issues serious enough to overshadow the Sandusky scandal related fines. Is that supposed to be a positive? Only at "We Are Pedophile State".
$2,372,500 worth of fines for non-Sandusky violations
So your point with this post is psu did a bunch of other bad things besides the Sandusky travesty?:eek: Is that really your defense?:confused: Man did the NCAA screw up by reducing your sanctions.
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LOL, Pedd State.

OTOH I'm sure the NCAA will give back the money in a year or two.
That school should be napalmed. Only fire can purge that much evil.
So your point with this post is psu did a bunch of other bad things besides the Sandusky travesty?:eek: Is that really your defense?:confused: Man did the NCAA screw up by reducing your sanctions.

You've mistaken me for a Nit. The spirit of my post is comparable to yours in that, yes, there seem to be substantially more violations besides Sandusky. When PSU points out how little of the fine is JS-related it's important to ask about the total
You've mistaken me for a Nit. The spirit of my post is comparable to yours in that, yes, there seem to be substantially more violations besides Sandusky. When PSU points out how little of the fine is JS-related it's important to ask about the total
OOPs my bad:grimace: