He fumbled doing the Heisman?Here's another asshat, Lamar Jackson, posing the "Heisman" before fumbling and losing the game:
He fumbled doing the Heisman?Here's another asshat, Lamar Jackson, posing the "Heisman" before fumbling and losing the game:
He fumbled doing the Heisman?
From what I saw, a fan was jawing at Peppers and Peppers (acceptably, IMO) pushed the fan away. A ref saw it and escorted Peppers to Hardoosh's police escort. tOSU fans were definitely a risk to UM's players, let's be real here. Same thing if the game was in the Big House and UM won.1st off, there were not "30K" on the field, lol, and secondly there were plenty of other Michigan players on the field. Peppers was the ONLY Michigan player partaking in JH's police escort.
Agreed see my earlier responses.From what I saw, a fan was jawing at Peppers and Peppers (acceptably, IMO) pushed the fan away. A ref saw it and escorted Peppers to Hardoosh's police escort. tOSU fans were definitely a risk to UM's players, let's be real here. Same thing if the game was in the Big House and UM won.
Agreed see my earlier responses.
Pushing & shoving before the Clemson USCe game. Hell Fournette pushed a COACH last weekend.From what I saw, a fan was jawing at Peppers and Peppers (acceptably, IMO) pushed the fan away. A ref saw it and escorted Peppers to Hardoosh's police escort. tOSU fans were definitely a risk to UM's players, let's be real here. Same thing if the game was in the Big House and UM won.
Completely agree he is. VK I've met you & have gotten tickets from you. Grew up in North Jersey. The kid is a gifted athlete & complete tool.Peppers is about peppers. Now that he isn't going to NY and no chance of playoff he'd probably rather not play. Start prepping for the draft.
Yup, remember who you areCompletely agree he is. VK I've met you & have gotten tickets from you. Grew up in North Jersey. The kid is a gifted athlete & complete tool.
However people here want to give Ray Ray a pass for knocking out a GIRL. Peppers reacted like a sore loser & jacked a kid that pushed him/was pushed into him.
I don't watch much pro football but I've seen Odell carry on with this bullshite. It's what they see on TV and try to emulate.
Completely agree he is. VK I've met you & have gotten tickets from you. Grew up in North Jersey. The kid is a gifted athlete & complete tool.
However people here want to give Ray Ray a pass for knocking out a GIRL. Peppers reacted like a sore loser & jacked a kid that pushed him/was pushed into him.
I don't watch much pro football but I've seen Odell carry on with this bullshite. It's what they see on TV and try to emulate.
That's a punch? Looks like a pushHe punched an OSU fan in way off the field.
What a d'bag. Hope he's suspended for next Michigan game.
He punched an OSU fan in way off the field.
What a d'bag. Hope he's suspended for next Michigan game.
I had a heated debate on here years ago regarding RR. Yes people on this very board say "he should play in the NFL", "if his wife forgives him".....Few people want to give him a pass. But Ray was allegedly drunk and he was in a fight with his fiance--does not make it right what he did. Peppers was sober and just being a douche and a sore loser when he assaulted a total stranger for no reason other than he is a douche and a sore loser.
I had a heated debate on here years ago regarding RR. Yes people on this very board say "he should play in the NFL", "if his wife forgives him".....
And the fact that he's drunk & can knock out a girl?
Peppers IS a douche.
Watch the replay he didn't randomly launch a haymaker (drunk or not), he was pushed in a crowd on the field. HE WAS PROBABLY THINKING HE WAS GETTING PAYBACK FROM A BUCKEYE.
I hope he didn't give the guy whatever STD he's been passing to the co-eds at Michigan!I had a heated debate on here years ago regarding RR. Yes people on this very board say "he should play in the NFL", "if his wife forgives him".....
And the fact that he's drunk & can knock out a girl?
Peppers IS a douche.
Watch the replay he didn't randomly launch a haymaker (drunk or not), he was pushed in a crowd on the field. HE WAS PROBABLY THINKING HE WAS GETTING PAYBACK FROM A BUCKEYE.
Now we can agree on something.Let me be clear. I was not excusing Ray for being drunk. I was just saying there is a huge difference in his situation (drunk, fighting with his fiance --STILL VERY WRONG), and Peppers--sober, lost a game and is just angry, no provocation. Both are wrong, but Peppers is bigger douche for what he did.
Yes, he randomly punched a fan who bumped into him innocently. He is a huge douche, and if I was an NFL owner, I would not have him on my team.
Like a tree?:confused:He's a birch just like his head coach.
I believe he was "gloved up"I hope he didn't give the guy whatever STD he's been passing to the co-eds at Michigan!
We do agree on that, but one other thing--as long as the indiscretion is not on video, anything goes (Ray Lewis). Peppers' pop of the fan was minor but shows he has character issues.Now we can agree on something.
However we both know the owners (typically & yes made the example out of RR) don't care (see Ray Lewis) as long as you can produce.
His stock may have dropped in the draft, maybe not. That's a reflection of the culture in the NFL.
Dude, that's assault. Peppers should be suspended for the bowl game.
Agreed againWe do agree on that, but one other thing--as long as the indiscretion is not on video, anything goes (Ray Lewis). Peppers' pop of the fan was minor but shows he has character issues.
Another one who I think got off too light was Corey Clement at Wisconsin-did basically the same thing Ruhann Peele did, except he started the fight, popped someone, lied to the police, and later had to recant his story because it was on video. The difference? He plays at Wisconsin and he was a lousy punch--he got a one game suspension.
There's a reason why they have character witnesses in a court of law. Character is not established by a one time event but by a pattern of behavior over time. Peppers' pattern of behavior puts him in the douche category. Ray Rice's pattern of behavior puts him in the good guy who made a really, Really BIG mistake category.Not saying I approve of it. He did react like a dou*he nonetheless.
I'm just tired of everyone here saying they want to win at all costs but when athletes are "fired up", marginal students etc they say they don't want them. I'm sure EVERY top flight program has some headcase kids on their teams. But when a kid that turned us down does something off base he's a POS. But when one of our own (ex) does it, it's forgiven. And yes I'm talking about RR. What he did was 1000 times worse & wasn't after a HUGE loss.
Let the fighting begin
RR got a pass?Completely agree he is. VK I've met you & have gotten tickets from you. Grew up in North Jersey. The kid is a gifted athlete & complete tool.
However people here want to give Ray Ray a pass for knocking out a GIRL. Peppers reacted like a sore loser & jacked a kid that pushed him/was pushed into him.
I don't watch much pro football but I've seen Odell carry on with this bullshite. It's what they see on TV and try to emulate.
I wrote WANT TO GIVE HIM A PASS. He did lose money, yup. Lots of people mess up in similar ways & never had to opportunity he had. Hopefully he invested well & can continue to lecture on abuse both alcohol & physical. Maybe he can use his connections he made in the NFL to turn a colossal mistake into something positive.RR got a pass?
He, and his wife, who he punched.. have lost significant income and standing from what appears very much to be a one-time drunken event.
Up until that point, RR had been a real role model.. though one clearly with a demon where alcohol consumption was involved. RR embraced his hometown community and his adopted town community in very real ways.
If anyone should have gotten a pass, it was RR.. and he did not get one. Probably because his crime was caught on video.
And AreYou Nuts.. thx for that Lamar Jackson link.. HAHA.. Heisman poser lost the game.. to hated rival Kentucky! In FOOTBALL!
I would press chargesDude, that's assault. Peppers should be suspended for the bowl game.
Not excusing it pointing out hypocrisy.Peppers is a finely tuned D1 athlete with a helmet and pads on. What is some (likely) drunken college aged kid going to do to him? He under NO circumstances should lay his hands on a fan. Stop excusing this atrocious behavior please.
That fan should start medical treatment and file a lawsuit day after NFL draft!! $$Guys a prick. Video of him shoving an Ohio st fan after the game
Guy would be best player on RU in past decade, it's one thing to hate on someone, another thing to be a dumbass
Maybe if he hit that hard on the field they would have won game. Overhyped assholeThat's a punch? Looks like a push
Glad the 2 douchbags lost.Peppers reminds me of that rap group N*A ( a few hours ago with $3.25 per day food benefit left for the month I gave a homeless guy from the same race some food-because he asked nicely).